The Most Lord

Chapter 186: Folding space

What puzzled Allen was that the forest was not very large, about the size of a village, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a forest. Such a forest is really not like a dragon house where dozens of Fengshen pterosaurs live.

Xavier and Brent rider Fengshen pterodactyl plunged headlong into the woods. Seeing this, Allen also directed Xiaolong to follow in.

As soon as the dragon flew into the woods, Allen felt that the scenery in front of him had changed, and the original forest had turned into a vast grassland.

Over the grassland, twenty or thirty Fengshen pterosaurs are flying freely, and dozens of Fengshen pterosaurs are also crawling on the ground.

Seeing two little dragons flying into this space, all the nearby Fengshen pterosaurs looked at the two little dragons, with humanized curiosity in their eyes.

And Ellen vaguely felt that in addition to curiosity, these wind **** pterosaurs looked at Xiaolong with a hint of awe.

What made Allen feel at ease was that none of these wind **** pterosaurs showed any hostility, otherwise dozens of wind **** pterosaurs, even with twelve levels inside, could tear them and the two dragons to pieces in an instant.

Hidden here is one of the top powers of the kingdom!

"Allen, here!"

On the ground, beside two wind **** pterosaurs, Xavier waved to Alan.

Allen commanded the two dragons to land on the ground, leaped from the dragon's back and asked, "Uncle Xavier, where is it?"

"This is the Dragon House." Xavier smiled.

"But," Allen looked at the endless grassland and sky: "It doesn't look like a royal palace, is it?"

"It can be said that it is, or it can be said that it is not," Xavier said. "This is a folding space in the royal capital."

"Folding space?" Allen curiously asked, it was the first time he heard such a statement.

Xavier nodded: "Yes, it is the folding space. The principle is like a piece of paper. The middle part is folded in half and disappears on the original plane. But the part that was folded in half still exists. This is the folding space. ."

"This foldable space is not a secret to the high-levels of the kingdom, and even the high-levels of the other three kingdoms know it perfectly. As a direct disciple of the Senlan family, and your performance is so outstanding, you will know this secret sooner or later, so It’s okay to tell you now."

"But you guys, you have to tell them to keep it secret."

Allen nodded: "Don't worry, Uncle Xavier, my subordinates are very strict."

"Is this space full of dragon houses?" Allen asked.

"Of course not," Xavier replied, "Many hidden departments of the kingdom are in this space."

Lacus standing next to Allen suddenly said, "If you say so, there should be a space equivalent to this space, right?"

"Uh..." Xavier was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

It is true that there is still a space equivalent to this space, but that involves the higher-level secrets of the kingdom, and it is not suitable to tell Alan and the others. Xavier couldn't understand how Lacus knew the existence of another space.

"Haha, what a smart little girl."

An old voice came, and Allen only felt that a figure flashed in front of him, and the figure of an old man appeared in front of everyone.

The old man was plainly dressed and unarmed, dressed as a country farmer, but Allen didn't dare to treat the old man in the slightest.

Alan is also a sixth-level fighter anyway. When the old man appeared just now, he didn't even see the old man's figure clearly!

It was as if the old man appeared in front of him by teleporting suddenly.

"Master Marvin!"

"Master Marvin!"

The old man appeared, and Xavier and Brent hurriedly saluted.

It turns out that this old man is the number one strong under the legend Xavier said, Marvin!

"Little girl, tell me, how did you know that there is another space?"

Marvin asked Lux.

"It's very simple," Lacus said, "Since this folding space is formed by the space being folded in half, there will naturally be two opposite spaces. This is called a half-folding."

Ma Wen smiled and nodded: "You guessed it, there is indeed another space. But that space is not what you can touch now."

After Marvin finished speaking, his eyes were placed on the two dragons lying on the grass.

"It turned out to be a giant dragon!" Marvin exclaimed as if he had seen something incredible.

"Although it is the lower flaming red dragon of the two dragon races, it is also a real dragon!"

"You brought these two dragons in?" Marvin asked Allen.

Allen nodded: "Yes."

"Can you tell me, how did you tame these two dragons?" Marvin asked, "The dragon is a very proud creature. I have never heard of anyone who can tame a dragon."

"When I traveled across the continent, I once encountered a giant dragon in the northern waters. Although I defeated it, I still failed to tame him."

Marvin's question really baffled Alan, how could he know how to tame the dragon! But he couldn't avoid it, because it seemed that he was deliberately hiding his privates, and it was inevitable that he would leave a bad impression on the powerhouses of these three kingdoms.

"Why, isn't it convenient to say?" Marvin asked when Alan was silent for a long time. "If it's inconvenient, then forget it. I just prefer contact with dragons, not necessarily a way to tame dragons."

"It's not inconvenient," Allen said, "Actually, I don't know how to tame the dragon. These two dragons were discovered in the ruins of a dungeon in the Nice City area."

"At that time, these two dragons were locked in a hole. I let them out. In order to repay their kindness, they always followed me."

In the end, Allen could only fabricate a lie and push everything on the ruins of the dungeon.

After all, the dungeon ruins are one of the areas most unknown to mankind. What happens to the dungeon ruins is not an accident.

"That's the case, it seems they are for repaying kindness." Ma Wendao, I don't know if he really believed Allen's words.

"Master Marvin, Allen wants to temporarily foster these two dragons in the dragon house. I wonder if it is possible?" Xavier asked.

"Of course," Marvin laughed. "It just so happens. I can take the opportunity to contact these two dragons for a few days and study their habits."

"It's a pity that they are not legendary dragons, otherwise I can have some exchanges with them." Marvin regretted.

Legendary dragons can speak words, and their wisdom is no different from that of human beings.

It is said that a god-level dragon can be transformed into a human form, but it is impossible to verify whether it is true or not. Because legendary dragons occasionally appear on the mainland, no one has ever seen a god-level dragon.

After entrusting the two dragons to Marvin, Allen and the others followed Xavier and left the space where the dragons were.

After returning to the royal capital, Xavier said, "Alan, don't you need me to take you to the house of the Senlan family?"

"No, thank you Uncle Xavier today." Allen said.

Although he had only lived in the royal capital for a few months after crossing, he still knew the road to the royal capital, so that he could not even find the mansion of the Senlan family.

Moreover, the guards such as Alex had lived in the royal capital since childhood, and even if Allen didn't know Lu, they knew him.

"Then I will go back to the Dragon House first," Xavier said, "I have time later, and I will visit the Senlan family."

After bidding farewell to Xavier, Allen found the right direction and walked towards the Senlan family with Galen and others.