The Master’s Master Can’t Be a Mortal

Chapter 1444: magic cat teaser

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie hesitated, and said: "I know how to communicate with the origin of the fairy world, but it's hard to say that the origin of the fairy world ignores us."

"Let's try it." Ye Feng said.

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie said again: "As for the cat teasing stick you mentioned, if it is a special kind of slender stick, I know where it is."

Ye Feng urged: "Okay, take me there."

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie said: "I'll show the way, you take me there. Without your help, Immortal Emperor Ye, with my strength, my walking speed is too slow."

He's been stuck here for a million years.

If it weren't for the eight-armed prostrate form, with the strength of Immortal Emperor Nirvana, it would be impossible to crawl on the surface of the core stars of the law.

For millions of years, because he couldn't get out of trouble, he walked around, and he had already climbed the entire star, and he knew very well where there was a mountain depression.

An hour later.

The two arrived at a silent valley and landed on the ground. They could find a lake in the middle, and each drop of water was composed of a large number of law chains.

Once ordinary people get close, they will be assimilated by the law and become a part of it.

"This lake can communicate with the origin of the fairy world. Next, I will immediately use the secret method." Immortal Emperor Ji Mie lay on his knees by the lake, stretched out his hand and took a sip of the law lake water, his whole body immediately trembled crazily, muttering words.

After a while.

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie's eyes suddenly shot out a cloud of light, which was reflected on the lake surface, forming a special force field, causing a large amount of fog to appear there.

From it, Ye Feng could feel some kind of consciousness.

The opponent was chaotic and powerful, which made Ye Feng feel unshakable.

But soon, the lake subsides.

"Pfft!" Immortal Emperor Nirvana suddenly spewed out the law lake water from his mouth, his whole body was frozen by various ice-attributed laws, and there was a kind of coldness originating from the soul.

Ye Feng asked in surprise: "Communication failed?"

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie smiled wryly: "Yes, the communication failed. I tried to communicate countless times, but I only succeeded once 800,000 years ago."

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched.

Eight hundred thousand years!

He didn't want to waste any more time, he might as well find the cat teasing stick first, and after handing the cat teasing stick to the three-legged golden toad, the other party can help him communicate with the origin of the fairy world and successfully create a new power monument.

"Let's find the cat teaser I mentioned first, and we'll talk about other things later." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"Okay." Immortal Emperor Nirvana was embarrassed.

He was a little embarrassed that he couldn't help, so he quickly flew to another place with Ye Feng.

An hour later.

The two arrived at a huge tiankeng, which was bottomless, and there were bursts of strange shouts containing law fluctuations.

"We have to go down." Immortal Emperor Ji Mie pointed to the bottom of the sinkhole.

"Is it dangerous?" Ye Feng asked.

"I went there once, and I was trapped for 30,000 years before I escaped from another place. However, there is a huge vortex below, and there are long and thin sticks similar to the cat teaser you mentioned in the middle." Silence The Immortal Emperor didn't dare to hide anything.

He could see that Ye Feng was very strong.

Once you play tricks, you will definitely be bombarded and killed by the opponent, and you will disappear from this world completely.

"Then go down!" Ye Feng grabbed Immortal Emperor Ji Mie and jumped into the tiankeng, his body was engulfed by the law storm, and the acceleration was getting bigger and bigger.

The two were almost thrown dizzy.

Fortunately, Ye Feng continued to increase the power of the world, forcefully broke through a large amount of fog of laws, and appeared in the center of a storm vortex with Immortal Emperor Nirvana.

Here, there is a black and slender stick, two feet long, only as thick as the head of chopsticks, with various complicated lines on the surface.

The tip of the cat teaser stick is connected with an egg-sized milky white fur ball, like a large dandelion flower, giving people a soft feeling.

"This is the cat teasing stick? I have to say, it looks exactly like the cat teasing stick in my impression." Ye Feng took the stick and muttered.

"Immortal Emperor Ye, look, I have found the cat teaser for you, can you help me to be free?" Immortal Emperor Ji Mie looked at the cat teaser and begged hurriedly.

"Yes." Ye Feng nodded.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the shoulder of Immortal Emperor Nirvana, and led him to the sky, carrying the violent storm of laws, to contend with the gravity here.

"One step at a time!"

Ye Feng used his self-created secret method, flashed dozens of times in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the surface of the core star of the law, and took another step to leave this place.

Immortal world, somewhere on the ground.

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie knelt here, breathing the fresh air that belonged to the surface of the fairy world, his eyes were full of madness.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

"I am finally free!"

Immortal Emperor Nirvana caressed the ground, missing this world very much. Immediately, he released his spiritual consciousness and swept around. From the records of some cities, he learned about the structure of the fairy world that has existed for nearly a million years.

After a while, he learned of the current situation of Immortal Emperor Jin Dao and Immortal Confucianism, and he was very angry.

"Damn it!"

"These two beasts used to eat and drink well in my Nirvana Immortal Palace. Later, when I disappeared, they actually carve up my Nirvana Immortal Palace!"

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie roared.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you know Immortal Emperor Jindao and Immortal Emperor Confucianism?"

"I know! We used to be brothers, but who knows, I treat them as my own, but they carve up my Nirvana Immortal Palace." Immortal Emperor Nirvana waved his fist and bombarded the ground heavily.

"It's a coincidence that Immortal Emperor Jin Dao and Immortal Confucianism and Taoism are enemies." Ye Feng said.

"I must kill them with my own hands!" Immortal Emperor Ji Mie clenched his fists.

Ye Feng asked: "You are only a ninth-level immortal emperor, and the Golden Sword Immortal Emperor is already a thirty-level immortal emperor, and even the Confucian and Taoist immortal emperor has broken through the twentieth level. How can you be an opponent?"

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie stood up, folded his hands together, and immediately behind him appeared countless black spears condensed by the law of Ji Mie, which could melt into the void, and said:

"Emperor Ye Xian, you don't know something. Over the past million years, I have searched for the star that is the core of the law, and discovered many laws of extinction. The emperor is not a problem. Even, it is the thirty-three layers!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

But after thinking about it, he didn't think it was strange.

Immortal Emperor Ji Mie was the Immortal Emperor Jiuzhong a million years ago. Although he was trapped in the core stars of the law that could not absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and could not improve his cultivation, he had a very deep understanding of the law.

It can be said that his accumulation has reached.

Once closed, you can devour a large amount of vitality in the fairy world, and successfully break through to the 20th or 30th level of the immortal emperor.

"Now, you are out of trouble, and I also got the cat teasing stick. The deal is concluded, and there will be a later date." Ye Feng shook the cat teasing stick in his hand, turned and left.

"Immortal Emperor I don't want to thank you for your great kindness. If there is a need one day, Immortal Emperor Jirmier will go through fire and water, and I will do it!" Immortal Emperor Jirmi solemnly bowed his hands.

His gaze was as firm as a rock.


Ye Feng hummed a little song, walked to the small river, took out the cat-teasing stick behind his back, and handed it to the three-legged golden toad who was fishing.

"Ah, it's really a cat teaser!" The three-legged golden toad quickly grabbed the cat teaser, sniffed the ball of soft fur, and said with a grin: "Ye Feng, you really did me a big favor." !"

"Senior, what's the use of the cat teaser?" Ye Feng couldn't help being curious.

He observed the cat teaser, but found that except for the name, the rest of the information could not be seen.

"It's amazing." The three-legged golden toad held the cat-teasing stick, his face beaming with joy, "With it, I can finally control Master Void Beast!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :