The Magic Healer in the Another world

v3 Chapter 3: Finished, eager for ten monthly tickets!

After the completion of the three chapters, I am eager for ten monthly passes! ()

In the past few days, there has been no ***, and the *** list has been kept falling. Because of the reasons for the update, the teacher’s heart is not anxious despite the anxiety.

Today, the third day is over, although it is not an outbreak, but watching the declining *** ranking, the young teacher can't help but ***.

I owe you two chapters, and today I have added a chapter. I will continue to make up for the three more tomorrow. Please ask my brothers and sisters to give me some support. Don’t let this book go down in the *** list.

A period of downturn has passed. Next, everyone will look at the efforts of the teachers and the list.

The teacher is eager for ten ***.