The Magical Blacksmith

Chapter 117: Surfaced

The Eastern Region and the Northern Region's cultivation battle? Zhang Ye was a little curious, but did not interrupt Murong Hongzhuang.

Murong Hongzhuang continued: "At that time, I was a quartermaster of the Eastern Region Army, coordinating the rear supply line, and was responsible for the security of tens of thousands of craftsmen."

Hearing this, Zhang Ye aroused inexplicable hatred. His parents were killed by an enemy attack. As a quartermaster, Murong Hongzhuang couldn't escape his responsibility.

However, Zhang Ye didn't have an attack, and said coldly: "You keep talking."

"At that time, a large-scale battle broke out on the front line. The high-level military asked me to lead my subordinates to support. The military order was hard to violate. So I left half of my manpower to guard the craftsman camp and took the rest to support the front line. Because of my action, the craftsman camp was attacked and the entire army was wiped out."

"So you feel guilty, take the blame and resign?" Zhang Ye asked with blood red eyes and gritted teeth. Regardless of the military order, he stubbornly believed that it was because of Murong Hongzhuang's negligence that his parents were attacked and killed by the enemy, and he felt resentment.

"Guilt is guilt, but on the battlefield, anyone can die. I have tried my best. This is not the reason for my resignation." Murong Hongzhuang did not notice Zhang Ye's strangeness. There was both guilt and a layer of guilt in his eyes. Frightened, continued, "At that time, I led my men back and found that the craftsman camp had been slaughtered, but this is the rear, where is an enemy team capable of destroying tens of thousands of craftsmen? And there is no enemy's corpse left. ."

"I was not convinced. With some clues, I chased in the direction where the enemy left. After chasing for three days and three nights, I finally ran into that army..."

Zhang Ye hurriedly asked: "Did you kill them all?"

"Kill them all?" Murong Hongzhuang had a bit of bitterness. "That team is pretending to be the Northern Territory Army. In fact, they are the monks of the Heavenly Dao Palace."

Tiandao Palace pretended to be the Northern Army and destroyed the craftsman camp? How is this possible! There seemed to be thunder in Zhang Ye's mind. You must know that the Northern Territory invaded the Eastern Territory, and the Heavenly Dao Palace was taking the lead to contend.

Zhang Ye was suspicious, angrily said: "How do you know that they are pretending to be a monk from the Heavenly Dao Palace? Even so, can't you kill them all?"

Murong Hongzhuang shook his head: "Although they are all fresh faces, I recognized one of the old men. It was the ancestor of the Cross Tribulation Realm who was rumored to have died thousands of years ago, but he was still alive..."

Murong Hongzhuang was a little bit painful: "Seeing that the old ancestor of Du Jie is still alive, and that he killed tens of thousands of craftsmen in the Eastern Region, which makes me feel very scared, not afraid of death, but afraid that there must be a terrifying conspiracy in this. Therefore, I chose to escape, and after the end of the two-domain war, I resigned from the position of elder of the Heavenly Dao Palace."

Zhang Ye stood there in a daze. He always thought that his parents were just because of the Eastern Region Army's strategic mistakes causing the enemy to take advantage of the situation. He didn't expect to get such a shocking secret because of the fake certificate with Murong Hongzhuang.

At first, he complained that Murong Hongzhuang disregarded the artisan camp, but later learned that this was probably a self-directed and acted conspiracy by Tiandao Palace, and Murong Hongzhuang told Zhang Ye about this secret, and Zhang Ye returned it instead. Some grateful.

After all, she is nothing more than a small chess piece under the behemoth of Heavenly Dao Palace. The ancestors who suspended the robbery appeared thousands of years ago. What can she do to contend?

In addition, Murong Hongzhuang chose to withdraw from Tiandao Palace. It is not only to protect himself, but also to not want to go with the Tiandao Palace anymore. It is enough to give up the glory and wealth of Tiandao Palace.

It's just that, the head of the righteous way like Tiandao Palace has reached the top of the world, but why do you want to start with the craftsmen of the Eastern Region?

Zhang Ye looked in the direction of the Heavenly Dao Palace, his fists were pinched, and the Heavenly Dao Palace, one day Xiaoye will come to you to settle the account.

At this moment, Murong Hongzhuang lowered his head in shame, and continued: "I have no other meaning when I say this to you, just because this is my only stain. If you mind, I accept the breakup."

Zhang Ye returned to his senses and watched Murong Hongzhuang for a long time. He knew that this was no longer Murong Hongzhuang's responsibility, but he still had to revoke the Dao Liancheng. After all, it was a fake marriage.

Zhang Ye was about to speak, but the previous patrol leader turned back and said to the staff who applied for the Daolu Pass: "Lao Shi, Zhang Ye and Murong Hongzhuang did they revoke the Daolu Pass?"

The patrol leader was indeed experienced, and he had already noticed that Zhang Ye and Murong Hongzhuang were married in order to escape crime. The patrol leader left before, and then returned to the investigation, as long as Zhang Ye and Murong Hongzhuang revoked the Dao Lian's license, he can arrest Murong Hongzhuang again, and realise this huge commercial fraud.

The patrol leader was excited about his cleverness, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhang Ye who was dumbfounded on the side, and he trembled: "Why are you still here?"

Holding the grass, this is not playing the card according to the routine, then the previous words were not heard by Zhang Ye?

Fortunately, Zhang Yexindao talked with Murong Hongzhuang for a while, if he had previously revoked the Dao Lv Card, it would be a waste of all his previous efforts.

Zhang Ye took out the Dao Couple Card and shook it: "Sir, our relationship is very good, how can we revoke the Dao Couple Card."

The patrol leader had a black line on his face, and after getting the confirmation from the staff, he left bitterly, but just dropped a sentence: "Don't let me know that you are fake marriage!"

Murong Hongzhuang heard Zhang Ye say that he would not revoke the Dao Lv Certificate, that is, she does not dislike her stain, which makes her feel happy and ashamed. She mustered up the courage to hold Zhang Ye's arm and said, "Mr. Right..."

Although Murong Hongzhuang felt that Zhang Yexiu's base was a little lower, the Dao Lv Card had been issued, and a deal was done. Moreover, Zhang Ye is also considered a man of great skill, can cook, even if his temper is a bit stinky, he is much better than most men.

Murong Hongzhuang has pursued love for thousands of years. Although the other party is not a scholar, the blacksmith is not bad, so Murong Hongzhuang is very happy.

The shouting of the husband made Zhang Ye feel ecstatic. He came back to his senses immediately, a little bit crying, but now he was watched by the patrol leader, and he certainly wouldn't dare to revoke the Dao Lian's certificate, otherwise he would not escape responsibility.

To be honest, Murong Hongzhuang is so beautiful and Zhang Ye feels that it won't be a disadvantage if the fake drama is really done, but what if Han Wushuang knows that he is married, wouldn't he be killed?

In this way, Zhang Ye's mind went blank, and he and Murong Hongzhuang walked to the blacksmith's shop hand in hand.

On the way, both of them were embarrassed to speak, and finally Zhang Ye coughed and broke the silence: "Well, I'm sorry yesterday."

"What's the matter?" Murong Hongzhuang was tender and tender.

"I shouldn't yell at you yesterday." After the noise today, Zhang Ye did feel that he was making a fuss yesterday.

"It's okay, in fact, I did something wrong..." Murong Hongzhuang said softly, "I shouldn't have intervened in the forge without your consent, causing you trouble."

Speaking of this, Murong Hongzhuang quickly took out a Qiankun bag, like a little baby who did something wrong: "By the way, the spirit stone in it has not been returned yet, what should I do?"

Zhang Ye took the Qiankun bag and weighed it. As expected, there were huge amounts. After all, Murong Hongzhuang was quite principled in the face of so much money that he didn't own.

"What else can I do? You have to do it when you receive the order. You can't smash the sign of the blacksmith shop." Zhang Ye smiled bitterly, but watching Murong Hongzhuang looked guilty and comforted, "You didn't move the money inside, it's worth Praised."

Hearing Zhang Ye's praise, Murong Hongzhuang beamed her eyebrows. She replied shyly: "Actually, I'm not that good. I have spent hundreds of high-grade spirit stones for eating these days..."

What do you need to spend hundreds of high-grade spirit stones? Zhang Ye sighed, "Prodigal..."

However, Zhang Ye did not reprimand Murong Hongzhuang for this. He has always been very generous to his own people, um, unknowingly, Murong Hongzhuang is already his own in his heart.

"By the way, Xiao Zhuang, you are still awkward, I'm not used to it..." Xiao Zhuang, Murong Hongzhuang asked Zhang Ye to call her that way. Changing the name is not a big deal, but Zhang Ye is a little uncomfortable. Murong Hongzhuang's current temperament is still pleasing to her former bold and generous character, after all, that is her true temperament.

"People are actually so gentle..." Murong Hongzhuang bowed her head shyly.

"Don't do this, I want to vomit..." Zhang Ye teased deliberately.

Murong Hongzhuang was startled, not angry, just stretched out his slender hand and twisted Zhang Ye's waist.

Zhang Ye was so painful that he repeatedly told Rao: "Or, can you still be gentle?"

"Isn't it gentle enough?" Murong Hongzhuang smiled slyly, and his hands increased.

"Murder of my husband..."

The two went back to the blacksmith's shop all the way, but the monks did not leave. Instead, they heard that Master Zhang had appeared, and the monks who had paid their deposits gathered more and more.

After seeing Zhang Ye, he hurriedly said respectfully: "Congratulations to Master Zhang, and we have a good relationship."

I heard that Zhang Ye and Murong Hongzhuang had gone to get the certificate, and the monks naturally wanted to say a few auspicious words.

Seeing so many people, Zhang Ye told Murong Hongzhuang to pay attention to the influence, and the two of them did not fight.

Zhang Ye carried his hands behind his back and nodded to everyone. He was about to go back to the forge from the side door. A monk asked, "Master Zhang, we have been waiting for a long time. I don't know when we can forge the magic weapon?"

Murong Hongzhuang said that she had accepted appointments from hundreds of people, and Zhang Ye would definitely not finish it in a few days. Zhang Ye thought about it and said, "I will start to forge the magic weapon today."

The waiting monks cheered, and finally hoped that Zhang Ye would start work.

But Zhang Ye's next sentence immediately stunned everyone, and only heard Zhang Ye say: "Ten people every day, sorted by appointment ticket number, outdated and invalid."

Set the rules first, otherwise it will be difficult to end later, Zhang Ye has a lot of experience.

In addition, when Murong Hongzhuang opened the note, he marked the serial number, which is a blessing in misfortune.

But the monks stopped doing it right Ten people a day, according to the serial number, those who are ranked after a few hundred have to wait a month or two?

"Master Zhang, come first, come later, can you do it by your own ability?" Some monks whose serial numbers were too late, expressed their dissatisfaction.

Zhang Ye said, "I don't have any comments. Or you can start a fight. Whoever wins, I will forge a magic weapon for someone first."

fight? There were hundreds of people, and the monks were immediately convinced, especially those monks with a low level of cultivation, who expressed their support one after another: "Yes, according to the serial number!"

"Xiao Zhuang, you help me check the ticket." Zhang Ye told Murong Hongzhuang, how can she be light on the trouble she has caused.

Murong Hongzhuang nodded, even a little excited. Zhang Ye asked her to intervene in the forge. Does this really recognize her?

Thinking of this, Murong Hongzhuang is full of energy.

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