The Most Lord

Chapter 278: Handsome like me

"Congratulations to the host for completing the side task ‘education for people’, the education system has been opened, and side tasks have been updated."

Side Quest: Heart of the Strong

Mission description: As a lord, one's own strength cannot be ignored, although this is not the most important thing.

Mission Objective: The lord himself has reached level ten.

Task reward: a set of legendary suits.

Allen was shocked by the sudden completion of the side mission. He remembered that the task of the side task of "education-centered" was to establish a complete education system in the territory, but now that he has just built a junior college, the intermediate and advanced colleges are still invisible, even if the task is completed?

Maybe the education system recognized by the system is not the same as what he thought. Now that the task has been completed, Allen no longer thinks about it. It was a new side mission, and it was the first time Allen had encountered this kind of mission to improve his own strength.

But at level ten, it still looks like a long way off now!

Allen entered the system, and sure enough there was an education system in the main element. Allen enters the education system, the location, attributes, mentor and student situation of the various colleges in the territory are all visible.

At this time, the level of the education system is level 1, which can open a subsystem of the education system, and every time the education system is upgraded, a new subsystem can be opened.

Allen browsed the sub-systems of the education system one by one, each of which helped the college immensely.

College card system: After opening, the system will generate a college card for each student, tutor and staff member of the college. The college card will record all the information of the holder in the college and update it at any time.

Intercollegiate teleportation system (not activated, cannot be turned on): After activation, a teleportation array can be built at the designated location of the college, and the holder of the college card can teleport to any other college through the teleportation array. Activate after turning on the card system, and you can choose to turn on after activation.

Student status system: After opening, the system can collect the mental status of each student and feed it back to the tutor, so that the tutor can conduct education.

Reward and punishment system (not activated, cannot be turned on): After it is turned on, the system will score the performance of each student and tutor every month, reward those with high scores and punish those with low scores, and record the rewards and punishments on the school card middle. Activate after turning on the card system, and you can choose to turn on after activation.

More than a dozen subsystems are listed one by one, and most of them need to be activated after the academic card system is turned on.

Almost without thinking, Allen chose to turn on the school card system, because the school card system was not turned on, and many of Allen's favorite systems could not be activated.

After opening the school card system, Allen found Abner, narrated the school card in detail, and handed him the task of distributing the school card. Abner thought that Yenka was an alchemy technique, and shouted incredible.

After solving the academy's affairs, Allen set his sights on the more than 10 million honor points in the system. So many honor points are placed in the system, but it can't improve the strength of the territory, which is simply a waste.

After some planning, Allen decided to reserve one million honor points as a spare. The rest were used to summon heroes, buy soldiers, and buy dragons.

As for the dragon, the Baron Nash, Allen gave up the purchase after some consideration. Baron Nash's strength is level twelve, but the honor value he needs is three million, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

With more than 10 million honor points, Allen decided to summon three heroes, each of which consumes one million honor points, for a total of three million honor points. To purchase eight dragons, each dragon needs 300,000 honor points, for a total of 2.4 million honor points. All other honor points are used to purchase soldiers, except for one million spares.

However, these soldiers cannot be purchased all at once. They are too conspicuous, so they need to be purchased slowly.

Alan came to the clearing, first summoned eight dragons out, and then gave the dragons to Galen, and asked Galen to help them arrange their habitats. Afterwards, Allen began to summon heroes.

After the system update, the honor value required to summon heroes is fixed at one million, and they can only be summoned randomly. This makes Allen regret why he didn't summon a few more heroes.

Allen enters the system, the elements of the League of Legends, choose to summon heroes.

"The host chooses to summon a hero, the summoning is successful, and it consumes one million honor points."

Lights and shadows flashed, and a handsome young man with yellow hair and an adventurer costume appeared in front of Allen and smiled handsomely at Allen.

"A handsome guy like me, is the protagonist in other games."

"Explorer Ezreal, I'm here for you!"

After summoning the explorer Izeril, Allen summoned the ice crystal Phoenix Anivia and the German director Xin Zhao. The addition of the three heroes greatly increased the strength of the Chinese leader.

Allen returned to the city with the three heroes. Just about to take a break, he unexpectedly received the news from Rek'Sai that something went wrong in Wuyou City! Upon receiving the news, Allen immediately reached the Worry-Free City deep underground through the teleportation array in the city.

The construction of Worry-Free City has been preliminarily completed, and the system has been recognized as a big city, and a thirteenth-level legendary Thunder God King Kong, Lei An has been refreshed. Now Lei An and Rek'Sai are jointly responsible for the affairs of Worry-Free City.

Teleported to Worry-Free City, Allen immediately found Rek'Sai and Lei An, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Lord Lord, the soldiers and craftsmen outside the city were suddenly attacked and suffered heavy damage. The location of the accident was far away from the city, and Lei An could not go there, so I drove over by myself." Rek Sai said.

"After I arrived, I immediately killed the attackers, but these attackers were very strange."


"Yes," Reksey said, "Lord Lord, please come with me, now the bodies of those attackers are in the city!"

Alan led by Rek'Sai to a clearing in the city, he smelled a strong **** smell from a distance, which was disgusting.

When he saw more than a dozen corpses in the clearing, Allen's brows were frowned, and the smell of blood radiated from these corpses.

There are twelve corpses on the ground, and they may be humans from the outside. It is possible because the appearance of these corpses is the same as that of human beings, but the whole body is covered with blood red, including skin, armor, and weapons!

Even if they are dead, the eyes of these corpses still have the blood of a monster!

"Lord Lord, I have checked that these people's weapons and armors are made of blood! And they are not alive. Strictly speaking, they should be undead. It is a pity that Vladimir is not there, otherwise he is sure Can unlock the mystery of these people."

Rek'Sai explained that the Vladimir in his mouth was naturally not the iron-blooded emperor from the neighboring country of China on the earth, but one of the heroes of the League of Legends, Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper.

Allen resisted the pungent smell of blood, turned the corpse on the ground, a noun that existed in ancient times appeared in Allen's mind, the **** legion!

This corpse on the ground is almost the same as the **** legion under the command of the destroying **** Kirios that only exists in the source continent recorded in the book!

However, why did the Bloody Legion, a unit that only exists in legends, appear in Wuyou City? Could it be possible that the legendary **** of destruction Kirios really existed and broke the seal of the source continent and began to invade the eastern continent!

Thinking of this, an invisible pressure filled Allen's heart, as if a pair of blood-red eyes were staring at him in the dark, making him unable to breathe.