The Monster I Was Redeemed

v2 Chapter 6: ashamed

Ye Qing dared to do this because she was sure that Ai Liang would not resist, and wanted to take the opportunity of making a phone call to see Ai Liang's expression when she was in distress.

But now it seems to be the other way around.

Just now, no one paid attention to the small movements under the table, so Ye Qing was very courageous.

After Yi Wenna noticed something was wrong, Ye Qing desperately wanted to retract her calf.

Although it was Ye Qing who moved her foot first, if others saw her holding on to her calf being pinched by Ai Liang in such an ambiguous movement, she would definitely be ashamed and indignant.

"It's nothing. Why are you screaming so loudly? It shocked me." Yi Wenna complained.

Ye Qing quickly explained: "It's just my foot...something pricked my arm just now."

Ye Qing originally wanted to talk about feet, but thinking that Yi Wenna might look down at the scene under the table, she quickly changed her words to arms.

At this moment, Ai Liang gently fondled and kneaded Ye Qing's calf with her fingers, as if she was playing with a work of art.

A faint blush appeared on Ye Qing's face, and her body tensed involuntarily.

She had a shy expression on her face, she bit her lips and kept shaking, and looked at Ai Liang, besides shyness, there was also a hint of pleading.

But just based on this expression, it's hard to tell whether Ye Qing is begging Ai Liang to let go, or begging Ai Liang to continue.

Ai Liang acted as if she hadn't seen Ye Qing's beggar, while calmly talking to Yang Xingyue and Yue Qihua on the phone, while quietly playing with Ye Qing's beautiful legs.

In order to avoid this kind of situation from happening again in the future, since we have done it, we must teach the other party a profound lesson.

Ai Liang thought so, and did the same.

Ye Qing pressed her elbows against the table, trying to pull her legs back.

But Ye Qing is also very aware of how strong she is.

In case Ai Liang squeezed too tightly, she might push Ai Liang down with a sudden force, and then she would be completely exposed under the table.

So Ye Qing didn't dare to use too much strength, she could only shake her legs once and for all.

And this kind of strength reached Ai Liang's side, it was like acting like a baby.

Ai Liang moved his palm down slowly, and every time the palm moved down by one centimeter, Ye Qing, who was opposite her, would shake.

Finally, Ai Liang's palm came to the ankle, he pressed Ye Qing's sole with his thumb, and then...


Ye Qing buried her head in the crook of her arms for an instant, and let out bursts of soothing low moans.

"Xiao Qing?"

Yi Wenna pushed Ye Qing's shoulder blankly.

After Ai Liang let go, Ye Qing quickly withdrew her little feet and stuffed them into the slippers.

But the aftertaste of the force on the soles of the feet has not dissipated for a long time.

Ye Qing raised her head, first glanced at Ai Liang with tears in her eyes, then wiped away her tears and looked at Yi Wenna: "It's nothing but a prickly ash choked into her throat just now."

The drunk Yi Wenna didn't think much, just poured Ye Qing a drink: "Then drink some water."

"Ai Liang, what's wrong with you, I seem to hear someone calling?" Yang Xingyue asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, Ye Qing is playing around." Ai Liang said calmly.

Although Yang Xingyue was still a little puzzled by the voice just now, Ai Liang said it was a joke, so she didn't pursue it.

Ai Liang never lied, so under normal circumstances, Yang Xingyue trusted each other unconditionally.

And she is more concerned about another question than her voice: "Is that so... By the way, winter vacation will be coming soon, will you come back this winter vacation?"

Like a dog welcoming its owner home, Yang Xingyue fixed her big, watery eyes on Ai Liang's face.

Hearing this question, Ai Liang was silent for two seconds.

He thought about it carefully, and replied: "I will go back when I go back, but the exact time is still uncertain. After all, except for my grandfather, no one can say whether the other two can get together."

Needless to say, the so-called other two must be Ai Zhe and Feng Yue.

As for going back before the New Year, it is definitely impossible.

Leaving Feng Yue aside, Ai Zhe will definitely try to find a reason to shirk, and then go to have dinner with Ai Ran and the others.

Even if Ai Zhe would call Ai Liang, it would be impossible for Ai Liang to go there, it was purely to make himself feel uncomfortable.

"Okay...then you must tell us before you come back." Yang Xingyue said, waving her little hand.

Although Yang Xingyue was a little disappointed, but Ai Liang was willing to come back, she was already very happy.

He's such an easy-to-satisfy guy...

Ai Liang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Don't worry, I will notify you when I go back."

Ai Liang chatted a few more words on the phone, and then Yang Xingyue hung up the phone voluntarily.

The main reason is that Ai Liang is still having dinner, so talking on the phone while others are eating is very impolite.

Putting away the phone, Ai Liang continued to eat dinner.

And Ye Qing, who was sitting opposite, would cast dazzling gazes from time to time.

But Ai Liang turned a blind eye to this, and ate the roast goose on her own.

This continued until the end of dinner.

Since it was a festive dinner today, Ai Liang didn't finish eating early as before, but stayed with them until the food on the table was finished.

After dinner, Yi Wenna wanted to help Ye Qing clean up the table together.

But seeing her drunken state, Ye Qing waved her to rest on the sofa.

A guy whose hands are shaking while holding a bowl, don't make trouble in the kitchen.

Yi Wenna muttered a few words in a low voice, and finally accepted Ye Qing's suggestion honestly, walked to the edge of the sofa in a daze, tilted her head and fell asleep.

Yi Wenna occupied the sofa, and there was a portable oven to clean up in the kitchen, so Ai Liang followed Ye Qing into the kitchen.

Ye Qing, who rolled up her sleeves and was about to start brushing, was taken aback.

Ye Qing blushed and turned her head away: "You, what are you doing here?"

She didn't forget everything that happened under the table just now.

At that time, even if there were outsiders beside her, she couldn't hold back her cry.

The parts that Ai Liang kneads, who is familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body, are all sensitive points of the human body.

Ye Qing, who was already extremely sensitive to the touch of the opposite sex, still feels a big hand groping her leg.

Ye Qing lowered her head, not daring to look at Ai Liang.

Who would have thought that Ai Liang, who usually had a paralyzed face, would be so bold.

Ai Liang pointed to the oven at the back of the kitchen: "Clean up the grill, you can't keep this thing in the kitchen all the time, right?"


Ye Qing responded, and silently picked up the sponge and began to wash the dishes.

And Ai Liang also walked to the innermost side, began to dump carbon ash, and dismantled the brackets.

The atmosphere of silence continued for a while, and no one spoke.

Ye Qing peeked at Ai Liang's back, seeing him tidying up the oven like a normal person, she couldn't help pouting and asked: "Are there anything you want to say about the things under the dining table?"

"You want me to comment on the feel of your legs?" Ai Liang asked without turning her head.

Not to mention it's okay, when it comes to the hand feel, Ye Qing's calf felt itchy again, a numb feeling, as if she had some kind of attachment to Ai Liang's palm.

This may be the food marrow to know the taste.

She took off her gloves, walked behind Ai Liang and slapped him on the back: "You have the nerve to say that!"

"Why are you sorry, didn't you stretch out your feet and let me rub them?"

What Ai Liang wanted was for Ye Qing to have a long memory, so her words were very aggressive, and she didn't save Ye Qing any face.

The cherry red on Ye Qing's face intensified again: "I, I just wanted to make a joke! Who knew you would..."

Ye Qing couldn't continue talking, she was so ashamed that she could only pat Ai Liang's back several times in a row.

In the end, Ye Qing pressed her hands on Ai Liang's back, and uttered a few words with teary eyes: "You bully..."

The goal is achieved.

Ai Liang stopped his hands and said: "It's okay to joke, but some jokes can't be understood casually? You are a girl..."


Ye Qing pressed Ai Liang's back with both hands, and hit her head with a hammer.

Then she directly buried her face on Ai Liang's back, and said in a subtle tone: "But I will only make this kind of joke to you."

Ye Qing lowered her voice very low, but no matter how low she lowered her voice, it was meaningless in front of Ai Liang.

Ai Liang froze in place, and after realizing what Ye Qing said, his heart beat slightly faster.

Ye Qing's hands on her back began to move to Ai Liang's sides, and slowly reached his abdomen.

In addition to the warm breath, Ai Liang also felt two lumps on his back that were softer than Ye Qing's calf.

As Ye Qing approached, this feeling continued to spread around.

Ye Qing's body got closer and closer, and her warm breath came from her back to Ai Liang's ear.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the kitchen was extremely ambiguous, and even the air seemed to have a hint of pink.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, the ears have always been Ai Liang's sensitive point.

Even if it is possible to imitate the body, he has not removed this proof of being a human being.

So when Ye Qing's breath hit the base of her ears, Ai Liang's heartbeat inevitably started to speed up.

He was about to turn around and face Ye Qing, but the other party let go of his hands and took half a step back.

Ai Liang turned around.

And Ye Qing smiled and looked at him: "Ah Liang, your heartbeat seems to speed up just now~"

"...You really don't want to suffer at all."

Ai Liang instantly understood Ye Qing's plan.

Ye Qing grinned and made a face at Ai Liang: "Hee hee, now we're even."

She put her fingers against the corner of her mouth, and showed a wicked smile: "But I didn't expect that A Liang would have a weakness, and it's such a cute place like ears, it really doesn't fit your personality at all~"

Ai Liang said seriously: "Because the external auditory canal and internal auditory canal of the human body are distributed with a large number of nerves and blood vessels, the blood circulation is very fast, and they are easily affected by external stimuli, which leads to..."

"like this?"

Ye Qing suddenly put her head on Ai Liang's shoulder, and gently blew into his ear.

But this time Ai Liang came prepared, he directly cut off most of the nerves.

Not to mention being sensitive, it's okay to cut off the ears directly.


Ai Liang dropped the glove, put one hand on Ye Qing's shoulder, and looked straight into her eyes: "If you continue like this, don't blame me for doing things that my age would do."

Ai Liang's eyes are very flat, but Ye Qing can read a strong aggressiveness from the flat eyes.

She shrank her neck and said submissively, "I let me go first."

Ye Qing is very clear that although Ai Liang usually looks polite, she is actually a very arbitrary person in her heart.

When dealing with things, he will be extremely decisive, and if he can stop talking nonsense, he will stop talking nonsense, just like a vigorous killer.

Anyway, the venue has been found, there is no need to deliberately tease Ai Liang.

Ai Liang let go of her palm, picked up the gloves and put them on again, turned around and continued to work on the oven.

Ye Qing also returned to the pool, put on her gloves and picked up a sponge to continue washing the dishes.

It's just that the atmosphere in the kitchen is a little weird because of her making such a fuss.

The venue was found, but the shame of being touched by Ai Liang did not dissipate so quickly.

Ye Qing was brushing the bowl in her hand, but she would secretly turn her head to look at Ai Liang's back while she was brushing.

I don't know if it was influenced by Ai Liang's words just now, but the picture of Ai Liang pressing herself under her body and fumbling with her hands on her thigh would pop up in her mind from time to time.

Thinking about it, Ye Qing stopped washing the dishes, her face was blushing with a wandering expression, and her body would occasionally shake unconsciously.

"What are you in a daze for?"

Ai Liang, who had already disassembled the portable oven, turned around and asked.

The tableware for the three of them, together with a few plates and soup bowls, was just a few things in total. After such a long time, Ye Qing had cleaned less than half of them.

According to the usual speed, she should have finished brushing long ago.

"Ah...ah? No, nothing, I just think about something."

Ye Qing tried her best to tighten her face, and waved her hands repeatedly to throw the foam everywhere.

Ai Liang looked at Ye Qing who was blushing, and didn't say much.

With the experience in his mind, even without any mental ability, he can tell that Ye Qing is getting angry in his mind.

I just touched her leg, and now when she looks at me, her eyes are evasive...

Ai Liang didn't want to think too much, took a deep breath and said: "Hurry up and take Yi Wenna back to sleep, before she falls asleep on my sofa."

After Ai Liang left a sentence to quickly take Yi Wenna away, she left the kitchen, a land of right and wrong.

Ai Liang, who was no longer mentally burdened, began to gradually restore the emotions and desires of a normal person.

But people are very complex creatures who are easily dominated by desires.

Ai Liang wants to restore her emotions as a human being, but also doesn't want to go too deep and cause herself to live like those people in the memory bank.

The middle degree is difficult to control.

If you are too strict with yourself, you will live the same way as when your body was taken over by the mechanical mind in the past.

Too loose will lead to overflowing desires, constantly breaking through the bottom line, and eventually become Cheng Lejia's appearance of treating everything as an ant and life as a plaything.

Ai Liang has her own selfishness, and there is no such thing as boundless love.

He can buy a portion of chips to share with a roadside scavenger, or he can sit back and watch some people die.

Occasionally, because of a momentary move, I do some amazing things.

But more is as an observer, silently watching everything come to an end.

This is the "human" that Ai Liang wanted to be after awakening her superpowers when she was a child.

-----Off Topic-----

Affected by force majeure factors (referring to the aggravation of the cold), my mind began to be confused again... I will try to finish the rest as soon as possible...


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :