The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 694: Premiere (five watch)

  Chapter 694 Premiere (five more)

  The high imitation painting that was exhibited in a gallery before almost imitated her skills and style of painting by 80%, and the degree of deception was extremely high.

  If it were not for her to identify herself, those people probably would not believe it, the painting is fake.

  Of course, if you can hide from the many reviewers of a gallery, you can already prove that the artist's level of the painting is definitely not low.

  Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a degree of falsehood.

  In the painting market, fake paintings have never been cut off.

  The higher the value, the more imitators.

  As long as you can sell a fake painting, you can get huge profits.

  This temptation is something that many people cannot resist.

  Shen Li returned the message.

  【Send me the results found. 】

  Three minutes later, she received a reply.

  【Name: Mu Xinye. Sex: Male. Age: unknown. 】

   Staring at this line, Shen Li frowned.

  There is only one name, the gender is determined, all other information is unknown?

  【No more? 】

【Yes it is. The other party entrusted a third party to send the high copy painting to a gallery, so the information is very limited. Only these are available for the time being. 】

  Shen Li's eyes squinted slightly.

  Obviously, the other party came prepared, and made comprehensive preparations from the shot, and also specially entrusted a third party to hide himself strictly.

  Furthermore, the name may not be true, or, this is not the real painter of the painting.

  【Where is the source of that painting? 】

  This is also very important.

  There are many processes to be transported to a gallery for a painting as big as   .

  This time, the opponent answered quickly.

  【Yitang Gallery's information shows that the painting is from Beijing. However, according to the clues we found later, it is very likely that it came from overseas. The details need to be further verified. 】


  Shen Li's brow and heart beat slightly.

  The name of the tree's shadow, that is, two or three years, began to gradually emerge in the domestic painting circle.

  If the painting is really sent from overseas, then what is the identity of the artist?

  She sat and thought about it for a while, only to reply again.

  【Continue to check. In addition, I sent me a copy of the gallery's information, including the gallery founder, etc., try to be as specific as possible and give me all. 】

  After half a minute, the other party sent an [OK] emoticon.

  It is not an easy task to organize those data.

   After receiving the reply from the other party, Shen Li knew that it would take a certain amount of time, so she simply put the phone down, wiped her hair a few times, and went to bed to rest.

  The next day was Saturday, and Shen Li didn't have to wake up very early.

  But because she had just started a new subject recently and there were a lot of experiments waiting to be done, she got up early.

  However, Shen Zhijin was earlier than her.

  As soon as she came out of the bedroom, she saw Shen Zhijin standing by the dining table, with breakfast on the table.

"get up?"

  Shen Zhijin raised his eyes to look at her,

   "I wanted you to sleep longer, so I didn't call you."

  Shen Li walked over and saw that today’s breakfast was exceptionally rich.

  She looked at Shen Zhijin in surprise.

   "Dad, today this is—"

  Shen Zhi would like to help her arrange the dishes and chopsticks, and then he opened the chair and sat down.

   "I'm going back to Bocheng on a business trip this afternoon. It will take about three days."

  Shen Li was stunned, then it became clear.

  Shen Zhijin actually spends more than half of the time in a foreign country every year. During this time, he is busy with their research group and her affairs. He has not left the capital for a long time.

   "That's how it is. Then, shall I see you off?"

  This trip, Shen Zhijin didn't want to go.

  He just recognized his daughter, and of course he hopes to accompany her as much as possible.

  It’s just that the related work content of this part has been delayed for a long time, and it really can’t be pushed anymore, so he decided to go.

   "No. There are two other researchers in Feinuo's lab who will come with me."

  Although Shen Zhijin didn't let her go, she still didn't want her to work hard for such a pick-up task.

   "You can rest at home more."

  Shen Li's eyes curled up.

   "I know, but I plan to go to the lab first."

  Shen Zhi knows that she is diligent in this area, so he nodded directly and let her go.

  After lunch, the car from Feinuo Lab came to pick him up in person, and Shen Zhijin left with them.

  Shen Li spends almost all day in the laboratory.

   At about five in the afternoon, Fu Niannian came back.

   "Little Junior Sister, your courier."

  Shen Li looked back and saw Fu Niannian was holding a courier letter in his hand.

  He handed it over.


  Shen Li took it: "Thank you brother."

   Fu Niannian smiled and said:

   "I don't know what it is, it's very light."

  Shen Li glanced at the address above and had already guessed something.

   "Should be sent by Amian."

  Fu Niannian was suddenly surprised.

  ". Lin Fengmian?"


  Shen Li opened the courier letter while talking.

  Not only Fu Niannian, but also in the laboratory, Tang Yi, who was facing the computer to modify the paper, heard Lin Fengmian’s name and looked over curiously.

   Then, they saw that Shen Li took out an invitation card from there.

  Black and gold, simple and delicate, with silver writing in the middle.


  Fu Niannian saw this and couldn't help but said: ""Hibiscus"? It's a bit familiar, it seems to be the name of a movie?"

  Shen Li nodded: "The theme song of this movie is sung by Amian."

  As she said, she opened it and pulled out two thin sheets of paper from the inside.

  That is-two movie tickets for the premiere.

   Cavinka was crying. Goodnight everybody.



  (End of this chapter)