The Magic Outfit

Chapter 56: Devil

"Nonsense, here you are called Xiaosan!" Xi Da shouted.

Su Tang smiled bitterly. He felt as if he was involved in a game.

"are you going?"


Su Tanggang said a word, and the old servant suddenly smiled and said: "The three-servant, as the saying goes, it's easy to get on the thief ship, but it's hard to get off the thief ship. Since you're here, please stay here with peace of mind." Make a wink to Su Tang.

"Uncle Zhong, how can I become a thief ship here ?!" Xi Da shouted with dissatisfaction.

"I just made an analogy, hehe ..." The old servant smiled.

"Primary three, you are talking! We are going to do the task, are you going?"

"Go." Su Tang nodded helplessly. The old servant's strength was unpredictable. If he refused on the spot, it might cause trouble, or he would mix it up today and talk about it. There will be a chance, then, Su Tang enters his role: "But ... What is the commission of the big master? Where are we going? There are detailed information? We should all think about it, we ca n’t do it indiscriminately."

"What more information do you need me to have?" Xi Da's master patted his chest, and two groups of things shuddered ...

Su Tang's eyes fell on the old servant. They should understand if they don't understand. Just watched them fooling around?

The old servant noticed Su Tang's eyes and nodded slightly.

At this moment, there was a voice outside the door: "The big master, Miss Ruan is here."

"Haha, Ruan Ling'er is coming, hush ... you don't talk, the dead girl ridicules me for so many days, and it's time for me to export my wickedness!" Xi Da headed and hurriedly walked out of the door, then , The door was slammed shut.

Not long, there was a voice outside: "Sister Xiaoru, it's been a few days? Why do you want to give us a word!"

"Aren't I busy recruiting people, alas ... I'm so busy this day, how can I be in a mood."

"Hee hee ... you're talking big again, can you still hire people?"

"Dead girl, what should I say?" Xi Da said: "With my unique style of Xi Xiaoru, just beckoning, this world's heroes can't fight for it ..."

"Pull it down, Sister Ru, still fighting for it ... I walked upstairs, why didn't anyone see it?"

"We have recruited people. Our team was formally established today. Other people are useless. They have been driven away by me." Xi Da said headlessly.

"No? Really not afraid of death?" The female voice was stunned.

Su Tang in the room grinned. He was not afraid, but he didn't know the truth.

"Hehehe ... how? Have nothing to say?"

"Sister Xiaoru, don't charge up your samurai, my brother will be angry, and will not give you a sign."

"He dare ?!" Xi Da was angry at the time, and shouted: "The number is enough, if he deliberately makes things difficult, believe me or not, I burned your house?"

"Yoyo ... Sister Xiaoru, you look so angry, and everyone's heart needs ..."

"You will die for me!" Xi Da whispered, "If there are outsiders, don't make trouble ..."

"Outsiders? Did you really hire someone?"

"Of course." Xi Da shouted proudly: "Primary three, come out to see the guests."

Nima ... Su Tang was so annoyed that she couldn't make a sound. She got up and walked over, pulling the door open.

"Dead girl, have you seen it ?!" Xi Da looked up and looked arrogant.

Standing next to Xi Da's house is a girl wearing a light green long dress. She looked at Su Tang up and down, and her eyes were full of sympathy: "It's a pity that a handsome boy ..."

"What do you mean?" Xi Da called out.

"Aliens? Haven't you heard of the three demon heads of Hongye City?" The girl asked.

Su Tang nodded, and he regretted it now. He didn't make a clear inquiry and took the initiative to apply. The old servant was staring at him sideways, and he could only endure temporarily.

"You are the demon of mixed life!" Xi Da called out.

The girl named Ruan Ling'er smiled and dragged Xi Da's head to the side. She seemed to want to invite Xi Da's head to somewhere, but Xi Da's head was focused on the task. She was a little absent-minded and talked for a while. Then, Ruan Ling'er knew that there was no way to say that Xi Da was the master, so he left, but when he was leaving, he gave Su Tang a very meaningful look.

The first task of the temporary squad was subsequently launched, and when several people were walking on the street, Su Tang once again felt strange.

The one who walks in the front is naturally Xi Da, who looks at the back. The contrast between the back of the sword and her figure is very inconsistent. The person is a little slender and the knife is too wide. It looks like a person is carrying a thick stout Tree trunk.

Zhou Qian's two headed and Lu Feixia's four headed walking on both sides, Zhou Qian hung a silver ring around his waist, it should be a magic weapon of unknown function. Lu Feixia's bare hands, it doesn't matter how young she is than Su Tang. What's important is her psychological age. She jumped up and down on the road and obviously hasn't grown up yet.

Behind him is the expressionless Su Tang. Behind Su Tang is the old servant.

In Zuiyuelou, Ruan Ling'er once talked about the three big devil heads in Hongye City. Listening to it, it feels nothing. Only by being on the scene can you know the true meaning of the devil head.

The carriage and knights coming in front saw Xi Da as the master and stopped immediately on the side of the road. The carriage coming in the rear slowed down, and some turned into other streets. No one dared to surpass it. The big knife was a piece Signs that cannot be ignored can be seen clearly even if they are hundreds of meters away.

Pedestrians on the street are also hiding, some are hiding in the shops on both sides, some are turning back, some are hiding in the alleys, some are panicking, and directly over the wall, the most interesting is a belt With seven or eight entourage brothers, he was chasing a girl next to a girl with a flower basket, and suddenly found Xi Da headed, sitting on the ground in fright, and then got up and turned to escape, and the entourage also scattered The girl began to get confused for some time. When Xi Da was on the spot, she immediately lost her face. However, she did not escape, but just stood there timidly.

Looking at the street that became quiet in a moment, Su Tang couldn't help feeling.

This is a kind of realm, it is also a kind of loneliness.