The Magic Healer in the Another world

v1 ~: Birthday is here, the little teacher ask

Birthday is here, the teacher asks for birthday wishes... ("")

Yesterday I asked for the bottom of the guarantee *** ... I thought it would be the same as before, how can there be a 30 to 40 *** list, I did not expect to see today, actually went to 68.

This is an unprecedented achievement of the young teacher since he had voted for it.

But tomorrow is still the birthday of a small teacher... At the time of birthday, I encountered an unprecedented trough. Is this the "surprise" of the brothers and sisters to the younger teacher on April Fool's Day? !

The plots of recent days are in the midst of a transitional period, lacking some passion, but brothers and sisters are not going to be like this to the younger...

Tomorrow is the birthday of the young teacher. The younger teacher begged the brothers and sisters, and the *** can vote for the sorcerer as a small teacher's birthday present.

If there is no ***, can you vote for the recommended ticket for tomorrow?

Birthday, what a sacred day, brothers and sisters will not want to let the young teacher spend his face in tears?

The little teacher promised that the following plot will be wonderful soon.

68 people, everyone really gave the young teacher a big "surprise"! ! !

工具, discovered from the small teacher