The Magnificent God of War

Chapter 1758: Principled

If they continue to recruit in the afternoon, I'm afraid it will cost two thousand!

It's not just a talk that money can make ghosts grind.

Especially in this kind of place, for these people, money is life, even more important than their life!

But at present their limit is only able to accommodate a thousand people. Jiang Ning said that there are more people but not too many people. As long as they can be trained well, it will be a strong team!

To build such a team and burn money is definitely burning money.

The resources brought by the Li family and his sons have already been spent almost. This time the camp of the Black Wheel was eliminated, and they have gained a lot, at least enough for them to use it for a while.

No matter what, with Jiang Ning, the gold master, are you afraid of not having money?

Li Genhong took the people back to the camp, and immediately let everyone gather.

"Mr. Jiang, more than 800 people!"

He was a little excited, and ran to Jiang Ning to report the situation, "Now our troops are close to one thousand, even if the lieutenant brings people to kill [XBooktxt], there is no need to worry!"

"It's just that there are too many people."

Jiang Ning said, "They are all coming for money now, it's okay in the short-term, but absolutely not in the long-term."

"But, didn't you say, don't talk about loyalty to them?"

Li Genhong was a little confused. Since they were not loyal at all, they could only use money to stimulate them.

"There can be no loyalty, but there must be principles. If you let this group have principles and adhere to the bottom line, it will be difficult for this group to produce traitors."

"This is something you have to consider, understand."

"I see!"

Li Genhong? Shi Xi closed and Shi Yi Shan Shan? Nodded, deeply in his heart, but what to do, he still needs to think again.

At the moment, it is the most important thing to deal with the lieutenant's bringing people to the fight.

Li Genhong immediately went out to make arrangements, dispatch the personnel, and reorganize the organization. Within two hours, order was re-established. I have to say that in this respect, he is still very talented.

Immediately, a mercenary agreement was signed, fortifications were excavated, and weapons and equipment were distributed.

He used the old-to-new model. Originally, there were more than one hundred people, with every ten people as a team, and the newcomers were more than 800 people, with one hundred people as a team, led by veterans.

Those who have truly experienced battles and exuded murderous air are indeed able to hold people down!

This hierarchical arrangement also gave those veterans a sense of honor and responsibility.

"There are hierarchical arrangements, which is to give people the urge to rise. Everyone wants to be the team leader and get more money. Li Genhong, this kid, has some brains."

This way of clarifying the promotion route is very common in business, but it is rare in the mercenary group.

The other mercenary regiments basically have their leaders holding power in one hand, and a few loyal subordinates come to wait for dispatch, but Li Genhong doesn't want to do this.

Because he has Jiang Ning behind him and has a strong backing of force, he is not afraid of not being able to restrain these mercenaries, not to mention that what Jiang Ning can bring to people is more than money!

More hope, and dream!

The fortifications are defensive, and the excavation is very fast. Everyone works very hard, and no one can afford it.

All of them have red eyes, like madmen, like bloodthirsty beasts, can't wait to wait for the enemy to attack and fight with them!

After all, to kill an enemy is ten thousand dollars!

No capping!

Kill one and earn, kill two people, that's a big gain, kill three... That family will have a year's living expenses.


You can live if you have money, you don’t even have the right to live if you don’t have money!