The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 342: Please go out (five watch)

  Chapter 342 Please go out (five more)

  Mi Shang was taken aback, a little unbelievable:

   "Ning? The designer of the Flower and Moon series?"

   "Yes, who else could it be if it wasn't that?"

  The model lowered her voice:

   "The first person who came in has already waited for half an hour, but Ning did not come, the interview has not started. You see, they are all waiting!"

  Ning's news coming today, they didn't know at first.

  It was also after waiting for a while before I found out some news.

  G&S interviews, let alone half an hour, they can wait no matter how long they are.

  What's more, Ning will also come this time?

  Mi Shang also followed with anxiety and excitement.

  "Didn’t you say that Ning didn’t want to make it public? The last press conference didn’t show up until the end, what happened this time?"

  As she asked, she looked around carefully, trying to meet the rumored designer.

Seeing her reaction, the model beside    couldn't help laughing.

   "Don't look at it, people are here, but they won't show up here."


  "Did you see the camera over there? All the situations on our side will be broadcast live. On the surface, Edmund and the others are in charge of the interview, but in the final analysis, it is the one who made the decision."

  Hearing this, Mi Shang finally understood.

  It was also at this time that she discovered that, including the one next to her, those models who had been waiting here for a long time had always maintained their best posture.

  It turned out to be because that person is still watching, no wonder

  She immediately silenced her, her back straightened up a little bit, for fear that someone might not behave badly and be seen by that person, which would eliminate her.

   At this moment, Edmond, who was sitting in the middle position, touched the Bluetooth headset on his ear and nodded in response.

  In the quiet room, his answer is very clear.

  Everyone concentrated.

   Edmund looked up and said:

"let's start."

  Lounge room.

  Xu Yinyi sat down on the sofa and took off her sunglasses.

  The makeup she put on today is relatively heavy, but when you look closely, you can still see that her eyes are a little red and swollen, and the whole person is not in good spirits, and she feels haggard.

  After returning from Lu's house that day, she didn't sleep well for several days.

  Whether it is Lu Huai and this resolute method, or the attitude of the old man, it is difficult for her to accept.

  In addition to Lu's pressure, she has recently collapsed a lot of cooperation, and the pressure on her whole person is also great.

  Come to G&S today, she deliberately changed her red coat and aunt's lipstick, just to make her complexion look better.

  But the effect is limited.

  It’s okay to wear sunglasses, once you remove it, it's obvious when you look up close.

  Merry poured her a cup of hot water:

   "Beautiful, did not sleep well yesterday?"

  Xu Yinyi nodded with no energy, a bit of tiredness and impatience appeared between her eyebrows and eyes.

   Meili looked hesitant.

   Although she doesn’t know much about the Lu family and the Xu family, she is a gold medalist in the circle and has a lot of contacts, so she also inquired about what happened at Chateau Latour that night.

  At first, she felt strange. Although Lu Er Shao didn't like Xu Yinni, he had never used such a method before.

   is now half blocked

  She didn't understand until she asked about the situation that day.

  There was a lot of trouble in that matter, no wonder Lu Erhui was so unrelenting.

  And, because of this, Xu Yinni has been in a bad state during this period.

  Speaking of it, Xu Yinyi is indeed to blame.

  But she is Xu Yinni's agent, of course, she still has to stand in Xu Yinni's position.

"Lovely, don’t think too much about it. The public relations department is already trying to suppress the news. As long as it is handled well, the follow-up will not have much impact. Especially today’s negotiation with G&S, if the negotiation goes smoothly, It can completely make up for the endorsements you lost before."

  "It’s a long time, if you publish some works, everyone will naturally forget about this period of time."

  Xu Yi Yinyin nodded.

  Of course she understands all the truth, but she feels uncomfortable and can't get past the threshold.

  She glanced at the time and her mood became more and more irritable.

   "It's been so long, why hasn't Edmund come yet?"

  Merry Road:

   "I just heard from their people that Edmund is an interviewer today, so he might come here later."

  In this case, there is really no way.

   can only wait.

  Xu Yinyi had to swallow that breath back and continue to wait.

  After another half an hour, Xu Yinni felt that she couldn't wait any longer.

  "Where is the place where they interviewed? I'll go over and take a look."

  Merry didn't think it was suitable.

  "Awesome, you are different from them, why go there? Let's just wait here."

  But Xu Yinni has been in a bad mood recently, so she is really unwilling to wait any longer.

  She put on sunglasses.

  "Isn’t it just an interview, what happened if I went to see it?"

  As she said, she opened the door.

  The sound of high heels stepping on the ground came from the corridor outside, and several young girls were talking.

   "It's a pity, I thought I could see Ning today! Even if I can't be selected, I can see a real person with my own eyes, this trip is not a loss!"

   "Hey, don't say see you, I didn't even hear a sound."

   "I really envy those two who have already been selected, they can be attracted by Ning, and participate in this G&S show, their worth will be different in the future."

  They talked and walked away.

  Xu Yinyi opened the door and walked towards the interview room on the ninth floor.

  Merry quickly followed.

  There is a gap in the door of the interview venue.

  The selected models have all stayed, and the eliminated ones have left one after another.

  Xu Yinyi knocked on the door, and then pushed the door directly without waiting for an answer.

  Everyone looked over.

  Xu Yinyi looked at Edmund and smiled.

   "Hi Edmund, are you still busy?"

  Speaking, she walked inside.

   Edmund held his hand on the Bluetooth headset, and then said:

   "Sorry, Miss Xu, this is the interview venue, non-interviewers are not allowed to come in."

   "So, please go out."

    I went to see the movie today, happy~



  (End of this chapter)