The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 1202: Heavy rain (two more)

  Chapter 1202 Mountains and rain are heavy (two more)

   "He doesn't know the composition, the idea, the color perception and aesthetic talent are almost zero."

  Shiyang lightly,

  "Physics, astronomy, boring experiments and complicated data processing...Do you know that she has no interest in these at all?"

  "What are they talking about together? They don't have any common hobbies. They are completely people of two worlds. Such two people shouldn't be together in the first place."

  There is a huge gap between them.

   "I am different. I know her so well. She wants to see an exhibition, wants to chat, is happy or upset, and the pen is on the paper. No one understands her better than me."

  He has seen many of her paintings.

  Her happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy are all on paper.

  The first twenty years of his life have been stable and smooth.

  He is a standard child from another family, with outstanding talent, sensible and courteous.

  Others practice repeatedly, and the paintings they draw are still no better than his casual ones.

   Praise, praise, envy, look up.

  He can easily get things that others have not been able to get after a long time.

  In the eyes of everyone, he is the proud son of heaven. They all aspire to be him and have everything he has.

  However, maybe it was because he thought all of this was too easy to get, or he was born with no interest in these—the extraneous emotions would only disgust him.

  Praise can't make him happy, admiration can't make him happy.

  As if from having his own consciousness, he naturally lacked something.

  At first, he didn't realize that he was different from others, until when he was a child, he liked a cat that was just bought by the neighbor's child.

  He wanted to take the cat back, but of course the other party disagreed. In the end, he said, he agreed to lend it to him for an afternoon.

  When the family came to pick it up at night, they found that the kitten had been killed by him with a fruit knife.

  Everyone was shocked.

  However, he held the cat's body and refused to let go.

   "This is mine."

  He said.

  That day, he was slapped by his parents for the first time.

   was also the beginning of that time. He knew that some thoughts could not be told to others.

  They will not understand.

  He has always been smart, and once he suffered a loss, he would never have a second time.

  So he admits his mistakes, apologizes, and repents.

  He became Shiyang with a gentle temper and elegant courtesy in everyone's eyes.

  He sneered at those, but crushed them to pieces to shape a golden body for himself.

  Everyone wears a mask on his face, including him, it’s not difficult.

  He is used to and good at acting people's favorite appearance. Over time, the mask is worn for a long time, blends into the flesh, penetrates into the muscles and bones, and can no longer be removed.

  Until he met Gu Tingyin.

  Fresh, agile and innocent.

  She loves to laugh.

  Since that cat died, he has not felt the impulse called "like" so clearly for many years.

  He looked at her class schedule, inquired about the exhibitions she was going to see, and asked her favorite painters and subjects.

  Of course he has many ways to know these from various ways.

  She is so transparent after all.

  He looks at her paintings. Sometimes he is lucky and can get the scraps drawn in her class.

   Either joy or sadness, she was clear like a handful of spring water, as long as he stretched out his hand, he could touch all the thoughts in her heart.

  At that time, he was surprised how boring his life was in the first two decades.

  She is colorful and jumping.

  How could he not like her?

  Shen Li stood there, and the rain continued to trickle down her cheeks.

  She was already drenched all over, and the autumn wind rolled in, bringing a deep chill.

   "So you killed her."

  Her voice is very soft, almost crushed in the wind and rain,

   "Just because she doesn't like you, you tried to find someone to kidnap you but failed, and you set off a fire a few years later?"

"not me."

  Shiyang's eyebrows slightly frown,

"Didn’t I already tell you, I like her so much, how can I be willing? It just happened that someone wanted to blackmail a ransom, and later, the man who happened to live downstairs failed in his business, but there was still a big family who wanted keep."

  He repeated:

   "I said, I can't bear it."

  Shen Li didn't say a word, and it seemed rain fell in those peach blossom eyes, which was extremely dark and cold.

   "There are really not many similarities between you and her."

  Shiyang looked at her, suddenly the conversation turned, his tone seemed a bit regretful,

   "So I don't like you very much. You shouldn't be born, do you know?"

  Her existence reminds him all the time that Gu Tingyin belongs to Shen Zhijin.

  He can't sleep day and night, and suffers every minute and every second.

   "It would be great if there was no you." Shi Yang sighed, "That way, she won't die."

   Originally, he thought that no matter sooner or later, she would eventually have the day that belonged to him.

   "June 26th."

  This fantasy is shattered forever.

  He no longer hesitated.

  He wants to take the cat home.


  It was windy and rainy.

  The black sports car circled up the mountain road, very fast.

  The road was littered with withered yellow leaves, which were picked up by the wind from the car, thrown off the cold water droplets, and swirled down again.

  Lu Huai and his face were cold, and their whole body seemed to be wrapped in a strong, unresolvable chill.

  The mountain road is steep, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and rain water keeps falling on the car windows.

  The chaotic picture keeps appearing in front of my eyes.

   Frame by frame, scene by scene.

   Stagger, overlap, flashback.

  Something seems to be heavy on the heart, and the oxygen in the chest cavity is constantly plundered.

  The fine and faint pain spread along the whole body, gradually becoming intense and biting.

  He closed his eyes, trying to get rid of all those images from his mind, but the more so, the clearer the pain.

  Mixed sounds rang in my ears.

  At the moment of a sudden brake, the tires rubbed against the ground, the engine roared, and it shattered with a sad scream!

  He raised his hand and yanked open the collar of his shirt, trying to free himself from the tightness.

  A button broke apart and fell into a dark corner without a trace.

  Blue veins appeared on the back of his hand, and he could barely breathe.

   But, without her.

  Still without her.

  The mountains and rain are heavy ahead.

  He speeds up again!


"Zhijin has already rushed to the mountain. Judging from the situation of mobile phone positioning, the distance between him and Yu Yu is shrinking. But now there are two problems. First: it is impossible to determine the location of Yu Yu's mobile phone, that is, Shen The location of Li. Second: Yu Yu’s phone has stopped moving ten minutes ago."

  Zhao Hengshan stared at the screen, frowning,

  "For so long, Shi Yang hasn't appeared in any bayonet, so he should be on the mountain. But there is only one road on the mountain. Huai and Huai are behind him. It is estimated that... Shi Yang will catch up with Shen Li and the others sooner."

  This is very troublesome.

   "Zhao Ju."

  Gu Tinglan suddenly walked over, still holding a mobile phone in his hand.

  Zhao Hengshan was taken aback, subconsciously picked up.

   "Director Zhao, I am Shen Zhijin."

  The voice of Shen Zhijin condensing,

   "Up to Xishan, there is another way."

  (End of this chapter)