The Most Lord

Chapter 109: Abner

"More, how much?" The butler of York stammered, and said to himself, I must have heard it wrong!

Allen stretched out three fingers again: "Three hundred thousand, three hundred thousand gold coins."

Allen repeated it twice in a row, and the butler of York finally confirmed that he had not heard it wrong. Allen said 300,000!

"Lord Alan, are you kidding me?" the butler of York asked with a dark face, "all the working capital of our city lord mansion is not 300,000!"

Of course, the working capital of the City Lord's Mansion is 300,000 yuan. The Farvin family, where Lord Benedict belongs, has run the city of Nice for many years and has accumulated a huge amount of wealth.

But if you donate free funding to Hua Xia Ling, let alone 300,000 gold coins, the City Lord's Mansion would not be willing to give out 100,000 gold coins.

It's really Ellen, too loud!

In fact, when Allen said the figure of 300,000, he didn't really want so much. Unless the City Lord's Mansion is a fool, he would definitely not agree.

As long as the City Lord's Mansion can give him 50,000 gold coins, Allen will be satisfied, and shouting out 300,000 gold coins is just a wild asking price.

Here, Allen used the word remuneration. In his opinion, this is the remuneration given to him by the City Lord's Mansion, not a charity to Hua Xia Ling.

"How much can the City Lord's Mansion give?" Allen asked.

The butler of York stretched out two fingers: "Twenty thousand gold coins."

Allen looked straight at the butler of York, without speaking.

"Thirty thousand!" The butler of York said, "Thirty thousand gold coins, no more."

"I remember when I captured the town of Constance, I found 30,000 gold coins in the vault in the town of Constance. It's a pity that it was a drop in the bucket!"

Allen said to himself.

"Fifty thousand, how about fifty thousand?" The butler of York increased the price again.

In the end, after a lot of lip-services, the butler of York finally agreed to pay the Huaxia Leader 80,000 gold coins in exchange for the Huaxia Leader to send troops to attack the Blue Shirt Army!

These 80,000 gold coins, the butler of York promised to send it to Huaxia Ling within three days.

After sending away the butler of York, Alan laughed. A butler in the City Lord's Mansion can be the owner of 80,000 gold coins. It seems that the City Lord's Mansion is far richer than he thought!

With these 80,000 gold coins, I can buy a large number of soldiers again!

However, the territory's requirements for military strength are not so strong now. Allen decided to save the 80,000 gold coins first, and if it is necessary to buy soldiers in the future, they will use them to buy soldiers. If there is no need to buy soldiers, just save up to 100,000 gold coins and activate the second subsidiary element.

Now that he agreed to send troops to the City Lord’s Mansion, Alan would naturally not be unbelievable, and immediately sent someone to inform Galen and the others who were out of the army, so that they could begin to build forces in Kribi Town, ready to cooperate with the City Lord’s Mansion at any time.

After the butler of York left, Allen did not return to the construction site, but picked up the code that Arthur had given him and read it carefully.

As he read, Alan frowned. This code is written in great detail, almost involving all aspects of the territory, which shows that Arthur has indeed condensed a lot of hard work.

But there is one point in the code, which makes Allen completely unable to agree.

Allen closed the code and rubbed his forehead. It seemed that when Arthur came back, he had to discuss it with him.

Three days later, the City Lord's Mansion sent 80,000 gold coins to Alan's hands, and at the same time he brought a message that on the 23rd of this month, all the major forces including the City Lord's Mansion sent troops to attack the Blue Shirts at the same time!

Today is the 18th, and there are only five days left for the major forces to prepare for war. It can be seen how urgent the City Lord's Mansion is to eliminate the blue shirt army.

It is enough to see that the city lord's mansion has really become intolerable to the blue shirts!

Allen wrote back to the City Lord's Mansion and promised to dispatch troops on time!

After the messenger of the City Lord's Mansion left, the guards came to report, and Arthur returned to Huaxia Town with his teacher Abner.

Alan was still curious about Arthur's teacher Abner. He wanted to see what kind of talent it was to teach an outstanding student like Arthur and make Arthur so respected.

Allen could see that Arthur's respect for his teacher was definitely from the heart, from the bottom of his heart, without any falsehood.

In the lord's mansion, Allen met Arthur's teacher, Abner.

In Allen's eyes, Abner was an unsurprising old man, without the eye-catching temperament of Arthur, who looked like an ordinary old farmer.

It's just that, compared to the ordinary old farmer, Abner is more indifferent to honor and disgrace.

"Abner, I have seen Lord Lord." Abner nodded slightly towards Allen.

Allen laughed and said, "Mr. Abner, I have worked hard all the way. Arthur, please help Mr. Abner to sit down."

Abner waved his hand to stop Arthur who was about to help him: "I'll do it myself, old man, I'm not that fragile yet, and I have to be helped when I sit down."

The three sat down, Alan and Abner chatted for a few words, and then began to invite each other.

"Mr. Abner, you can teach such an outstanding student as Arthur. You must be a great talent. I wonder if you would be willing to hold a position in our Huaxia Leadership?"

Allen said, the top talents currently led by Huaxia are too scarce. Although I don't know what Abner's ability is, it is not too bad for him to be Teacher Arthur.

Abner shook his head: "Thank you Lord Lord for your kindness, but I am getting older, old man, and I don't have so much energy to take care of these chores."

"That's a shame." Allen looked sorry, but didn't persuade him much.

Allen knows that the more talented people are, the more assertive they are. Once they refuse for the first time, there will be no other results if they continue to persuade them.

However, Allen did not give up. As long as Abner lives in Huaxia Town, there will be opportunities to persuade him in the future.

After a few more conversations, Abner got up and left, citing the exhaustion of the journey.

"Arthur, I have prepared a residence for you and Mr. Abner. You take Mr. Abner to settle down, and then come to the Lord's Mansion to see me." Allen said.

After more than an hour, Arthur returned to the Lord's Mansion.

"Are you all settled?" Allen asked.

"Settling in," Arthur replied.

After he took his teacher Abner to the house that Allen had arranged for them, he found that Allen had already prepared everything that needed to be prepared in the residence, and even sent a maid and a male servant to take care of their daily lives. , This made Arthur's heart full of gratitude to Allen.

"That's good," Allen said, "I have read your code. There is a problem in it, and I must point it out."

"Lord Lord, please correct me." Arthur said.

Allen took out the code that Arthur had given him, turned a few pages and said: "The biggest problem is that the sentence is too heavy!"

"Like this one," Allen said, pointing to a line in the code: "Thieves, cut their hands and drive them out of the territory!"

"Is this punishment too heavy?"

Allen pointed out that it is only one of them. In Arthur's code, there is almost zero tolerance for offenders, and the penalties for almost every crime are extremely severe.

"Lord Lord," Arthur said solemnly: "Arthur believes that if the law is to be strictly observed by people, it must be severely coded. The heavier the punishment, the heavier the law's status in people's hearts. If the punishment is minor, then The law will become worthless in people’s eyes, dispensable."

"It's like the current laws of the kingdom. Unless it touches the laws of the nobles' interests, how many people will really obey the other laws?"

"The reason for this result is that in the laws of the kingdom, only crimes that touch the interests of the nobility will be severely punished, and the punishment for other crimes is painless, so that no one will follow it. "

Allen shook his head and asked, "Arthur, what do you think is the purpose of punishment?"