The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 424: Confrontation (five shifts)

  Chapter 424 Confrontation (five more)

  Su Yuan and Ye Ci went upstairs and found house number 903.

  Su Yuan suppressed the emotions in her heart, and said to Ye Ci:

   "Xiao Ci, go in later, mom will talk to her."

  Ye Ci nodded.

   "I know, Mom. Don't worry, I won't let her bully you."

  Su Yuan adjusted her breathing, feeling a little more confident in her heart, and then knocked on the door.

  The first time no one responded, and the second time, there was a charming young woman's voice.


  Su Yuan was annoyed when she heard this voice.

  It's not serious when you hear it!

  She didn't say anything, but kept knocking on the door.

  There are footsteps.


  The woman came over and opened the door, and she opened and smiled and acted like a baby.

   "Husband, why are you here so early today——"

  The door opened, and the two sides looked at each other, her voice stopped abruptly.

   Seeing that young and charming face and her swollen belly, Su Yuan's blood rushed to her head.

  "You are Liu Ying, right?"

  When Liu Ying saw Su Yuan, she knew it was bad.

  As soon as her face changed, she was about to close the door immediately!

   However, Su Yuan finally found this place, how could she stop there?

  She raised her foot and walked in.

   "It seems that you know me. But I still have to introduce myself. I am Su Yuan, Ye Ming's wife."

   Liu Ying stepped back, a little panicked.

   "You, what do you want to do!?"

  She touched her stomach and became hardened again.

   "Let me tell you, Ye Ming's son is here! Do you dare to move me and try!"

   Probably this son really gave her a lot of confidence and directly threatened Su Yuan.

  Su Yuan was almost mad, but she still held back.

  She sneered:

  "When you are young, you know to hook up with men, who knows whose wild species you are pregnant with! Let's talk about children. Xiao Ci is the jewel in the palm of the Ye family. What are you and you wild species?"

   Liu Ying looked at Ye Ci and bit her lip.

  Of course she knew that this was the eldest lady of the Ye family, Ye Ci.

  Su Yuan motioned to Ye Ci to close the door.

   Liu Ying was even more frightened.

  She is alone, still pregnant, how can she be the opponent's opponent?

  She immediately went to the living room to get her mobile phone and wanted to call Ye Ming.

  Su Yuan took the lead and took her mobile phone in the past.

  Liu Ying shouted: "Give me your phone back!"

  Su Yuan sneered:

   "When the talk is over, it will naturally be returned to you."

   Liu Ying gradually realized that today this matter cannot be easily resolved.

   "What do you mean? I have nothing to discuss with you!"

  Su Yuan hugged her arms and looked at her, her eyes full of sarcasm and contempt.

   "What you want, isn't it money? I will give it to you. But you must go and induce labor for this child. After you get the money, you will immediately drop out of school, get out of Yunzhou, and never come back again."

   Liu Ying seemed to hear a joke.

  "What are you kidding? Why should I listen to you?"

  Su Yuan said: "You can make a price."

  Liu Ying is pregnant, then she can’t do the same as those who arrested Xiaosan on the street, and that’s too shameful.

  The disaster that needs to be solved most is that child.

  At this point, Liu Ying did not panic.

  She sat down on the sofa and grinned.

   "I like him. It doesn't matter how much money you open. I won't leave him."

  She touched her belly, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were smug.

   "Besides, he likes this kid, and he has chosen his nickname."

  This is a son. With this birth, her whole life will be changed.

  She is not stupid, of course she knows what to do to maximize her own interests.

  Su Yuan was already irritated, but when she saw Liu Ying being so arrogant, she was shaking with anger.

   "You want to be shameless!"

   Liu Ying was scolded, her face was difficult to look, she laughed out loud as she watched her.

"Aunt Su, what right do you have to scold me? You are not his original partner, are you? Oh, yes, you seem to have been divorced once before, and even have a daughter with your ex-husband, don’t you? That’s comparable to me. You are strong."


   Liu Ying's teeth are sharp and her mouth is sharp, and every word is poked into Su Yuan's lung tube.

  Ye Ci looked at her coldly:

  "This child, you must fight. I will not admit that such an illegitimate child is my brother."

   Liu Ying looked at her, but she was not timid at all.

   "Ye Ci? Do you admit it, is it that important?"

  She laughed, mockingly.

   "How much trouble did you bring to your dad, do you have no idea in your heart?"

   Ye Ci turned blue.

  This is what she can't hear the most right now.

  However, Liu Ying didn't care.

  She shrugged.

   "Your dad has raised you for so many years, but now it's a waste. Why are you so happy when he knows that I'm pregnant? It's not you, and your brother who can't support the wall?"

   Yezi's eyelids jumped, and the tight string in his head almost broke.

  At this moment, the door of the room was opened.

  Ye Ming actually came.

  He saw the situation in the room, and his face immediately sank.

  "Why are you here!?"

  He obviously hides Liu Ying enough, who knows that Su Yuan still got it! Even with Ye Ci!

  When Liu Ying saw him, she stood up and shouted aggrievedly:


  Su Yuan is almost exasperated.

  In front of her, this **** dared to shout like this!

   Liu Ying was the first to cry:

   "Husband, they told me to knock off the child"

  Ye Ming's temple jumped straight.

   "Su Yuan! Give me home immediately! And Ye Ci, if you are not ready to study abroad, what are you doing here!? Are you doing this all day long!"

   Liu Ying said "Ah" and swept Ye Ci up and down again.

   "She is going to study abroad? Where is she going?"

The words    completely broke the string in Ye Ci's mind.

  This is Ye Ming's purpose?

   Expend her, get rid of her trouble completely, and leave all the remaining assets to his illegitimate child? !

  She raised her hand abruptly and slapped Liu Ying fiercely!


   Liu Ying never expected that Ye Ci would do something suddenly. She was unprepared for a moment, staggered and fell to the side.

  Somehow she slipped under her feet, and her belly hit the sharp corner of the coffee table!


  (End of this chapter)