The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 3378: Kill everything, don't captive!

Kill everything in threes and sevens, don't be captured!

Alas, as a row of feather arrows fired, a fierce Indian offensive began. {Please search on Baidu <;

Teams of Indian female warriors lined up neat squares, each with a thorny deer in the center, and the archers stood on the thorny deer.

Compared with trained female warriors, Xi people are far worse. Although they all wore armor, and their weapons were good, but from a distance, they were in pairs, and the lineup was scattered.

"Indian women warriors are really natural combat machines, but it's a pity that their personal combat effectiveness is too low!" Ye Kong stood behind and looked away, he didn't rush to shoot, this is the moment to test the Indian combat effectiveness. As their first battle to leave the desert forest, Xi people are a good target.

However, it is clear that Wen Hao and other Xi people did not feel the danger. In their view, Indian female warriors have been weak for a long time, only a group of female slaves, how strong can they be?

"Get out of town to fight! Each break!" Wen Hao immediately issued combat instructions to the Xi people's fighters.

Later, I saw a group of Xi people, growing out of the array like a snake, in two columns, attacking a frontal battle array of the Indians.

"Huh! The long snake array is really stupid to our square!" Li Moru, who has always wanted to find a chance to perform, did not perform on the thorny deer, but now it is his performance time.

"The order continues, the front team retreats, and the two wings are surrounded!" Li Moru's placket and beard standing on the back of the giant deer in the central square were flying like a battle-hardened veteran.

The Xi people are really stupid. When they saw their attacking back, they laughed. "These useless Indian women, seeing the grandpas are aggressive, they scare their urine!"

"People who squat are afraid that we will pee while standing, haha, catch up!"

The two colorful snakes of the Xi people hovered after them.

"There will be a moment when you pee." Li Moru stood in the sky and saw clearly, only to see that the center of the Quartet had been sunken, the wings had been swept up, and most of the two long snakes had entered the siege.

"Kill me!"

A loud, loud drink in the sky seemed to sound the horn of the soldier.

All Indian squares in all directions are speeding up and swooping up. Arrow rain in the sky is dense and dense, covering the sky!

"So much!" The people of Xi were a little surprised just to see the dense rain of arrows in the sky, but they also had the means, "The mist of light condenses!"

The light and mist around the Xi people's body can also be used as defensive weapons. The light and mist on their bodies condensed together and became a thick state floating in the air. The arrows shot up and were immediately stuck and unable to penetrate.

"Haha, shoot more!" Xi people laughed in the light and mist.

But they couldn't laugh anymore. The Indians shot burst arrows in the second round, all with burst grass seeds!

Bang and bang, in the fierce explosion, the light and mist of the Xi people were all exploded, and their bodies were exposed. At this moment, they are all wearing armor!

The haze of the Xi people can't appear in the short term. One of the leading soldiers shouted, "Let's go! We have the fine steel armor left by our ancestors, but they are wearing thin clothes and fighting with them!"

Although the Xi people are poor, they are much better than the Indians. Of course, the body armor is thicker than the girls in tube tops!

However, they obviously did not understand the Indian fighting style. As the female warriors ran around, the thorny deer turned out to be the front!

Julu rushed to the front!

The Xi people wanted to die with the female soldiers, but when they saw the giant deer more than twenty meters high, they were scared to escape. But when they looked back, the giant deer behind were also coming!

Boom boom!

The giant deer ran up and shook the mountains, staggered back and forth, and a large number of Xi people had been trampled into mud. The giant deer were too strong, and even the armor left by their ancestors was trampled.

At this time, the remaining Xi people have been divided into seven or eight pieces, and the female soldiers who followed the giant deer started the final harvest!

Don't look at the female soldiers who look weak, but they are all killed in battle! Their single strength is far inferior to Xi people, but they are good at group attacks, a row of spears stabbed or thrown out, Xi people soldiers were immediately tied into blood caves.

Within a short while, Ye Kong had already received the battle report.

"First attack, wounded, zero; captive, zero; killed, 509 people! We, 18 people were slightly injured, can continue fighting!"

Ye Kong laughed, "OK! The Indians need a victory, kill!"

At the same time, the opposite Wen Hao also received the battle report. Even if he did not receive the battle report, he could see clearly in the city. His Xi soldiers were not their opponents at all, and even few of them fled back. They were wiped out. !!

"Give me the Royal Beast Team! I don't believe it. These slave women of the seventeen nations dared to run into our fifteen nations!" Wen Hao was furious.

Guangyin City, who has been eating thorn canyon for a long time, of course, has its own chaotic beast team. After a while, it is also a fighting team dominated by thorn and giant deer, and it bounces out of the moat.

Obviously, compared with the Indians, the Xi people use the thorny deer more reasonably.

I saw that their deer had already built a house-like building on their backs, and the giant spines on the deer's body were also covered with blue-green coatings. I didn't know what terrible venom was applied!

"Well, how can your experience with thorny deer be rich in our people?" Wen Hao sneered, directing more than a hundred thorny deer into the Indian array.

Although the Indians have more than 300 thorns and deer, the advantage in numbers does not mean that they have an advantage in battle. The thorny giant deer of the Indians were only captured. Neither the owner nor the chaotic beast had coordinated and coordinated, and had no fighting experience.

Therefore, as soon as it was attacked by the herd of Xi people, it immediately became a mess.

"Stabilize!" Li Moru stood on the back of the Chinese army deer ~ ~, waving his hand, signaled the front team to make way.

"Haha, Indian female warriors, although you are fighting very hard, but when it comes to Royal Beasts, you are grandchildren!" Wen Hao laughed loudly, standing on the city's head, and shouted, "Warriors of the Xi people, rush! Kill Just these **** little girls! "

More than a hundred thorny giant deer controlled by the Xi people raced straight to victory, and saw the female soldiers and giant deer on both sides retreating wildly.

"Haha, they fled, kill!"

However, when more than a hundred thorny deer rushed to the front, it was found that a thorny deer in front stood alone. On the back of the deer, an old man with white hair and white beard stood with his hands.

"Unexpectedly there are men in the Indian tribe? Kill this old guy, **** his pussy, **** his daughter, **** his granddaughter!" The Xi people cried and laughed.

Li Moru snorted, driving the thorny giant deer slowly walking away.

Behind him, there is a whole array of thousands of female warriors, together!