The Little Merman

Chapter 83

When I got to the place, I saw the babysitter panicked. When asked, it turned out that the little nephew was gone.

"So a small child, where can I go? You go downstairs to find." Qin Yunshan let the babysitter go downstairs, he is looking upstairs. I searched the bed and cabinets of the room, as well as the bathroom and the balcony, but all the places where I could hide were searched, and I didn’t see the little sister-in-law. Nothing in the room, Qin Yunshan came out to find, along the corridor, found a large pool.

When I saw the big swimming pool, Qin Yunshan was shocked. How did he make the swimming pool into a fish tank? How could he not know that his grandson likes to raise fish to this point? Then there is a sudden change in his heart. His little grandson and grandchildren will not climb here and fall into the pool.

When the thought picked up, I saw that the water grass next to the rockery was shaking, as if something was coming out, and he screamed, and his little grandson and grandson had emerged from the water.

Really fell into the pool! Qin Yunshan was shocked. He was about to rescue the little scorpion. He suddenly found out the strange: in the clear water of the pool, his little grandson and grandson had disappeared, and replaced by a fat fish tail. Splashing water in the water.

Legs, his little grandchildren's legs! Qin Yunshan was shocked, and the little scorpion grinned at him. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the fish hiding in the grass. When he opened his mouth, he would feed the live fish to his mouth.

Qin Yunshan went a step forward as a lightning strike, and suddenly "slammed" and fell to the ground and fainted.

When Qin Shen took Jiang Yi’s way back, he received a call from the nanny and said that the little nephew had disappeared.

Let the babysitter look for it at home, they quickly rushed home, Jiang Yu suddenly flashed, nervous: "No trouble will not climb into the pool yourself?"

The little scorpion is now climbing on the ground and is sharp and fast. Once, Jiang Yu put him on the lounge chair by the pool and went back to the room to take the things. In less than a minute, the little scorpion climbed from the lounge chair to the ground. Then went into the pool.

Qin Shen heard a tight heart, the nanny was at home, and it would be awful if the babysitter saw it. He stepped on the gas pedal and speeded up the speed.

The two men rushed back to the fire, the nanny had already searched the first floor, and saw them coming back, anxiously sweating: "Mr., the first floor has been searched, there is no young master. Mr. Qin just came, Looking for on the second floor."

Grandpa is coming? Qin Shen and Jiang Yu are all surprised. Before they even have time to go upstairs, they will hear the sound of "咚", and the sound of the heavy objects landing on the building.

Qin Yunshan opened his eyes and Qin Shen took the water and handed it over. He took two drinks and saw the little scorpion in Jiang Yu’s arms, white and tender, small arms and short legs, and sighed and said: “A deep and happy Ah, Grandpa just had an illusion, and saw the noisy legs disappeared and turned into a fish tail. He also grabbed the living fish and fed it to his mouth. Ah Shen, you sent Grandpa to the hospital, is it the head of Grandpa? What is wrong?"

Also naughty. Jiang Yu smashed the little **** of the little scorpion, and the little scorpion didn't eat live fish. It was obviously scaring Qin Yunshan to play.

The little nephew moved his little ass, holding Jiang Yu’s neck and flat mouth.

"... Grandpa." Qin Shen coughed, and Jiang Yu looked at him. When he saw him nod, he began to open his mouth. "What you just saw is not an illusion."

He always wanted to tell Qin Yunshan about Jiang Yu and Jiang's troubles, but he could not find a suitable opportunity. Since Qin Yunshan saw the noisy little tail this time, he simply said.

Qin Yunshan stayed, see Qin deep face is not like a joke, but also see the river screaming with big eyes, a look of innocent little look, the head is a little dizzy.

"Please Grandpa go to the bathroom." Jiang Yu whispered to Qin Shen, and immediately took the river into the bathroom.

Qin Shenfu Qin Yunshan went to the bathroom, Jiang Yu had already smashed the clothes and pants of Xiaozizi, and saw the two men coming in, bending over and putting the little scorpion into the bathtub.

Qin Yunshan watched the little short legs of the little scorpion turned into a small tail. The little scorpion went up two times in the water, and then sank into the water, then popped out, groaning and vomiting several water bubbles to him.

Qin Yunshan swayed and almost fainted, and Qin Shen helped him in time.

"How... what's going on?" He shivered his fingers, unbelievably looking at the little scorpion in the bathtub.

Qin Shen helped him to return to the bed and said that the little scorpion is a mermaid baby.

"...mermaid?" Qin Yunshan was shocked and embarrassed. He subconsciously felt that his grandson was joking, but the small fish tail he saw was not allowed to be faked.

"What about the troubled mother? Going back to the sea?" He suddenly remembered the mother of the little sister-in-law. No wonder his grandson never said who the child was. It seems that after he was born, he went back to the sea for some reason.

Jiang Yue bit his lip, some timid, Qin Shen directly held his hand, and coughed aloud to Qin Yunshan: "No mother, he has only two fathers, I and Jiang Yu."

Qin Yunshan stayed for a long while, only to understand the meaning of his grandson's words, suddenly it was a dizzy. There is a fish in the world, so how... How can a man also have a baby?

Suddenly I heard that the two shocked news, Qin Yunshan could not digest for a while, Qin Shen sent him back to the old house.

In the morning, Qin Yunshan woke up and remembered everything yesterday. Something slowed down. When I walked to the window, I saw the outside deer. Qin Shen was feeding the deer on the grass to eat apples.

Xiang Bo knocked on the door and Qin Yunshan asked: "A deep did not go back last night?"

"No." Xiang Boton paused and asked, "What happened yesterday? The young master sent you back, your face is not very good."

"...nothing." Qin Yunshan sighed and finally sighed, waved his hand and turned out of the room downstairs.

Outside the yard, Qin Shen fed the deer while calling Jiang Yu.

"How is Grandpa?" Jiang Yu asked on the phone.

Qin Shen touched the deer's antlers and said: "I slept very early last night, and I haven't got up yet. I can't delay it for a while."

"Then you are there to accompany the grandfather, grandfather is very old, and suddenly suffered such a big stimulus..." Jiang Yu thought that he regretted it. Yesterday, he should not be impulsive.

Qin Shendao: "I will tell Grandpa sooner or later. Now to tell the truth, the grandfather of the province really thought it was an illusion and went outside to say it to others."

"You said Grandpa will not..." Jiang Yu sat on the bed, and Jiang was holding a toy and rolling around. He clenched his lips, rubbed his sheets with his fingers, and said, "Will you not recognize yourself, don't you be with us again?"

Qin Shen was quiet on the phone for a second, gentle and firm: "No, if he really does not recognize the trouble, I will not let him separate us three."

For two days, Qin Yunshan did not mention Jiang Yu and Jiang’s troubles, nor did he say that Qin Shen would go back. Qin Shen talked to him, and he also used other things to fight.

Although he had the promise of Qin Shen, Jiang Yu was still upset. On this day, holding the river in the garden, I was worried, and the babysitter came over: "Mr. Xiaojiang, there is an old gentleman looking for it."

When Jiang Yue turned around, he saw a man in a simple, spirited old man standing behind him.

The author has something to say: Guess who is coming?

There is something today, and there are some less. I will be thankful for the little angel who will vote for me or the irrigation nutrient solution for me tomorrow~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: I want to change one nickname;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Z15 bottle; if you spend the butterfly, the scarred madman, ah, 5 bottles; Y.t_ sakura 离 4 bottles; the moon falls, I want to change the nickname, Naihe, big cat 2 bottles; blue green 栀Read, my taste is very heavy 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!