The Most Lord

Chapter 104: Law Arthur

In the examination room, Arthur found his seat according to the number plate and sat down leisurely. After a while, a soldier came to him with a test paper and pen and paper, and put the test paper and pen and paper on his desk.

"Start answering questions!"

After all the candidates got the test papers, the official who assisted Allen to invigilate the exam shouted loudly.

Arthur picked up the test paper and found that the second test paper was different from the first test paper. It was largely blank, with only one title written on the top.

"Give you a town, how would you manage it?"

This topic was beyond Arthur's expectation, but it was reasonable.

Arthur wrote his name on the test paper, thought a little, smiled confidently, and started to answer.

"The law, the foundation of governing the territory."

Arthur walked the dragon and snake, answered on the test paper, and did it in one go, without pause.

Although Arthur was proficient in many aspects of knowledge, he was most interested and studied the law the most. Even these years, in his spare time, Arthur has compiled a code of law himself.

If Arthur was placed in the ancient China, Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, he would be a proper legalist.

Arthur wrote all his legal ideas on the test paper. His thoughts were flying, and he wrote quickly. When he finished answering the questions, he found that the time had only passed by less than an hour.

You know, the time for this re-examination is three hours. Other candidates are still immersed in answering questions, and even some candidates are still thinking and not writing.

Arthur read what he had written again, thought for a moment, took the test paper and walked out of his cubicle. Now that the questions have been answered and there is nothing to be revised, there is no point in continuing to sit here.

Allen was sitting on the high platform in the school field at this time. Although the candidates under the stage were all in the cubicle, the location of Allen could give a clear view of the candidates.

Suddenly, Allen saw an examinee stand up, picked up the test paper on the table, and walked towards the high platform. A closer look showed that it was Arthur.

Alan was a little surprised. Did Arthur finish the paper so quickly?

Sure enough, Arthur handed the test paper to the soldier who was in charge of collecting the test paper, and then left the test room under the guidance of the other soldiers.

"Bring up his test paper."

Allen said to a guard beside him.

The guard walked off the high platform, asked for Arthur's answer sheet to the soldiers who had taken the paper, returned to Alan's side, and handed the answer sheet to Allen.

Alan unfolded Arthur's answer sheet, and the word law came into view first.

Reading on carefully, Arthur wrote throughout the article how to formulate detailed and reasonable laws and rely on the laws to govern the territory.

If Allen is asked to sum up Arthur’s ideas with the knowledge he learned in the middle school politics class, it is to rule by law, to ensure that there are laws to abide by, laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations must be investigated.

After reading Arthur's answer sheet, Alan smiled slightly, not thinking that Arthur was still a talent in law. But just right, the territory now needs this kind of talent.

Alan had thought of enacting his own laws on the territory and establishing his own legal department a few months ago, but because the territory was busy expanding some time ago, this matter was delayed.

The laws of the kingdom are too biased towards the nobility, and there is no guarantee for the interests of the common people. In Alan's eyes, these laws are simply worthless. It is almost impossible for Alan to govern the territory in accordance with the laws of the kingdom!

For example, it's like a conflict between Arthur and aristocratic youth a few days ago. If Allen were to be tried in accordance with the laws of the kingdom, it would be light for Arthur to be arrested and beaten half to death!

This kind of law obviously made Allen unacceptable.

Since Arthur is proficient in the law, you might as well set up a special legal department on the territory and hand it over to Arthur to re-enact the laws of the territory and at the same time openly hear all legal cases on the territory.

But this matter is not in a hurry, you can wait until the retest is over.

As time passed, the test takers continued to finish answering the questions and hand in the test papers. Allen didn't rush to read the following test papers, and was going to review them in a unified way.

Three hours passed quickly, and after the exam was over, all candidates handed in their test papers.

"After the notice, the test results will be announced on the 12th of this month."

Allen said to the official who assisted him, and after speaking, he left the examination room with his guards and test papers.

From today to twelve, there are a total of more than six days to review the ninety-nine test papers. In fact, it does not need such a long time. One or two days is enough.

The reason why I stayed out for so long is because Allen has other things to deal with, and that is to investigate the detailed identity background of the candidates who passed the retest.

For candidates who pass the retest, Allen has to entrust them with important tasks. They are basically the chief of a town. If it is a spy from another force or a person with bad intentions, Allen does not know the consequences, then the consequences will be serious. .

Therefore, the identity of the candidate must be investigated clearly and must be innocent!

For the next two days, Allen spent the whole time reviewing the test papers and practicing. The progress of reviewing the test papers was about the same as Allen expected. On the afternoon of the 7th, he finished reviewing all the test papers.

I have to say that these test-takers have very different ideas, some are eye-catching, some are plain, some are more extreme, and some are naive, which makes people dumbfounding. In addition to Arthur, Allen selected ten candidates who were closer to the concept of governing the territory, and decided to hand over ten towns outside of China to them.

In other words, a total of eleven people passed the retest.

As for those who failed the re-examination, Allen decided to let them stay in Huaxia Town for training along with the more than one hundred people selected before, and become the reserve officials of Huaxia Ling.

For example, after the legal department is established, branches will be set up in various cities and towns, and officials from these branches can be selected from among these people.

In fact, Allen has a big plan for the establishment of the legal department, but the specific implementation needs to be carefully considered before making a decision.

Allen asked the guards to find Noxus Secret Agents. There are now ten Noxus Secret Agents in the territory, and five of them are in Huaxia Town.

"You split up. Before the eleventh, check the identity and background of these eleven people and report them to me."

Allen handed the list of eleven people including Arthur to the five Noxus agents and ordered.

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

The five Noxus agents led the orders, and according to the cities and towns of the candidates on the list, they assigned each person to investigate the candidates, and then set off separately.

A few days later, the Noxus agents who were sent to investigate the candidates' identities returned to Huaxia Ling. By noon on the 11th, the last agent also returned.

The details of the eleven candidates were all handed over to Allen.

In addition to Arthur, the other ten candidates are all innocent. They grew up in their own towns, and they have a complete range of relatives and friends, growth experiences.

These ten people, Allen can use them with confidence, at least they will not be spies sent by other forces. But Arthur's information is not so plain.

According to the information collected by the spy, Arthur came to Marier Village in Kribi Town with an old man named Abner five years ago, and has since settled in Marier Village.

Arthur called Abner a teacher and had great respect for Abner, but Arthur and Abner’s previous identities were completely blank, and the Noxus agent could not investigate them at all.

Of course, this can't be blamed on the inability of Noxus agents, but the strength of the Huaxia collar itself, which is too weak and has no influence at all in areas other than the Huaxia collar.

However, Ellen hadn't crossed over five years ago, and Huaxia Ling hadn't appeared yet, so there was no need to worry that Arthur was sent by other forces to deal with Huaxia Ling. So, Arthur is also available.

Allen handed the list of the eleven to the guards around him: "Get a gold list, and write the names of the eleven people. Remember, the gold list is more gorgeous."

After the explanation, Alan couldn't help but feel happy, is this counted as another world version of the gold list title?

Regardless of whether it was the imperial examination or the title of the gold list, it was Allen's self-entertaining prank, which was just an innocuous joke that no one knew.

The next day, the square was full of people early, and all the 99 candidates who took part in the re-examination were present. Because the Lord’s Mansion has already notified, this morning, the test results will be announced on the square.