The Most Lord

Chapter 261: Allen's last words

Nice city.

Allen has set the time for the official opening of the Skydome in Nice City, which will be on the 15th of this month. Today is the tenth, and there are five days to go.

A few days ago, Allen had moved the laboratory of Hemerdinger and others to Sky Screen City. In terms of safety, Sky Screen City was much higher than Huaxia Town.

At the same time that the laboratory was moved to Sky Screen City, Allen built an assembly line for mobile phone production in Sky Screen City and purchased hundreds of craftsmen in the system mall to make mobile phones.

According to estimates, the number of mobile phones in stock will reach 10,000 by the day the sky curtain is officially opened, which is enough to support sales and consumption for a long period of time.

All of the 10,000 mobile phones produced are of the same style, and Allen named them the first generation of God's Word, or God's Word 1 for short, which means the language of God.

There are three colors of Shenyu 1 mobile phone, black, white and gold, and buyers can choose the color according to their own preferences.

As for the price, Allen is tentatively set at 1,000 gold coins. This price is definitely not something ordinary people can consume.

This is also one of Allen’s sales strategies. First, it targets high-end users. After the high-end users are saturated, the price of Shenyu 1 will be gradually reduced, and Shenyu 2 will be launched at an appropriate time.

The lowest price of Shenyu 1 is tentatively set at 50 gold coins by Allen. This price is generally affordable for ordinary people to bite their teeth. Of course, depending on the actual situation, this minimum price may be lowered.

As for the energy magic block required by the mobile phone, it is set at one gold coin, and one block can last for about a month.

In fact, compared to mobile phone sales, the sales of Magic Blocks are big, because a mobile phone may be used for a long time, but Magic Blocks need to be purchased every month.

Allen was looking forward to the big sales of mobile phones, but there was a cry of exclamation outside.

Allen pushed open the door and walked to the courtyard. Inside the courtyard, several guards looked up at the sky, their eyes full of horror.

Allen looked up and saw a man wearing a red robe and blood-red long hair floating in the sky above the city lord's mansion. Strangely, behind the man, the entire sky was dyed blood red!

Flying in the air, the legendary powerhouse!

At the same time, looking at the blood-red sky, a name that changed the color of mainland talk appeared in Allen's mind, Phoebe the Gorefiend!

Gorefiend Phoebe is definitely the most notorious in the entire continent, and one of the most terrifying legendary powerhouses at the same time.

According to rumors, since Gorefiend Phoebe became a legendary powerhouse, no fewer than 100,000 people have died in his hands, and most of these 100,000 are innocent civilians. It can be seen that Phoebe, the Gorefiend, is definitely an extinct guy.

Gorefiend Phoebe stared at the city lord mansion on the ground with blood red eyes: "Who is the lord of this city, come out."

The voice is flat, but full of irreversible meaning.

At this moment, the guardian beast of the city of Nice, the Thunder God King Kong Lei Kuang came to Alan's side, which made Alan feel a little at ease.

The appearance of Lei Kuang made Phoebe frowned, and he couldn't think of the existence of such a legendary creature in the city of Nice.

However, perceiving the level of Thunder Kuang, Phoebe felt a little at ease, just a thirteenth-level legendary creature.

Phoebe's level has reached the fifteenth level, the pinnacle of the legend, and because of the weirdness of the law of blood, the general fifteenth-level powerhouse will be restrained and at a disadvantage when fighting against him.

With Phoebe's strength, naturally he would not put a thirteenth-level Thor King Kong in his eyes.

With the protection of Lei Kuang, Allen was a little more confident, stepped forward, and looked up at the sky: "I am the Lord of Nice City, Alan Senlan, I don't know who your Excellency is, why come to our Nice City?"

"You may have heard my name. My name is Phoebe. The ants on the mainland like to call me the Gorefiend." Phoebe said proudly.

"My purpose is very simple. You immediately order the release of the captured Shadow Eagle members, and self-determination on the spot. I may show mercy and let these ants in the city alive."

"If you don't do what I said, then I will kill all the lives in the city today!"

"I will give you ten seconds to consider."

Phoebe finished speaking, staring at Allen with playful eyes, waiting for Allen to make a choice. He liked this feeling very much, and the weak felt desperate in front of him.

A lot of what he said just now was to lie to Allen. Even if Allen decides on himself, he will kill him in the city of Nice today.

It has been a long time since he has seen the beauty of blood flowing into a river!

At this moment, Allen was rapidly analyzing the current situation in his heart.

Rumored in the mainland, Phoebe was already a 15th-level powerhouse a few years ago, and now he is only strong or not weaker than before. In the city of Nice, the only person who can play against Phoebe is Lei Kuang.

However, Lei Kuang's level is only thirteen. Although Thor King Kong's combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the same level, it is still unknown whether he can beat the fifteenth-level powerhouse.

Moreover, if the two legends fought in the city of Nice, the battle would surely cause countless casualties, which Alan absolutely did not want to see.

For the present plan, only by lure Phoebe to Skydome City and let the Thunder Sky of Skydome City take action, will he have a chance to defeat or even kill him.

And if you want to make a move, you must kill Phoebe, and at the worst, let him be seriously injured and secluded. If only slightly wounded, Phoebe flew to various towns and villages in the city of Nice to kill, to vent his anger, it would be bad.

"The time is up, how are you thinking?" Phoebe joked.

Will this young lord choose to dictate himself?

Allen sighed: "I can dictate myself. I hope Lord Phoebe will keep his promise and let the residents of the city go."

After finishing speaking, Allen turned his head to the Lei Kuang beside him and said: "Lei Kuang, thank you for protecting Nice City. After I die, you go to Skydome City by yourself. I put the faith crystal in the Skydome city, and you will believe in the crystal. Absorb the power of faith, and the strength will definitely be improved. This is my reward for you."

Allen appeared to confess his last words.

"Woo..." Lei Kuang wailed several times in great cooperation.

After Allen finished speaking, he pulled out the scimitar around his waist and wiped it on his neck.

"and many more!"

Phoebe suddenly stopped: "What you just said was the crystal of faith and the power of faith?"

If there is anything in this world that can tempt legendary powerhouses, then the power of faith is definitely one of them.

Absorbing the power of faith allows the legendary strong to condense the godhead step by step. Although the power of faith required to fully condense the godhead is an astronomical figure, any amount of faith can greatly increase the strength of the legendary strong.

Moreover, by accumulating slowly, there is always hope to condense the Godhead, isn’t it?

Allen nodded: "That's right."

"Where did your faith crystal come from?"

"I took it from a strong man named Joshua," Allen said, "He established the Sun God Cult in our Huaxia Leader, bewitching the people, and I found out that he expelled it, and took one from him. Holy crystal."


Phoebe laughed wildly: "I said that Joshua suddenly disappeared, and the whereabouts of the faith crystal is unknown. It turned out to be in your hands. Take me to get the faith crystal. If the faith crystal is true, I can forgive you. Life."


"Naturally take it seriously," Phoebe said, "How can I lie to you as a legendary powerhouse?"

Hey boy, do you dare to believe what my Phoebe said? When the faith crystal is in your hands, it will be your death date.

"Okay!" Allen gritted his teeth, "I'll take you to fetch it."

"Very well," Phoebe smiled, "Don't resist, you show me the way, and I will fly you over."

Phoebe can't wait to get the faith crystal.