The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate

Chapter 31

Regardless of the relationship between the brothers and sisters with Grandpa Song, Grandma Song, Uncle Song, Uncle Song, and the two aunts' families, Song Gaofei's marriage must be notified to come over for a wedding banquet.

If Song Gaofei got married so quietly without anyone notifying, then it would be the fault of Song Cun and his brothers and sisters that Grandpa Song, Grandma Song and Uncle Song didn't come.

After informing them, if they don't come, then it has nothing to do with the Song Cun brothers and sisters, and outsiders will not say that the Song Cun brothers and sisters can't live in the world, but only the old man Song, the old lady Song, the boss Song, the third son Song, and two others. The married aunt is cold and thin, the brothers are gone, and there is no kindness to the nephew, and the nephew will not go to get married. If they all come, everyone will be happy, and the brothers and sisters will entertain them well.

Uncle Song and Aunt Song expressed their surprise when they heard this. Isn't Song Gaofei studying? Why are you getting married all of a sudden? Is it possible not to read? I have to say that at the same time as the accident, I was still a little happy. The three elders, Song Cun and Song Xiaomeng, were admitted to university, and Song Xiaolu was admitted to a technical secondary school. It would be unreasonable for Song Gaofei to go to university again.

When they heard that the banquet was held in the county, they were very puzzled. Why did Gao Fei go to the county to hold the wedding? Could it be that he got married? If it's really a marriage, it's really funny.

Thinking of this, Aunt Song looked at Aunt Song, and Aunt Song said with a smile: "My nephew is getting married, we will definitely go." People in the village don't know how to scold them if they don't go.

Aunt Song followed suit and said, "This matter must be done."

But anyone who knows the favor will go.

After Song Cun notified them, he went back, and when he went out, he could hear Aunt Song asking Aunt Song how much gift money she planned to give. Song Cun raised his eyebrows and didn't take it to heart.

As for Grandpa Song and Grandma Song, they didn't say anything when they heard that Song Gaofei was married, they just said that they knew.

When Song Cun's notice arrived, he didn't care what they thought, the matter was a foregone conclusion, and no one could change anything.

One day in advance, Song Cun and his brothers and sisters took Uncle Song, Uncle Song, and two aunts to the county seat. As for Grandpa Song and Grandma Song, they excused their age and did not come. When they arrived at the county seat, the group went to the yard that Song Gaofei bought. The yard was huge and there were many rooms. Even so, so many people came all at once, and they couldn't fit in.

Song Gaofei's mother-in-law smiled and said: "It's okay, if you can't live here, next to Jiajia's brother's yard, there are many rooms, and a few more people can live there."

Wang Jiajia is also Song Gaofei's fiancée.

Unexpectedly, the house next door is Gao Fei’s brother-in-law’s house. Song Cun smiled lightly and didn’t say anything, but he couldn’t help but mourn for Song Gaofei in his heart. The neighbor is his brother-in-law, and he will live with his future father-in-law and mother-in-law. It will be wonderful.

Song Xiaolu sneered secretly, thinking that Wang Jiajia's mother definitely did it on purpose, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence that Gao Fei's house was bought next to Wang Jiajia's elder brother?

Song Xiaomeng didn't think there was anything wrong, but felt that Gao Fei and Wang Jiajia's elder brother lived close to each other and could take care of each other in the future.

Wang Jiajia's father and eldest brother and sister-in-law all came to greet them warmly and invited them to sit in the house.

Aunt Song snarled at Aunt Song: "Look at their family, if you don't know it, you may think that their family is marrying a daughter-in-law, not a daughter."

Aunt Song curled her lips and said, "Didn't you hear Song Cun say that he will live with his daughter in the future? This is his home, and he doesn't behave like a master."

Wang Jiajia's mother's surname is Li, and Song Cun and others called her Aunt Li. Aunt Li ignored everyone's expressions and greeted Song Gaofei, saying, "Gao Fei, go and entertain your uncle and auntie, and pour them some water and some fruit." , I took the bus all the way, and it was very hard."

When she spoke, she had a warm smile on her face, and her tone was gentle and enthusiastic. In just a few days, Song Gaofei found the maternal love that Song Gaofei had been missing for more than ten years in her. Almost everything she said was right. shouted.

Now she asked Song Gaofei to greet the people from his hometown, Song Gaofei smiled and said: "Mom, you are busy, I will go to greet them."

The three brothers and sisters Song Cun, Song Xiaomeng and Song Xiaolu sat beside them and did not move. They wanted to help, but Wang Jiajia's parents, eldest brother and sister-in-law felt that they should be tired after coming from their hometown, so they let them rest. The banquet is up to them, so let them rest assured that the banquet will be held decently.

Since people don't let me intervene, Song Cun and his brothers and sisters really don't want to intervene. Anyway, Song Gaofei is living the life, he can just like it. Didn't you hear Song Gaofei calling his mother so kindly? But the brothers and sisters pretended not to hear.

On the contrary, Aunt Song, Aunt Song and two aunts kept rolling their eyes as they watched Song Gaofei talk to each other. Aunt Song couldn't help but ask Song Cun: "What's the matter with Gao Fei? Is he married?"

The house belongs to other people, and they also hold banquets when they get married. What is it if it is not married?

Song Cun said to her: "Gao Fei bought the house by himself, not as a married man, and Gao Fei also paid for the banquet."

After hearing what he said, Aunt Song and her party were stunned. Aunt Song said jealously: "How much is this house? How can he afford it?"

Song Cun smiled: "The house is not expensive. I have some money and I borrowed some. It's enough to make up."

Even so, the second cousin next to him is very envious, especially the second sister-in-law of the lobby, looking at this spacious and bright courtyard, she is so greedy, Song Gaofei has no parents, and he can marry in the county seat Buying a yard, but they still have a father and a mother, but they have nothing. Thinking about it, it's quite unbalanced. Why is the gap between people so big?

Aunt Song and Aunt Song wanted to ask who they could borrow from, who could borrow so much money. Instead, think about the brothers and sisters. The two are college students and they know different people. Maybe they can borrow money. Anyway, they don’t have to pay back the money. If they manage too much, they think they are easy to talk to, and they will ask them to borrow money and pay back the money.

Song Gaofei's wedding was held under the auspices of the Wang family, and there were quite a lot of people who came. Except for the man and Song Gaofei's classmates, the rest were all the guests of the woman. The table was full of tables. Looking at the people who came, Song Cun could guess that Wang Jiajia's family still had some energy in the county.

At the wedding, Song Xiaolu saw that Wang Jiajia was wearing gold ornaments on her ears, neck, and hands. She curled her lips in disdain, thinking once again that Wang Jiajia was willing to marry Gao Fei because of his money.

Take a look at the yard, look at her clothes and the scale of the banquet, can it be done without money? Pian Gaofei's foolishness made Wang Jiajia's family too addicted to the master's addiction and stole the limelight. They, the man's family members, were treated as guests instead. What's the matter?

After the wedding, Song Xiaolu whispered to her eldest brother and sister in private: "Looking at Gao Fei, those who don't know think it's his own mother. Although Wang Jiajia's family treats him very well, I don't know what's going on. uncomfortable."

Song Xiaomeng said angrily: "He treats Gao Fei kindly, isn't he not good?"

Be good to Gao Fei, a family can live in harmony, it's better than noisy ones, right?

Song Cun smiled, this is the brilliance of his methods, I have treated you so well, do you have the heart to treat my daughter badly? If you don't treat my girl well, it's your fault.

After the wedding, Song Cun found out that Wang Jiajia’s family was in good condition. His father was the director of the state-owned textile factory in the county. Wang Jiajia’s mother, Aunt Li, was the head nurse of the county hospital. They bought it with their own money. In such a family, if Song Gaofei hadn't touched the girl and let the girl conceive his child, they might not have liked a son-in-law like Song Gaofei.

Song Cun and his party planned to go back to their hometown the next day, and Song Gaofei went to see them off. Song Cun looked at him and said, "You have already married and are an adult. You should consider the consequences before doing anything. If you are in doubt, you can ask Your father-in-law and mother-in-law, they are all sensible people, it is right to learn more from them."

When mentioning the mother-in-law's family, Song Gaofei put on a smile on his face, he said: "Father-in-law and mother-in-law treat me like their own son, so of course I will find them if I have anything to do. Don't worry, big brother."

Song Xiaolu asked from the side: "Did you spend a lot of money on this wedding? Did you buy a lot of things?"

Song Gaofei said indifferently: "I'm still a technical secondary school student, why is it so vulgar, even Jiajia can't compare to it, a person only has one wedding in a lifetime, if you don't hold it grandly, what should you do if you regret it in the future? Besides, it didn't cost much , but only a few tens of thousands of dollars."

It's only tens of thousands of dollars. Do you really think that tens of thousands of dollars are hundreds of dollars? Song Xiaolu wanted to say something else, but Song Cun interrupted her, looked at Song Gaofei and said, "No matter how much money you spend, you will live your life by yourself, now you have your own little family, live a good life from now on, we can't control it You have so much, you can do it yourself."

Song Gaofei pursed his lips, although he felt that what the elder brother said was not pleasant, but his mother-in-law said that the elder brother worried a lot about him, and he should be considerate of the difficulties of the elder brother, he listened to his mother-in-law, and he didn't care about it like the elder brother.

Seeing that he didn't speak or explain anything, Song Cun led a group of people back to his hometown by bus.

Just after the new year, Song Cun was called back to the school by Professor Yu. When Professor Yu saw him, he had a foxy smile on his face: "You won't blame me for letting you come to school so early?"

Song Cun said: "How come, the professor will not let me come to school early for no reason."

Professor Yu nodded in satisfaction and said, "I see that you are reading books on computer systems. Do you suffer from reading a lot of books without having the opportunity to practice?"

Song Cun nodded with a wry smile, which is indeed the case.

Professor Yu said: "Our country has successfully developed a billion-cycle general-purpose, parallel supercomputer. If we can develop a 10-billion-time parallel supercomputer, then this kind of system integration technology may reach the international advanced level. My research laboratory lacks a Assistant, I recommend you to go there, the laboratory has already agreed, you are ready to follow me into the laboratory tomorrow."

Song Cunyi was overjoyed, and didn't ask why he chose such silly words, but only said: "I will do well."

Even though he is only a sophomore, he believes that he will meet the requirements of the professor.

Professor Yu patted him on the shoulder. He paid more attention to Song Cun. He knew what he was doing and to what extent he had achieved it. Otherwise, he would not have chosen a sophomore as an assistant. This has never happened before.

No matter what life it is, this is the first time Song Cun has entered the laboratory. It is similar to the laboratory he imagined and saw on TV. The difference is the researchers inside. No matter how old he is or what his professional knowledge is, if he can be spotted by Professor Yu and recommended to be an assistant in the laboratory, he must have his own advantages, and those who can enter the laboratory are all in this area Specialized talents will not make things difficult for newcomers on the first day.

Of course, Song Cun just entered the laboratory, even if he was recommended by Professor Yu, it is impossible for him to get in touch with the core research work, he can only do odd jobs in the laboratory, and he will help researchers with whatever they need. No complaints at all, new to a new job, it takes time to get used to and familiarize yourself with, just do more and talk less.

After staying in the laboratory for a few days, the researchers in the laboratory had a preliminary understanding of him. Professor Yu began to let him deal with some research documents. Seeing that he handled them very well, when he was completely familiar with the laboratory, he tried Ask him to write a research report. Song Cun is serious and patient in his work, no matter what he does, he can complete it very well.

Not only Professor Yu, but also other people in the research room also think that Song Cun is good. He doesn't talk much, but he is thoughtful and professional. Sometimes they need some information, but they can't find it. Song Cun will be able to provide it in time. Find that material and send it to them, and also suggest to them that if you can't find what you need in this material, you can find it in another book.

When the researchers found the information they needed through the books he introduced, they had a deep understanding of Song Cun's accumulation of knowledge. The next time you need any information, you can go directly to Song Cun. After a long time, Song Cun has become a "mobile bookcase" in their research room. With Song Cun, their research efficiency has been greatly improved.

Song Cun came into the eyes of the researchers in the laboratory through his rich knowledge accumulation. When he was a senior, he had already participated in the core research work of the research institute. Although this is unbelievable for many people, Song Cun Cun did it.

One day, he came out of the research room and went to the dormitory. When he reached the dormitory building, a woman stopped him.

"Song Cun?"

He was stunned for a while. Although he only had a small part of the memory of the original owner, and there was very little image of his mother in his memory, he had insisted on exercising for so many years, his eyesight was well protected, and his eyesight was also very good. The woman in front of him had a similar appearance. Xiaomeng is a bit similar, and when she looks at him, her eyes are extremely complicated and restrained.

He could probably guess who she was.

"Who are you?"

Although he guessed who she was, Song Cun didn't want to recognize her, nor did he want to see her eyes full of shame and maternal love. When the children were young, she abandoned them and ignored them for more than ten years. Now that they are grown up, she suddenly came here to show her mother's love. Don't you think it's ridiculous? What's more, it's normal if you haven't seen her for more than ten years and don't know who she is, isn't it?

"I'm your mother! Don't you know me?" Hearing Song Cun's words, Hu Yanqing's eyes were red and tears were in her eyes, as if she had been hit. She didn't expect her son not to know her anymore.

"I lost my mother when I was six years old. I asked my father, but my father didn't tell me. I asked my grandparents. My grandma said that my mother was dead. What happened to my mother? I don't know, and I can't find her. It's been more than ten years, I When you grow up, you don’t need a mother anymore, so you come over and tell me that you are my mother, do you think I will believe it?” Song Cun sneered.

Hu Yanqing burst into tears, she tried to convince Song Cun that she was his mother: "I am really your mother, do you think I look like Xiaomeng?"

Xiaomeng was most like her when she was a child, and when she grows up, she won't be much different, that's why she said this.

Song Cun took a look at her. She was in her 40s, which seemed to be about the same as her 30s. After so many years, even if her life was not going well, she would not be too sad, and there was no biological child by her side, which made her suffer. It's normal to work hard and look younger. Hearing her mention Xiaomeng, he sneered for a while, ashamed to mention Xiaomeng.

Seeing the smile on his face, Hu Yanqing was startled for a moment, and hurriedly opened the zipper of the bag, and took out a photo: "Believe me, I am really your mother Hu Yanqing, look, I still have Where are the photos of you when you were young?" Then he handed the photos to Song Cun.

Song Cun stretched out his hand to take the photo, looked at it, put the photo in his file bag in front of Hu Yanqing, and said casually: "Since you have abandoned us, why keep the photo? This photo should still be kept." I'll be here."

Hu Yanqing was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "I had no choice but to. I didn't abandon you. You are also a college student now. You should understand my feelings. It is impossible for me not to go to college."

Song Cun looked at her lightly: "I understand your feelings, but you also have to understand mine. I have been abandoned by you for more than ten years. Why should I recognize you? You can't think that we are a drag and want to abandon us If you don't, then abandon us. You think of us, come to recognize us again? What do you think of our brothers and sisters?"

Hu Yanqing hurriedly said: "I went back to your hometown and found Gao Fei. Gao Fei is married and has a son, and lives with his father-in-law and mother-in-law. You are still in college. You should need me. You can follow me home. "

Song Cun sneered: "Gao Fei is married, and he doesn't need you to live with his father-in-law and mother-in-law. But Xiao Meng Xiaolu is not married yet, have you never thought about them?"

Hu Yanqing pursed her lips, and said in embarrassment: "Your Uncle Liu has a daughter, as long as you agree to change your surname, you can follow us?"

Song Cun looked at her coolly: "What surname do you want to change? Whose surname is it?" Although the surname doesn't matter, he has been used to it for several lifetimes, and he doesn't want to change it, and he doesn't want to change it.

Under his gaze, Hu Yanqing whispered, "Change, change your surname to Liu."

Song Cun glanced at her: "I think too much."

Hu Yanqing couldn't help persuading, "Your father is dead, so it doesn't matter if you change your surname?"

"Even if my father dies, I have been blessed by the shadow of his death for several years. Even if my father dies, he is still my father, and no one can replace him." Song Cun glanced at her, "Go back, I I won't change my surname, I won't go back with you, and I won't recognize you. Even if you are my own mother."

After speaking, Song Cun ignored her, turned around and walked towards the dormitory.

Hu Yanqing clenched her hands, looked at his back and said, "Song Cun, think about it. As long as you agree to change your surname, everything about your Uncle Liu will be yours in the future? What are you obsessed with? It's useless to get angry with me. , only the Huili you get is real.”

Song Cun turned a deaf ear and continued to walk inside.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Hu Yanqing frowned. Before coming, she had inquired about him. This son is really excellent. Not only is he a college student, but he was recommended to enter the research room in his sophomore year. Although he is only an assistant, so many As a student, the professor only recommended him, doesn't that just show his excellence?

Besides, she went to see Song Gaofei, and saw that he opened his mouth and shut his mouth like his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He was married and had children at a young age, and he hadn't finished high school. Bringing him to the capital would also embarrass her. don't. And Lao Liu would not like such a child, since he likes his father-in-law and mother-in-law, let him live with his mother-in-law.

On the weekend, Song Cun went back to the villa and received a call from Song Gaofei. Song Gaofei said to him on the phone: "Our mother came to the door and asked me some basic information, but she didn't say anything. I thought she saw Grandson, will give some money to buy milk powder, who knows that they didn't mention anything. It's her own grandson, not as good as my mother-in-law, but she didn't even bring her grandson, she lived at home to take care of the children, otherwise where would I be? Can you be so relaxed? When my father-in-law and mother-in-law are old and I have to support them, they really have nothing to say to me."

Song Cun didn't even bother to talk to him, the Huairou routine of the two elders of the Wang family tightly traps Song Gaofei, but he hasn't realized it himself, and he doesn't know where he made a mistake, and he likes to talk to him about everything.

What can he say as a big brother? You can only say: "He treats you so well, you should treat the two old people better, among other things, we only talk about changing people's hearts, and you have to treat them well."

Well, in the routine of the two elders of the Wang family, I have to admit that he also worked hard.

Song Gaofei said confidently: "I'm good to them. The first one bought a gold necklace for my mother-in-law."

He bought a gold necklace for his mother-in-law, which had nothing to do with Song Cun, so he didn't express his opinion. The eldest brother didn't answer his words, and Song Gaofei didn't care, so he hesitated and said: "Big brother, can you lend me some money?"

Song Cun frowned: "You have so much money, why do you lend me money?"

Song Gaofei coughed: "No, there is no Kangkang, the cost is too high, my little money can't stand it, buy milk powder today, buy clothes tomorrow, and later he has a cold and fever You need to see a doctor, you know that Jiajia loves beauty, and she took a lot of pictures of Kangkang, another sum of money, bought a car, and often went out to play, this money was spent for some reason... "

Song Cun snorted: "No borrowing."

Song Gaofei was dumbfounded: "Why?"

Song Cun asked him, "What do you do all day?"

Song Gaofei said: "Take care of the children!"

Song Cun said: "As a man, as a child's father, you don't go to work all day, you don't go out to earn money, you just want to spend your money, no matter how much money you have, it is not enough for you to spend, you just live like this What? If you have no money, you go find a job to earn money. Don’t ask me to borrow it, and I won’t lend it to you either.”

With a snap, he hung up the phone.

Song Gaofei looked at the phone blankly, Wang Jiajia looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Gaofei said unhappily: "I asked my elder brother to borrow money, but he didn't lend it to me, and let me go to work?"

Holding her one-year-old son in her arms, Wang Jiajia sighed and said, "Brother is right, it's not a solution for us to be idle at home. If you don't want to go to work, then don't go to work. Just stay at home and look after the children. I will go to work." , the eldest brother said that the shopping malls in the county need people, so I will go to the shopping malls to sell things."

Song Gaofei touched his forehead, and said rather embarrassedly: "This, is this not good?"

Wang Jiajia said, "What's wrong? Are you afraid that others will say that you live on soft food and rely on your wife?"

Song Gaofei didn't expect to go there, but subconsciously felt that it was not good for his wife to go to work and him to take care of the children at home.

He frowned, "How about, how about I also look for a job?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Jiajia's mother came over and hugged her grandson from her daughter's arms with a smile: "Both of you go to work, leave the child to me, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, okay." Facing the expectant eyes of his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Song Gaofei couldn't get off the horse, so he could only bite the bullet and say, besides, he really doesn't have much money. Jiajia will ask him for points today and tomorrow, his money It's bottomed out, he really should go out to earn money, if he really needs to rely on his wife to earn money to support him, where will he put his face?

Seeing her mother walking out with her son in her arms, Wang Jiajia hugged Song Gaofei's arm and said, "I knew you wouldn't let our mothers go hungry."

Song Gaofei looked at his daughter-in-law's shining eyes, feeling bitter inside, yet he still had to smile to comfort his daughter-in-law.