The Most Lord

Chapter 272: smoke! smoke! smoke!

What's even more exaggerated is that when a young master from Nice went to other cities to attend a party, he didn't bother to transport a whole set of newly purchased sofas, put them in the banquet hall, and sit on top of it.

Several young masters and young ladies from other cities tried to sit up and were amazed. There was even a young master from a large family who bought the sofa on the spot for 1,000 gold coins.

The young master of Nice City, who had brought the sofa over, joyfully transferred the sofa to the victim. One thousand gold coins were enough for him to go to the Tianmu Pavilion to order three sets of sofas.

For a while, mobile phones and sofas swept the aristocratic circles of several large cities around Nice. Everyone was proud of holding a mobile phone and having a sofa in their home. At this time, the news that Hua Xia Ling was about to hold a New Year’s celebration on the New Year’s Day spread to the surrounding big cities, so the young masters and ladies from these big cities came to Nice City together to buy mobile sofas and join the fun to see Hua Xia Ling. New Year celebration.

As of December 30th, there have been thousands of nobles from other big cities who have entered Nice.

Many families are personally dispatched by the patriarch, dragging the family with their mouths. Because there are several big cities nearby, only Nice City holds New Year's celebrations. It is human nature to join in the fun. If Nice City is lively, then you will naturally come to Nice City.

After the patriarchs of some big families entered the city, they held some identities and would go to the city lord's mansion to visit Alan, and Alan also warmly received them one by one. After all, they were guests.

After the reception, Allen also invited a few nobles who could talk with him or had a higher rank to watch the performance with him on the main stage on the day of the celebration. The invited nobles also readily agreed.

After reading the new laws of Huaxia Ling, many people will think that Allen has prejudice against nobles, but in fact it is not. Allen has no partial prejudice against nobles. The new law stipulates that nobles and common people are equal before the law, but no one is specifically aimed at nobles.

In Allen's view, there are classes in society, there are high and low distinctions, and there will be no equality. For example, if he is the lord of the Huaxia Ling, his status and resources cannot be equal to a commoner in any case.

The equality mentioned by Allen is equality before the law and an equal attitude towards life, not equality in social status and resources. It is impossible to achieve.

Violating the laws of Huaxia Ling, both nobles and civilians will be punished equally. This is the equality Allen wants!

The rehearsal of the celebration performance is also proceeding in an orderly manner. After several days of training by Allen, the actors participating in the performance have gradually become better and can perform the effects Allen wants.

In addition to two sketches, two cross talks, and a drama, Allen added several other shows. For these shows, Allen also spent a large amount of honor points to buy needed items and Soldier.

For this New Year’s celebration, Allen attaches great importance to it. This is a good opportunity to unite the hearts of the people, and it is also a good opportunity to promote the ideas and concepts of Hua Xia Ling to the entire kingdom and even the entire continent! After the celebration, a different wave will sweep across the entire continent.

With all the expectations, the new year has finally arrived!

The Lieyang Kingdom’s Kingdom calendar is 597 years, January 1st.

For this day, Alan has also been looking forward to it for a long time, because today is not only the new year, but also the day of the lottery, but also the monthly lottery, quarterly lottery and annual lottery for three consecutive draws!

Especially for the annual lottery, according to the introduction of the system, there must be something good!

Early in the morning, Alan just got up, entered the system space without doing anything, and started the lottery.

For the three kinds of lottery, Allen chose the monthly lottery first. After all, good things should be kept till the end.

There is nothing to look forward to among the six prizes in the monthly lottery, and there are even two small wooden boxes.

Allen chose to draw, the pointer flew around, and finally stopped on a small wooden box.

"Congratulations to the host, get a small box of wood."


Allen sighed softly, then comforted himself, it's okay, just save character for the next lottery!

Then Allen entered the quarterly lottery. There are only four chances for the quarterly lottery each year. If there is no good thing, it would be too much.

Entering the quarterly lottery draw, the six prizes on the disk greet the eyes, very good, and there is no small wooden box. This means that no matter how bad luck you are, you don't have to worry about getting a small wooden box.

Allen turned the pointer to start the lottery, and the pointer finally stopped on a drawing.

"Congratulations to the host, for getting a'Lord's Mansion Upgrade Blueprint (Level 2)'."

The pleasant voice of the system sounded in Allen's mind. Hearing the name of the prize, Allen was overjoyed.

It turned out to be the upgrade drawing of the Lord's Mansion! For this thing, Alan has been waiting for a long time!

The first-level lord mansion in Huaxia Town has brought me a lot of benefits. Although I can cultivate to the sixth level so quickly, although it is more because of the belief in crystals and sacred fruits, the speed of the lord’s mansion has the same merit. Indispensable.

In the recent period, Alan didn't have time to practice in the Lord's Mansion, but he has always arranged for his trusted subordinates to practice in the Lord's Mansion. Now Tiesan and others have reached the fifth level.

This speed, if it were not for the bonus of doubling the cultivation speed of the Lord's Mansion, it would be impossible to achieve. The attribute of doubling the cultivation speed is no different from changing a person's talent, and it can be said to be against the sky.

The attributes of the first-level lord mansion are so powerful, and Allen has been looking forward to the special effects that the second-level city lord mansion will have. It is a pity that the upgrade of the City Lord's Mansion requires blueprints, but Alan has not been able to extract blueprints for the upgrade until today.

The quarterly lottery draws can be drawn to the Lord's Mansion upgrade drawings, Allen is very satisfied, with a happy mood, Allen enters the annual lottery.

The annual lottery draw is definitely the highlight!

On the lottery disk, the prizes in the six grids are as follows.

A dark token with mysterious patterns on the token; a golden egg, which is completely different from the ordinary "eggs of mysterious creatures" that often appears in peacetime; a silver-gray scroll with a mystery on the scroll Breath; a giant knife with a faint blood glow from the blade; an ordinary drawing; a mini-tower-shaped building.

Each of the six prizes looked extremely extraordinary, and Allen couldn't help but sigh that it was worthy of the annual lottery.

Allen even thought greedily, if he could get all these six prizes in his bag, it would be great.

Allen chose to draw and the pointer flew around. Allen stared at the pointer intently, waiting for which prize the pointer would stop on.

The turning speed of the pointer gradually slowed, turning the **** giant knife, turning the mysterious scroll, and finally stopped on the mini tower.

As soon as the pointer stopped, the pleasant human voice of the system rang in Allen's ears.

"Congratulations to the host, for winning the prize "Tower of Trial"."

It turned out to be the small tower, and Allen's heart moved slightly. If he guessed correctly, the small tower should be a special building.

Special buildings must have special attributes. For example, the dragon sculpture of the Huaxia collar is a special building, and the effect can be said to be against the sky.

I hope this small tower will also be of great help to the territory! However, from the point of view of the name, the effect of the tower of trial is likely to be personal.

Thinking of this, Allen entered the system space, took out the small tower, and looked at the attributes of the small tower.