The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 994: Want to cover up (two more)

  Chapter 994 Want to cover up (two more)

   "Stay in school?"

  Tang Yi also looked over, with a curious look.

   "Yes, our college recruits new students this year, and I will stay as a lecturer."

  Yanqiu is obviously in a good mood,

  "Don't say the teacher is polite at night!"

  Fu Niannian threw his hand away with disgust, and was really disgusted by the phrase "Teacher Yan".

  Tang Yi quickly accepted the incident and gave Yan Qiu a thumbs up:

   "Brother, yes!"

  Xijing University is the highest institution in the country, with extremely stringent retention standards, and even if ordinary students can stay, they start from the status of counselor or assistant professor.

  It is very rare that you can directly become a lecturer.

  This is also due to Yan Qiu's "Universe".

  Of course, he was brought up by Shen Zhijin. As an assistant to Shen Zhijin during his Ph.D., he was also responsible for a lot of work, and he was much better than others.

  He does have this qualification.

  "The big brother, which course do you want to be a lecturer in the future?" Tang Yi continued to ask.

  Yanqiu Road:

  "The specifics have not yet been decided, but it is most likely to be the "spherical astronomy" of undergraduates."

  Shen Li was taken aback:

  "Brother, this seems to be a class for me next semester."

  Yanqiu slapped her hands abruptly, looking surprised:

   "Yes! I almost forgot that the junior sister is still an undergraduate!"

  Shen Li: "..."

   "The feeling is good!" Yan Qiu was even more happy, "I will be able to go to class with the little sister then!"

  This feels quite novel.

  Shen Li is also very happy:

   "It will be convenient to ask for leave from now on."

   Yanqiu: "..."

  Fu Niannian showed admiration at Shen Li:

   "Little Junior Sister, you still need to ask for leave if you don't go to class? This is too much for the senior brother."

  Don’t talk about other courses, the professional courses are all of their own people here, which teacher is not used to Shen Li as a baby?

  Shen Li: "..."

  Yanqiu originally wanted to do it. After thinking about it carefully, he found that what Fu Niannian said made sense, so he gave up:

   "Forget it, anyway, let's talk about it later, the little junior sister is in my class, you two-just say it if you are envious."

  Tang Yi shook his head: "Big brother, we don’t envy."

   Yanqiu sneered: "What's so hard to admit."

  Tang Yi insisted: “No, we really don’t envy it.”

  Yanqiu Qingjiao: "Just talk hard, the teacher can understand it."

  Tang Yi paused, and finally spoke plainly:

  "Brother, if you really teach "Spherical Astronomy" by then, can you be guaranteed to be higher than the junior sisters?"

  Yanqiu's smile was stagnant.

   Fu Niannian rarely gave him a sympathetic look:

   "It's okay, it's not the first time I've been crushed by a younger sister anyway, right?"

   Yanqiu: "..."

  He was silent for a while, looked at Shen Li, and said seriously:

   "Little Junior Sister."


   "I have decided. If it is really my turn to teach you this course next semester, will you be an assistant?"


   "What assistant?"

  A cold and alienated voice came. When a few people turned their heads, they saw that Shen Zhijin was coming.

   Fu Niannian laughed and said:

  "Boss, the big brother said, I would like to invite the younger sister——"

   Yan Qiu gave a light cough:

  "I said that if I can be the lecturer of the course "Spherical Astronomy" by the younger sister in the next semester, if you encounter any problems, I hope to discuss it with the younger sister."

  Shen Li: "..."

  Fu Niannian and Tang Yiqi gave them inexhaustible glances.

  Yanqiu is fearless.

   Just kidding, let the boss’s daughter be his assistant, even if it’s just a joke, he dare not let the boss hear it!

  Shen Zhi would like to hear the words, thought for a moment, and nodded:

   "Well, it's okay now, A Li just happened to finish reading that book when he was at home."

  Yanqiu: Too much.

  Finally, that night, Fu Niannian and Tang Yi caught Yan Qiu and slaughtered them.


  Wednesday night, Shen Li was reading a book in her room after dinner, when her phone suddenly turned on.

  She picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was news from Zhao Xuan.

  His work efficiency has always been very high, and he has compiled a copy of Xiangyao's information as quickly as possible and sent it over.

  Shen Li clicked open.

  The content of this document is very detailed, and all the information related to Xiangyao that can be found is gathered here.

  Even the operations of his parents’ company, as well as all the large consumptions that can be found, are clear.

  Shen Li looked carefully for a long time.

  Zhao Xuan is right. Xiang Yao’s family background is indeed only good, and he can’t compare with a wealthy family like the Yu family.

  In the past few months, Xiang Yao has obviously become rich.

   To be precise, it started from the month when Yu Cheng had an accident.

  Xiang Yao’s family is considered a nouveau riche. He himself is also a standard ignorant and rich second generation. He bought his college diploma from abroad.

  After returning to China, he took a part-time job at his parents’ company, but he didn’t go to work very much.

  Most of the time is to eat, drink and have fun outside, hanging out with other rich second generations.

  The situation in his family company remains the same, but his expenses have increased significantly in the past few months.

  It doesn’t look right at all.

  Finally, Zhao Xuan also compiled a map of Xiangyao's relationship and relationships, listing all the people who had close contacts with him.

  Shen Li did not see Yu Yu's name after reading it.

  She returned news to Zhao Xuan.

  【In Xiangyao's network of characters, there is no Yu family? 】

  Zhao Xuan returned soon.

【Yes it is. He only has contact with Yu Cheng, but has no contact with anyone else in the Yu family. 】

  This is of course only on the surface.

  Shen Li looked at the phone thoughtfully.

  Zhao Xuan is very tricky. If he doesn't even find out that Xiang Yao and Yu Yu are related, it proves that the line between them is deeply buried in the dark.

  In fact, if she hadn’t happened to hear Xiangyao and Yu Yu call that day, she wouldn’t have connected these two unrelated characters.

【okay, I get it. 】

  Although Zhao Xuan did not understand why she wanted to check Xiangyao, he also intuitively felt that she valued this matter quite seriously.

  【Mr. Shen, is there anything else I need to check? 】

  Shen Li thought for a while.

【No need to. 】

   Putting down the phone, she turned on the computer.

  Xiang Yao suddenly became generous, obviously there are other channels for receiving money.

  The room was quiet, and the faint light from the computer screen shone on her face, making her skin white and her eyes black.

   Soon, Xiangyao's nearly three-month flow of several bank cards under the name of Xiangyao appeared in front of her.

  Shen Li scanned one by one.

  There is no abnormality.

   Then, she checked Yu Yu again.

  All the accounts under her name are also clean.

  There is no money exchange between the two.

  Chen Li leaned in the chair, staring at the screen, his lips bend extremely lightly.

   is really cautious enough.

   But this Miss Yu Er, probably forgot to have a word called "I want to cover up."

  (End of this chapter)