The Little Fairy Reborn As a Schoolmaster (The Popular Boy's Little Fairy)

Chapter 447: 447: Go to Lu Ziheng

  Chapter 447 447 Go to Lu Ziheng

  Even at this time, Qin Muzhi still wanted to struggle for a while.

  He even feels that he can still pass the test.

   "I just kept thinking about other things."

  Hearing the man say such words, Zhou Zihan's heart sank.


   Zhou Zihan asked lightly.

   "Yeah." Qin Muzhi nodded, he said solemnly, "I'm thinking, is it necessary to find someone to rebuild the grandfather's house? It can be regarded as our new home in Rongcheng."

  Qin Muzhi had indeed thought about this question, but it was not at that time just now, but earlier.

  Even though Qin Muzhi said it seriously, Zhou Zihan was still learning, and he lied to himself.

   So he leaned over, facing Qin Muzhi, and asked, "Do you really think that? When we were just now, did you really think that way?"

  Zhou Zihan was betting that if Qin Muzhi did not answer her, then things would be as she thought; if Qin Muzhian answered her question correctly, it would prove that she was thinking too much.


  Zhou Zihan prayed secretly in his heart.

  There was a few seconds of silence in the air.

  Zhou Zihan turned around, his voice sounded infected with infinite sadness.

  She asked: "This time, are you going to tell me again, you just thought about something?"

  Going out, especially in the west. How could it be possible to come back unharmed.


  Men are determined not to be deceived, because a lie needs countless lies to make up for.

  The model of getting along between husband and wife, the first thing is to trust.

"Is it because of the accident in the west?" Zhou Zihan said to Qin Muzhi, "Is it right? You couldn't hear from your ears from the beginning, so you resisted the dance so much. So last night, What did I say, you didn't actually hear it, did you?"

  She asked him twice if it was right. Zhou Zihan hoped that Qin Muzhi at this moment could deny: No. not like this.

  "I'm too stupid." The man acquiesced to Zhou Zihan's questioning, "I should have known that my Zihan is so smart. How can I hide these little tricks from her."


   Zhou Zihan's tears couldn't be restrained, and he fell from his eyes.

   "Qin Muzhi, you are a fool, a complete fool!"

  Moisture on the surface.

  Zhou Zihan couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart.

   Originally thought that she would not cry anymore, in the six months that Qin Muzhi had left, she thought that her tears had already drained away.

  She is an invulnerable and strong mother.

  However, when this person came back again, when she saw that Qin Muzhi was wounded, she never said anything.

  Heavy rain fell on the originally dry land.

  Zhou Zihan didn't want this.

  Because of crying and crying like this, it would seem very useless.

   "Don't cry." The man took her into his arms.

   "You are right, we are all fools."

  Since when, the days of fear and fear are not there, and the stability at the moment is the price of a huge sacrifice in exchange for return.

Isn't Lu Ziheng studying medicine?

  Zhou Zihan thought, it’s okay for them to find Lu Ziheng.

  It’s been a long time since Zhou Zihan and Shen Qinghuan have seen each other.

  "Let’s return to the Imperial Capital tomorrow." Zhou Zihan suggested. Although she did not dislike Qin Muzhi, she still hoped that his body was healthy.

  Qin Zhizhou was able to call his father recently. She hoped that Qin Muzhi could hear these voices.

  (End of this chapter)