The Most Lord

Chapter 340: Xavier's Plea

The two fighting spirits flew to Allen in an instant with an aura of destruction, but Allen's mouth was smiling, as if he hadn't noticed the danger at all. Just when the fighting spirit was about to hit Allen, a shield of Holy Light appeared out of thin air and stood in front of Allen.

The two quarrels released by Gabr rammed into the shield of holy light, like a drop of water dripping into the furnace, and instantly melted without causing the slightest disturbance.

Gabriel and Archid, who were rushing towards the leading Chinese army, stopped immediately when they saw the situation. They were in the air, uncertain.

"Who is it!" Gabriel shouted.

Allen smiled softly: "Since the opponent's legendary powerhouse has already taken action, Gabriel, don't hide the six of you, do it, and kill these two legends for me!"

Swain approached Ellen and reminded: "Lord, kill value, kill value!"

Allen then reacted and hurriedly changed his words: "Don't kill it, just catch it alive."

If Swain hadn't reminded Allen that he had almost forgotten, capturing these two legendary powerhouses alive and letting the famous ninja kill them would be a lot of killing value! The other party has already made up his mind to kill himself and the 200,000 army, and Alan will naturally not be polite to them.

In the Huaxia Leadership Camp, six figures rose into the sky, and immediately came to the front of the formation. It was Gabriel and other six angels.

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

Gabriel led the order and took five other angels to surround Gabriel and Archid in the air. The six angels, their weapons are all lightsabers condensed with holy light.

Gabriel and Archid were surrounded by six angels with shocked faces. They can feel that the strength of these six angels is the pinnacle of legend, and any one is above them!

Unexpectedly, Hua Xia Ling still hides such six legendary combat powers!

On the wall of the royal capital, King Bazel looked ashamed when he saw this scene. The only legendary powerhouse the Lieyang Kingdom could count on also lost its effect. The Lieyang Kingdom was over.

The soldiers of the Lieyang Kingdom on the city wall originally saw that there were two legendary powerhouses on their side and their morale was in full swing. Now they saw that there were six legendary legends in Huaxia Ling, and their morale dropped to the lowest point in an instant.

"What do you want to do, we are the legendary powerhouse guarded by the light!" Gabriel said, turning his head to Ellen, "Ellen, you should know the strength of Lord Lucius, he is a god! If you dare Let these six legends kill us, Master Lucius will not let you go!"

Seeing that something was not going well, Gabriel immediately carried the **** Lucius out.

Allen chuckled: "You two took the initiative first. Even if I kill you, Master Lucius has nothing to say. Gabriel, do it!"

The six angels shot together. Although Gabriel and Archid resisted desperately, they still could not escape the fate of defeat, and they were imprisoned by the six angels.

Gabriel and Archid saw each other only confining them, and felt a little relaxed, thinking that the Huaxia leader was frightened by Master Lucius's strength and did not dare to kill them. But in this way, the failure of the Lieyang Kingdom is a foregone conclusion.

The six Gabriels escorted Gabriel and Archid to Alan's side: "My lord, you have taken them alive by following your orders."

Allen nodded: "Put them down and take care of them. Notify the famous ninja closest to here, and come over right away!"

After speaking, Alan looked at Gable and Archid with a smile, as if looking at countless killing points. Although Gabriel and Archid were legendary powerhouses, they felt a horror under Allen's eyes.

After letting the well-known ninjas kill these two legendary powerhouses, the kill value obtained is enough for Allen to recruit several well-known ninjas and ordinary ninjas again, and the strength of the sky can be further expanded.

After solving the two legendary powerhouses, Gabriel and Archid, Allen waved his hand: "Siege!"

Three days later, the royal capital was broken, and Huaxia led an army into the city.

Allen said to Bowen and Kevin beside him: "Father, uncle, let's go and see His Majesty the King."

Allen and the three brought the heroes to the outside of the palace, where a fierce battle was taking place. The royal family gathered the remaining guards in the city into the palace and stubbornly resisted at the gate of the palace. Among the resisters, Allen saw many familiar figures.

King Bazel, third prince Angus, Xavier, Marvin...

Allenze immediately stepped forward and shouted to stop the fight: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Angus, Uncle Xavier, Lord Marvin, we meet again."

King Bazel has no sadness or joy on his face, Angus is full of resentment, his eyes are full of hatred when he looks at Allen, and Zell and Marvin are full of complex faces.

"Alan Senlan, you insurgent thief, you must die!" Angus roared at Allen.

Allen calmly looked at Angus who looked like crazy: "His Royal Highness Angus, don't speak of yourself like a victim. If it weren't for your royal family to oppose the Senlan family and the Huaxia leader, I am now Maybe still live a leisurely life in Nice."

After speaking, Allen looked at Xavier and Marvin: "Uncle Xavier, Lord Marvin, as long as you choose to surrender, I promise you will not hurt you. There are others, as long as you choose to surrender, I promise not to kill you. "

"This is your last chance."

As soon as Alan's voice fell, Swain came to Alan's side: "Jiejie, let me help the lord to add, except for members of the royal family!"

Allen glanced at Swain, his eyes flickered a few times, and did not refute.

Xavier, who had been guarding Bazel, took a step forward: "Ellen, can you spare your Majesty the King and His Royal Highness, please!"

After speaking, Xavier faced Alan and knelt on the ground, his forehead hitting the ground heavily.

"Alan, Bowen, Kevin, please, in terms of our previous friendship, let go of His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness, I am willing to replace them with my life, please..."

Xavier, who has always been hearty and confident, and proud of Xavier, kneeled to the ground in order to pray that Alan would let go of the royal family and let go of all dignity.

"Xavier, you coward!" The third prince Angus kicked Xavier and pointed at Xavier who was kneeling on the ground. Kneel down and beg for mercy, you coward!"

Xavier fell to his knees, letting Angus kick him, motionless.

King Bazel stepped forward and grabbed Angus: "Angus, you step back! Xavier, you don't have to be like this, why should you be like this!"

Xavier knelt on the ground, still kowtow to Alan and others, while saying: "Your Majesty, the royal family is everything to me, for the royal family, I can sacrifice anything!"

Bowen and Xavier had a life-threatening friendship. Seeing Xavier this way, he immediately softened his heart: "Ellen, the royal family has fallen to the point where it is today, and there is no threat to us anymore. Why..."

Bowen is not such a kind-hearted and soft-faced person, but who is alive, who has few brothers who can let go of everything? And Xavier, is Bowen's brother.

Allen frowned, somewhat uncertain. Xavier has always taken good care of him, and he has always regarded Xavier as a respectable elder in his heart, and he does not want to see Xavier like that.

Swain saw that Alan began to hesitate, and he leaned to Alan's side and said, "My lord, if you kill a snake, you will suffer from it. You can't raise a tiger because of the benevolence of a woman for a while!"

"Swain, you shut up!" Bowen shouted angrily.

Swain spread his hands: "Yes, Master Bowen! But I want to remind you that Lord Lord is your son, and you must not harm your son because of your feelings."

After Swain finished speaking, he stepped aside and said no more. Swain was not afraid of Bowen, but who made Bowen the father of Lord Lord?

Bowen's expression changed after hearing Swain's words, and finally he let out a long sigh: "Forget it, Allen, make your own decision."

Allen nodded and said to Xavier: "I'm sorry, Uncle Xavier, I can't promise you."

The royal family of the Lieyang King has taken root in this continent for thousands of years. Who knows what tactics are hidden behind him, Allen doesn't want to guard against a force that wants to kill himself and overthrow his rule at any time.

For the future stability of the territory, all members of the royal family must die!

Hearing Allen's reply, Xavier stood up from the ground with a gray face: "If this is the case, then you should step on my corpse first!"