The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain

Chapter 29: call

Li An walked in the corridor of the institute in parallel, and the phone rang suddenly.

喂 "Hello? Yagyu? What are you looking for?"

"There was a problem, Sun Hao and they sent a distress signal." Liu Sheng's tone was a little puzzled: "According to their strength, it should be perfectly fine to clean up the people over Hongshan."

"Can they talk?"

Tamayanagi replied, "Yes, but the sound from the scene seems a little bad."

安 Li Anping's footsteps stopped: "Who is the closest to them?"

"It is Qianduoduo and Scorpion. One 200 kilometers and one 350 kilometers."

"It's too slow." Li Anping frowned. "Give me the call over there."


Uh ...

When Jin Guang approached the four of Sun Hao with violent, greedy, and enthusiastic gazes from all those who were able to disperse, suddenly another voice came out of their bodies.

喂 "Hello, is anyone there? I'm Li Anping."

男人 A man's bland voice, but set off endless waves in the field.

"Li Anping? That Li Anping."

"Is he here too? Where?"

不 "No, it's the communicator on those gargoyles."

Ji Jinguang was startled at first, suspecting that the big devil Li Anping had come, but then he observed carefully that it was Sun Hao's communicator on them.

I saw Sun Hao answer: "I am Sun Hao, I am."

Yang Guang was ashamed and said, "Sir, we have failed your expectations, and we have failed." Yan Bei was unhappy, Audrey was expressionless, and they both said nothing.

"Did you fail?" Li Anping said, "It doesn't matter. It's okay for people to live. Is there someone stronger than you?"

"Um." Sun Hao nodded and looked at Jin Guang: "There is indeed a person. On the external department, the speed of power increases greatly after transformation, and there may be unlimited thoughts."

"Oh?" Li Anping of the Institute raised his eyebrows, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing an interested expression: "Infinite thoughts? Interesting. Let me talk to him."

Yun Sunhao answered yes, and then said that the communicator was aimed at Jinguang.

"Our sir is going to talk to you."

Jinguang unexpectedly said: "Talk to me?"

At this time, Li Anping's voice came out from the communicator, because the sound was more clear because it was aimed at Jin Guang's side. Everyone was quiet, listening to the legendary big devil talking.

"You are the one who has the ability to think infinitely, right? How about? Do you want to join Da Xia Long Que, and be my subordinate?"

I heard Li Anping finish this sentence, everyone was shocked, no one thought that Li Anping's first sentence was to attract Jin Guang. The casual people panicked immediately.

"Little hero, you must not promise."

"Li Anping is treacherous and cunning, don't be fooled by him, little brother."

Speaking to you, I tried to persuade Jin Guang, and the scene suddenly turned into a mess.

Ji Jinguang waved his hand, and it took several minutes to signal the crowd to stop. Unconsciously, with all the power he showed, all those who were present at the scene already respected him.

Jinguang shouted out loud: "Everyone, rest assured, I will never join Daxia Lark."

He shouted to the communication equipment: "Li Anping, I will not join you and be your subordinates. Your big summer queen will make random arrests and persecute those who are capable. You must stop this evil behavior."

"I didn't arrest them randomly." Li Anping said: "On the contrary, most of them are super-capable criminals. I just held them up and sentenced them one by one. As for those who have no criminal ability, I just let them stay After downloading some basic information, most of them volunteered to stay and join Daxia Long Que. "

"That ... that's not OK." Jin Guang didn't expect that the big devil Li Anping would answer this, he said hesitantly: "You are not police, you have no right to judge them, and your arrest of them is a crime in itself. Are you still killing? You are breaking the law by doing so. "

法律 "Law ..." Li Anping was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed: "Don't you know that Daxia Lonelf is itself an organization capable of managing Daxia government?"

"What!" Jin Guang was surprised. He only knew about the big summer queen, but didn't know the background and past of the big summer queen.

怎么 "Why? Without an official background, what we do is crime. With an official background, what we do is law enforcement?" Li Anping dismissed: "The law is something trampled by the strong to serve the strong."

"No, it's not like this." Jin Guang countered.

However, Li Anping ignored him and continued to say, "You are very interesting, reminding me of some previous things." Li Anping listened to Jin Guang's voice as if he had heard what he said in the past.

接着 He then said: "For the sake of this, I will give you a little discount. Now let ’s put Sun Hao and the four of them, and I will not hold you this time."

"What did he say? Too arrogant."

"You must not let them go. He can't support them now."

Huang Xia was hesitant to see Jin Guang, afraid that he really let the four of Sun Hao. Quickly stepped forward and said, "This little brother, don't get into Li Anping's treacherous scheme. As far as I know, he is currently known to sit in Tianjing, and there are no more of them near here. He is a deterrent, once they The reinforcements arrived and we will never let us go. "

Others followed, and Jin Guang's brows frowned. He stopped the people behind him from persuading him and said towards the communicator, "I can let them go."

"No, little hero."

"Little brother, you can't be fooled by this devil."

Jinguang waved to stop their persuasion, and then said, "But there is a premise to let them go, that your big summer queen must stop catching the capable person. Well ... you can catch the capable person, but only the criminal, And they must be handed over to the court for sentencing. "

安 Li Anping sneered: "Impossible."

Jin Jinguang's brows frowned, and he stubbornly said, "Do you want your subordinates to die? If you don't want to watch them die, promise me, if you don't promise me, I will kill them."

"Childish threat." Li Anping dismissed: "Even if I promise, can you believe it?"

"This ..." Jin Guang was speechless for a moment.

Li Anping said impatiently: "I have no time to play with your childish justice games, and I have given you too much discount time. Just like this, I will arrive in Hongshan within 10 minutes. If you are not afraid of death, stay Be there. "

After speaking, Li Anping hung up the communicator. But what he said has plagued those present.

"Arrived within 10 minutes? Is Li Anping really nearby? He is bringing reinforcements?"

怎么 "What to do, Da Xia Long Que is coming over."

"Take those four people hostage!"

Watching the people in the riots again, Yue Shan finally stood up at this time. He just heard Li Anping talking, but he never dared to speak, for fear of being on the black list of Da Xia Long Que ~ ~ Everyone, Do n’t worry, Li Anping is in Tianjing, more than 2,000 kilometers away, and it is absolutely impossible to catch up. "

Xi Huangxia also started to appease everyone at this time. However, some people still do not believe that they all have different opinions on the treatment of Sun Hao.

Hundreds of people under the ring were originally members of Wuhe. Under the threat of Li Anping, they immediately became a piece of scattered sand. Especially after seeing the strength of Sun Hao's four people, their big Xia Longque's fear was even worse.

Uh ...

While those in Hongshan were arguing, Li Anping had already walked out of the institute and he was on the phone with Liu Sheng.

柳 "Yao Sheng, I remember that the fastest missile speed in the army can reach Mach 25 right?"

Yan Liusheng replied, "Yes, it is the Dragon Sword missile that has just been successfully tested."

"Is the nearest silo north of Tianjing? Let the Military Department arrange for me a Dragon Sword missile, the target is Hong Shan, and Sun Hao is over their position."

"What?" Liu Sheng was surprised. "But this ICBM is ..."

Li Anping was too lazy to listen to Liu Sheng's explanation and said directly: "Contact Zhang Yanheng if there is a problem, and let him put pressure on the military department. If it doesn't work, talk to Wang Chong directly. In short, I will arrive at the silo within one minute and let them arrange the missile for me. . "

Yan Liusheng could not help asking, "IMHO, what is your purpose, sir?"

"Of course I was on a missile, and I was too slow to fly by myself."