The Most Lord

Chapter 287: Target, seventh-level fighter!

Azir pointed to the guide: "I haven't been to the Kingdom of Poland, it is said to be in the south."

"Southern?" Nicholas looked at the south with a complicated expression.

"Aren't you going to check it out?" Azir asked.

Nicholas sighed softly: "Naturally, I will go, if I don't want to see it, I'm disturbed. Azir, let's leave the two of us alone. When time is up, I will naturally return control of the body to Gaara."

After Nicholas finished speaking, he went away.

Azir looked at the back of Nicholas leaving, took out his mobile phone and dialed Alan's mobile phone. Through the mobile phone, Azir told Alan what happened here.

Huaxia leader, Allen was surprised after hearing Azir's account, there was a **** hidden under the desert! Listening to the narrative of the **** Nicholas, he should be the **** who guarded the Barnard, the original inhabitant of this continent thousands of years ago.

But I don't know why, there is only one godhead left in this god, and the soul has lived in the godhead for thousands of years.

"I see, you return to the territory first." Allen said.

Lucius, Buck, Nicholas, three gods have appeared in just a few days, which made Alan feel a huge pressure. Gods that only exist in legends have appeared in this world. Could it indicate something?

The strength of Huaxia Ling must be improved as soon as possible!

At the same time, Gaara's current situation makes Alan very worried, but in the face of a god, Alan is really helpless.

On this day, Alan had just finished his day of training, and the guard handed Alan's mobile phone over: "Lord Lord, Lord Jill was looking for you just now."

In order to improve his strength as soon as possible, Allen made a plan for himself to practice for five hours a day. During the practice, he would give his mobile phone to the guards beside him, and no one could disturb him if there was nothing urgent.

Allen took the phone and asked, "Why is the Chief Jill looking for me?"

"Village Chief Jill said that the Lord's Mansion in Huaxia Town has been remodeled. Please go and take a look."

"Oh, the upgrade of the Lord's Mansion is complete?" Alan beamed with joy, "I will pass."

During this period of time, the lord mansion has been upgrading and expanding, so Alan can only give up the double cultivation speed bonus of the lord mansion and practice in the city of Nice. Now that the Lord's Mansion has been upgraded, he can go back to practice again.

Since Huaxia Town has not yet been upgraded to a small town, Alan cannot use the teleportation function and has to ride a dragon to go there. Fortunately, there are now ten little dragons in the territory, and they are not afraid that they will not be enough.

Arriving in Huaxia Town, Allen commanded the dragon to land directly in the lord's mansion.

Compared with the first-level lord's mansion, the second-level lord's mansion has been expanded by about one-third, and it looks much more atmospheric than before.

Allen checked the attributes of the second-level lord's mansion.

Lord's Mansion (Level 2):

Special function 1: Practice in the martial arts field of the lord's mansion, and the training speed will be doubled.

Special function 2: The time acceleration function can be activated in the martial arts field of the lord's mansion. After opening, the time flow rate will double, and the life of the creatures in the martial arts field will not be affected by the time acceleration.

After the Lord’s Mansion is upgraded, new special features will be opened.

Upgrade conditions: Have the master’s mansion upgrade blueprint (level 3).

The upgraded attributes of the Lord's Mansion did not disappoint Alan. Not only did he add a new special function, the original special function was also strengthened.

When the lord’s mansion was at level 1, the attribute of Special Feature One was that the cultivation speed was doubled, but now it is doubled, that is, tripled. And the attribute of special function two is even more against the sky, it turns out to be a change in the flow rate of time!

After opening, the time flow doubles, that is to say, after spending two days in the martial arts field, the outside world is only one day past, and the life span is only one day!

If the two special functions are superimposed together, it is equivalent to Alan's cultivation speed has become six times the original! With such a powerful increase in cultivation speed, even a guy who is no longer a waste of wood can become a peerless genius, not to mention that Allen's current cultivation talent is already arrogant to the entire continent.

With such a terrifying increase in cultivation speed, even Prince Carl, the peerless genius of the Harilo Kingdom, is probably far behind Allen.

"It seems that I will stay in Huaxia Town to practice in the future." Allen chuckled lightly. Now his strength is in the late stage of a sixth-level fighter, with a six-fold increase in his cultivation speed, he may be promoted to seventh-level within a few months!

"Let's continue. From today on, I am permanently stationed in Huaxia Town. If there is anything in the territory, let them contact me with a mobile phone or come to Huaxia Town to find me." Allen told the guard beside him.

When you reach the seventh level, you can go to see the tower of trial.

Allen has placed the Tower of Trial outside Huaxia Town, about ten miles away from Huaxia Town. Heroes such as Galen have already gone to the Tower of Trial. In the ranking of the ninth-level strong, Ezreal overwhelmed all the heroes and ranked first.

Three months later.

In the martial arts arena, Allen suddenly stood up from sitting cross-legged, his body burst into vindictiveness. At the same time, the pleasant voice of the system rang in Allen's ears.

"Congratulations to the host for reaching level seven, and all the heroes of the League of Legends under his command have been upgraded to level 10."

Alan smiled and squeezed his fists. The strength of the seventh level was indeed much greater than that of the sixth level.

"Lord Lord, you have broken through to level seven! Congratulations!"

Tiesan and the others also practiced in the martial arts field. Seeing Alan break through the seventh level, he hurriedly stepped forward and rejoiced.

Allen smiled and nodded: "Yes, I finally reached level seven, and I can go to the tower of trial!"

For the Tower of Trial, Alan has been fascinated for a long time. According to Galen and others, the rewards in the Tower of Trial are very generous. Today's Huaxia collar, as long as it is a powerhouse of level 7 or above, there is no one who does not challenge the tower of trial. There are even a lot of strong people from other places who come here to gain the qualifications to enter the tower of trial and join the Huaxia Ling, which greatly increases the high-end combat power in the Huaxia Ling.

In order to enter the Tower of Trial and challenge them every day, most of these strong people live in Huaxia Town, and many of them work in the Security Bureau or the Guardian Corps. After all, the strong also need gold coins to live.

Now that he has reached the seventh level, Allen will naturally go to the Tower of Trial to challenge him. However, it is said that strong people gather outside the Tower of Trial every day. In order not to cause a sensation, Allen decided to go again in disguise.

Lord Allen's prestige in the Huaxia collar is extremely high. If he shows his face in his true colors, it would be a piece of cake to cause a sensation.

Using the illusion function of Time Mask, Allen transformed his appearance into the appearance of a magic swordsman. That's right, it was the fire that stirred up a parade of tens of thousands in the capital.

He has long flaming red hair and is wearing a black samurai suit with a scarlet sword on his back.

Due to the need to hide his identity, Alan could not ride a dragon or a gale eagle, but could only go there on foot. Fortunately, the ten-mile distance was nothing for a seventh-level fighter.

Allen sprinted all the way, and finally came to the bottom of the tower of trial. There was a loud voice under the tower of trial. Allen roughly estimated that there were hundreds of people.

If these people are all coming to challenge the tower of trial, then there are hundreds of level seven or above powerhouses here! From this, it can be seen that, attracted by the tower of trial, after a period of accumulation, Huaxia Ling has a profound foundation in high-end combat power. At the very least, apart from the Huaxia collar, there is no big city in the kingdom that can have so many level seven or above powerhouses.

Although many of these powerhouses just joined the Huaxia Ling and do not work for the Huaxia Ling on a daily basis, if there is a war in the Huaxia Ling, they will all participate in the war. If not, Allen can expel them from the Huaxia Led, and all the rewards they receive from the Tower of Trial will be deprived of the system, which is absolutely tolerated by these strong men. Therefore, as long as they join the Huaxia Ling and enter the Tower of Trial, their future lives will be bound to the Huaxia Ling.

Allen was only a seventh-level fighter, and his arrival did not attract anyone's attention. When Allen walked under the tower of trial, the first thing that caught his eye was a row of tower leaderboards.