The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 567: National Sister (four more)

  Chapter 567 National Sister (four more)

  The situation on the Internet is getting worse.

  More and more people began to condemn Lin Fengmian, asking him to give an answer.

  However, for the whole night, there was no movement in Lin Fengmian.

  It looked like she was afraid to respond with a guilty conscience.

  Or simply intending to pretend to be dead and want to deal with it coldly.

  However, this time, it is obviously impossible to perfuse it by such a method.

  Frustration and scolding, fanfare and humiliation under his Weibo, like a wave, continue to flow in.

  Wu Yuanfan is going crazy, and the public relations department of Huayi Entertainment is about to collapse.

  At the beginning, no one thought that things would develop into this step.

  This is happening now, no matter how to deal with it, I am afraid that Lin Fengmian's vitality will be severely injured.

  But now Lin Fengmian is still injured, and Wu Yuanfan can't do much if he gets angry again.

  In the end, I had to go back sadly.

  Rongyue Mansion.

  It is almost twelve o'clock, and the trend of public opinion on the Internet has almost fallen to one side.

  Ning Li sat on the sofa and sent a message to Lin Fengmian.

  Lu Huai and came over, seeing this scene, his eyebrows were slightly raised.

   "What did Lin Fengmian say over there?"

  Ning Li shook her head.

   "He just said that staying up late is not good, let me sleep well."

  Lu Huai and smiles are not smiles.

   "Really sensible."

  Ning Li glanced at him silently.

  It seems to them that whether she has a good night's sleep is the most important thing.

  As for this storm on the Internet, I really don’t worry at all.

  Lu Huaiyu walked around the sofa and leaned over to pick her up.

   "Be obedient, sleep."

  He smiled at the corner of his lips,

   "Why don't you need to worry about these things."

  Ning Li ran outside for a day today. After watching Lin Fengmian, she has been busy with G&S for a long time. She is really sleepy now.

  Things are a bit tricky, but not completely unsolvable.

  She subconsciously nudged Lu Huai in her arms.

  Lu Huai and took her back to the bedroom and coaxed her to sleep before leaving the room.

  He took out his phone, his eyes squinted slightly.

  Late night, a blogger named "Author Lin Lin" posted a long Weibo.

  【Hello everyone, I am Lin Zhixiao, the editor-in-chief of the Lincheng Evening News. I just learned to go to Weibo, and there are many things I don't understand. If there are mistakes, please correct me. 】

  【I didn't intend to disturb everyone, but I have seen many false rumors about Lin Fengmian and his sister on the Internet recently. As one of the few people who have some understanding of this pair of siblings, I think I still want to take this opportunity to clarify some things. 】

  【Ten years ago, I was an ordinary reporter of the Lincheng Evening News. On October 17 of that year, we received news that an eight-year-old boy was poisoned by gas in a household in the old city west of the city. Fortunately, another eight-year-old girl was rescued by smashing glass. After hearing this, we originally wanted to do an interview, but was rejected by the parents of the child, and in the end only issued a general press release. 】

   [One month after the incident, I went back to visit again, but I saw that the two children were being beaten up by a few older children. I hurried forward to pull them away,

   asked them why they were bullied, but they refused to speak. Later, the girl's grandmother and mother came back, and I told them about this, and then I got a general understanding of their situation. 】

  [When the boy was very young, his father died of illness, and his mother pulled him up alone. The gas was poisoned that day, but it was because he was too hungry to be locked at home and wanted to cook himself a meal. As for the girl, her parents divorced, her mother remarried, her father went to jail, and she lived alone with her grandmother. 】

  [Because of their special family background, these two children are targets of rejection and bullying by their peers. It was an opportunity to save people that time. Two women with the same fate, each with a child, supported each other in the most difficult environment. 】

  【The boy was fifteen years old and his mother died of illness. He has an amazing musical talent and he wants to be on stage. Originally, he was not worthy to talk about "dreams", but fortunately, his sister would help people draw sketches in the park and make coffee in cafes. My sister saved money and bought him a ticket to go abroad. I forgot to mention that I took the bank cards for the two siblings. 】

  【For more than two years abroad, my elder sister will regularly pay my younger brother for living expenses every month. I have said several times that I can help, but I was declined. The elder sister said that she can afford grandma and younger brother and does not need anyone's help. 】

  【Last year, the old man passed away. Since then, both sister and younger brother have no parents to rely on, no relatives to depend on. But fortunately, his younger brother now finally has a first name, his name is Lin Fengmian. 】

  Under the long article, the blogger also attached a photo.

  That was the Lincheng Evening News on October 18th ten years ago.

The position in the lower right corner of    is the news bulletin that year.

   only occupies a small space, the paper has turned yellow after a long time.

  Only two people are mentioned in   ——

  An eight-year-old boy, Lin Mou.

   Ning, an eight-year-old girl.

  At the end of the blog post, he asked

  ——There is indeed no blood relationship between them, but is it really the most important thing to have this layer of fetters?

  Because this blogger is a newly registered account, there are not many fans, plus it was posted in the middle of the night, no one noticed it at first.

  Later, an entertainment blogger with millions of fans reposted it and quickly got everyone's response.

  After that, various marketing accounts came to an end one after another, and Lin Fengmian’s fans also rushed to it.

  By the morning, the forwarding had broken through 50,000.

  This reversal shocked everyone.

   [My God, before Lin Fengmian's house conditions were not very good. Was it so miserable? 】

  【I burst into tears! I really feel so distressed! 】

  【He lost his father when he was young, and his mother was lost when he was young. Later, his grandma also died. So, brother Fengmian, only the sister is left, right? 】

[His life was saved by my sister, and his ticket was bought by my sister. When he was injured, the porridge he ate was cooked by my sister. We are just strangers who admire his starlight. Only my sister is his only one. The closest person! 】

  [My sister is so poor, she is as big as a cub, but she has to bear so much. Maple Leafs really thank you sister! 】

  At the same time, another blogger posted another Weibo.

  [Windmian’s Ears: Jimei! Come and see if this is your sister! 】

  Two photos.

  One is the one taken by Lin Fengmian and Ning Li in the apartment, and the other is a photo of a girl in military uniform standing on the podium at the celebration ceremony of the 120th anniversary of Xijing University.

  The blogger screamed excitedly in the comment area.

【Ah ah ah ah ah! This is Ning Li, the science champion in the college entrance examination in Province M this year! This one is speaking at the school celebration ceremony as the representative of the new students of Xijing University this year! If I remember correctly, she won the first place in the national physics competition last year with a full score! Really learn! God! what! It turns out that Zai Zai's sister is her! No wonder the mathematics and physics are so good! 】

  【Sister is great! Teach my brother well! 】

  【Jimei, sister, I called first! 】

    is even more expensive today.



  (End of this chapter)