The Magical Blacksmith

Chapter 168: Ready to work

Just when the monks gathered in the blacksmith shop with various purposes, Zhang Ye disappeared again.

Zhang Ye came to Lingtaizong. This was the second preparation for sneaking into the Heavenly Dao Palace. Zhang Ye needed Su Jin's help.

As the master of a sect, Su Jin should be very clear about the method of the sect entrance test, and see if she can deceive the entrance test of Tiandao Palace with her help.

When Su Jin heard the news of Zhang Ye's request for a meeting, he immediately ended the retreat and hurriedly came to see him.

"Zhang Ye, where did you die in the past six years?" Su Jin's words didn't seem like the suzerain's concern, but rather like a lover's grudge.

Su Jin also realized that there were some problems with his tone, and added: "Do you know how worried you are at the top and bottom of the sect?"

Zhang Ye smiled, Divine Thought Transmission, and exchanged greetings with Su Jin for a while.

Su Jin is a little strange: "Why don't you speak?"

"Heavenly condemned." Zhang Ye sighed and motioned that he could not speak.

Su Jin smiled brightly: "Who makes you talk so irritating on weekdays, you have been condemned by God?"

Zhang Ye hesitated for a moment. Su Jin is a trustworthy person, and if he wants Su Jin's help, he must tell the truth, so he talked about the eavesdropping of the Tiandao Palace conversation, but did not say the specific content, so as to avoid Su Jin. Will also be condemned by God.

Su Jin was a little surprised. Not only was he surprised that Tiandao Palace was disguised as the Northern Army Massacre of Craftsmen Camp, but also that he was condemned by the heavens because of eavesdropping on the conversations of the monks in Tiandao Palace.

Su Jin looked unwilling to believe: "Are you dumb and bragging?"

Zhang Ye was helpless. It seemed that Su Jin could also try the taste of Heaven's Scourge, and Zhang Ye conveyed the words of the monks of the Heavenly Dao Palace.

"It's getting more and more outrageous. Tiandao Palace killed artisans in order to ascend?" Su Jin shook her head and laughed, but she suddenly froze, and lost her voice?

Zhang Ye spread his hands helplessly, even a little schadenfreude, divinely transmitted voice: "Now you believe it."

Su Jin already felt that the scourge was coming, and there was a solemn look in his eyes. From this point of view, everything Zhang Ye said was true.

"Since you know the secret of Tiandao Palace, what do you want to do?" Su Jin knew that Zhang Ye's parents had died in the battle between Eastern Region and Northern Region. Since Zhang Ye knew that Tiandao Palace did it, she must Will not let go.

"I'm going to change my identity to sneak into the Heavenly Dao Palace, find their substantial evidence, and tell the world. But I can't pass the entry test, so I came to the Sect Master for help." Zhang Ye said, his mind trembled, "You How can you speak again?"

Su Jin's question was indeed spoken. She was obviously condemned by God and couldn't speak.

Su Jin was silent for a moment, and pointed to Guanghua flying towards Zhang Ye. Zhang Ye felt that the power of Heaven's Scourge had suddenly receded, and he could speak.

Zhang Ye stared at Su Jin dumbfounded. From the time when the blood **** taught Su Jin to kill thunder, he knew that Su Jin was not an ordinary monk. Now, Su Jin downplayed the power of the scourge, which seemed more than imagined. backing.

But Zhang Ye didn't ask. Su Jin would naturally say when he wanted to.

Su Jin thought for a while and said: "It's too dangerous, I don't allow you to go."

Zhang Ye's heart warmed, but he informed the magic Taoist and the elder Dingyuan of the Tiandao Palace about the relationship, and added: "Sovereign, everyone has their own mission, and I am convinced to avenge the parents and expose the Tiandao Palace. The true face of him is my mission!"

Su Jin also has some disdain for Tiandao Palace, knowing that even if he doesn’t help Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye will take the risk, and barely let go: "I can help you not to show you anything during the introductory quiz, but after entering Tiandao Palace, it’s completely On your own."

Zhang Ye thanked him, as long as Su Jin can help him pass the entrance exam, the rest will be easy to talk about.

In the next two days, Su Jin trained Zhang Ye on how to avoid revealing in the introductory test. Zhang Ye passed the test and made rapid progress. He was recognized by Su Jin: "The introductory test in Tiandao Palace is similar to my Lingtai Sect. Training, you passed halfway."

Zhang Ye felt that he had performed perfectly, and he only passed half of it: "What about the remaining half?"

"The last part of the introductory test is to ask the heart." Su Jin paused, "Ask the heart will reach the lowest level of human thinking, just like that saying, it can deceive others, but it can't deceive itself. It can reach the heart's inquiries, all the secrets. Can't hide."

Zhang Ye was stunned: "That is to say, the hard work of the past two days has been useless?"

Su Jin said: "The way to ask your heart is to let go of your mind and guard, and let the spirits of others enter the depths of your consciousness to torture."

"But there is a flaw in this. As long as you truly become that person, asking your heart will be useless."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Ye heard it in a cloud of mist.

"In short, you can fabricate a person's experience, cover your original consciousness, and then change it back later, so that you can pass the questioning link." Su Jin did not sell the key, "but there is also a risk in this way, if your original consciousness is not strong enough , It is very likely that you will always be another person."

Zhang Ye was silent for a moment. Since this is the only plan, there is a risk and he must go up: "I can."

"It's not that you can say that you can. I want to check whether your consciousness can be held. If you can't hold it, I won't help you." Su Jin is categorical, she never wants Zhang Ye to disappear.

"Then how do you check?" Zhang Ye had no choice but to accept Su Jin's arrangement.

"Let go of your guard, I will enter the depths of your consciousness with divine thoughts to check." Su Jin's mouth has a smile on his face, and it is best for Zhang Ye to retreat when he is in trouble.

Divine mind enters the depths of consciousness? Doesn't it mean that Su Jin can know all his secrets, Zhang Ye is embarrassed, but since he asks Su Jin for help, he can trust her: "Come on, I'm ready."

Su Jin is a little surprised, Zhang Ye believes in himself so much? However, Su Jin had long been curious about Zhang Ye's secrets, and naturally did not refuse, and immediately entered Zhang Ye's sea of ​​knowledge with divine intent.

At the beginning, Zhang Ye’s sea of ​​consciousness instinctively resisted, but after Zhang Ye deliberately relaxed his vigilance, Su Jin’s spiritual thoughts deepened and came to the depths of Zhang Ye’s consciousness. Zhang Ye's subconscious.

Su Jin’s spiritual thoughts turned into her appearance, watching the ball of light with interest. Before testing Zhang Ye’s strength of consciousness, he would inevitably discover Zhang Ye’s secrets. Of course, for the purpose of respecting Zhang Ye, Su Jin just Asked some irrelevant questions.

For example, where did Zhang Ye go in the past six years? Have you ever done bad things? What will you do when you are lonely? You can only choose between Xiaoen, Han Linger, and Murong Hongzhuang. ...

Su Jin got his wish and satisfies his bad taste, and then tested Zhang Ye's intensity of consciousness and barely met the standard.

When Su Jin withdrew his mind, he remembered something and asked: "Zhang Ye Zhang Ye, do you like Su Jin?"

Xiaoen was born after Su Jin's amnesia, not the real Su Jin, so Su Jin asked curiously.

Zhang Ye's consciousness ball glowed colorfully. After a while, the consciousness ball replied, "I don't like it."

Su Jin was greatly disappointed and was about to withdraw his spiritual mind, but never thought, the consciousness ball added: "It's love."

Zhang Ye likes to tease people. He learned it from the subconscious mind, but Su Jin was satisfied and said with joy: "Ten times that Zhang Ye loves Su Jin."

"Zhang Ye loves Su Jin..."

Not long after, Zhang Ye woke up and looked at the Sect Master in front of him, inexplicably excited, but he quickly pinched his thigh and asked: "Sect Master, is my consciousness intensity up to the standard?"

Su Jin pretended to be calm: "It's okay."

Zhang Ye breathed a sigh of relief, so that he could continue to implement the plan.

Immediately, the two discussed and weaving a perfect life for the magical Taoist. Su Jin handed Zhang Ye a pill: "After swallowing this pill, you will become a magical Taoist, but , You must restore your self-consciousness within the time of a stick of incense, otherwise, you will disappear forever."

Su Jin taught Zhang Ye a mantra to revive the self-consciousness, and Zhang Ye kept it in his heart.

"I will help you to improve the problem of the magical Taoist life experience, in case the Tiandao Palace is traced, in addition..." Su Jin said with a beautiful eyes like the moon, "You must come back alive."

Zhang Ye's heart beat faster, thanked him, and left Lingtai Sect as if he was running away.

Su Jin looked at Zhang Ye's back, and said in a vague voice: "I obviously like it, so I am afraid of what I do?"

Immediately, Su Jin looked in the direction of Heavenly Dao Palace, murderously: "Heavenly Dao Palace, if you dare to hurt Zhang Ye's hair, I will destroy your orthodoxy!"


Before Zhang Ye left Lingtai Sect, he went to visit Han Wushuang again, but Han Wushuang didn't give Zhang Ye a good face. It must have been the matter of Zhang Ye and Murong Hongzhuang getting the certificate to his ears.

Zhang Ye didn’t explain anything, he pondered for a moment and said: “Father-in-law, that soul gathering flag, I’ll see if I can fix it after these few days are finished." Zhang Ye drew the all-powerful forging technique of spirit tools to repair the soul gathering flag. If you are sure of it, you can try to recall the soul of Han Wushuang's wife. It's just that Zhang Ye now needs to prepare wholeheartedly to sneak into the Heavenly Dao Palace, so he can only repair it in a few days.

Han Wushuang was startled, suddenly enthusiastic, and patted Zhang Ye on the shoulder: "Xian-in-law, I said I didn't misunderstand you..."

Zhang Ye packed up Han Wushuang in a few words, and kept saying that a man should have three wives and four concubines. Zhang Ye smiled and went back to the blacksmith's shop contentedly.

Zhang Ye returned to the blacksmith's shop and wanted to enter through the side door according to the old rules, but he was recognized by the monks and surrounded Zhang Ye, seeking a magic weapon.

"Master Zhang, I have been waiting for you for six years, from the young to the young..."

"Master Zhang, my father hasn't waited for you. His last wish is to ask for a funeral with a magic weapon created by you. Please do it..."

Zhang Ye really didn't have the time to create a magic weapon, and after pacifying everyone for a while, he finally got away. When he was about to enter from the side entrance, a group of sect disciples stopped Zhang Ye again.

"When I finish my work, I will definitely create a magic weapon for everyone." Zhang Ye promised to give everyone aside.

The sect disciples said: "We don't create magic As long as Master Zhang tells us whether there is a way to crack the rope, these spirit stones are yours!"

In recent years, the sect disciples have restrained a lot, and dare not threaten them by force, knowing that they will spend money to do things.

Zhang Ye took the Qiankun bag and weighed it. There are a lot of them. Zhang Ye said with joy: "Just tell you if there is a way to break the rope, is the spirit stone in it mine?"

"Yes!" The sect disciples admitted.

"Okay!" Zhang Ye seemed to have made a lot of determination, "You asked me if there is any way to break the ties, and my answer is, yes!"

The disciples of the sect were delighted, and there was indeed a way to crack the ties of immortals, and they continued to ask: "What is the way to crack?"

Zhang Yeyi said: "Excuse me, you only ask if there is any, I have already answered, as for what it is, it is not within the scope of service, thank you for your patronage."

The monks were dumbfounded, and after spending a bag of spirit stones, they bought the word "Yes"? Do you still need to buy this damn? Profiteer!