The Most Lord

Chapter 364: died!

In the palace hall, Alan sat on the throne, looked at the high-ranking members of the Huaxia Kingdom in the palace, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Everyone, for three years to hide our power and bide our time, now is the time for our Huaxia Kingdom to show its edge and sweep the mainland."

Upon hearing the words, the officials in the hall, especially Galen, Xin Zhao and other high-level military officials, suddenly cheered. They have been waiting for a day for three full years.

"Your Majesty, which country are you going to go to first? The Harilo Kingdom or the Kingdom of Free Heaven? I must be a pioneer!" Zhao said.

"Jiejie, why bother," Swain said with a smile, "just do it together."

Allen on the throne nodded: "Yes, with the current strength of our Huaxia Kingdom, we really don't need to defeat them one by one. I plan to split the troops and attack the two kingdoms at the same time."

"But although we are going to attack the two kingdoms, we can't send troops directly. Our divisions are unknown. Our Huaxia Kingdom is a country of benevolence and justice." Allen chuckled, "Swein, how to find an excuse for soldiers, I will leave it to you. "

Swain smiled: "Your Majesty, rest assured, promise to complete the task."

To describe Allen’s approach in one sentence, he was the one who wanted to stand up.

A few days later, in the palace of King Harilo, King Yarlin frowned when he looked at the piece of information in his hand.

"Father, what happened?" Prince Carl asked when he saw his father frowned.

Yallin frowned and said: "The Kingdom of China sent an envoy over and said that he would discuss with us the issue of the disputed territory between the two countries."

"Disputed territory?" Prince Carl was taken aback, "What is the disputed territory between us and the Huaxia Kingdom?"

Yarlin shook his head: "I don't know. Now the messengers of the Huaxia Kingdom have entered the kingdom. Tomorrow I will summon them to see what they are doing."

Just a few days after the meeting of the Huaxia Kingdom, the messengers of the Huaxia Kingdom appeared in the royal capital of the Harilo Kingdom, showing the extraordinary people sent by the Huaxia Kingdom. You must know that at a normal speed, it would take nearly three months from Huaxia City to King Harilo.

The next day, Yarlin summoned the envoy of the Huaxia leader in the palace hall. What is inconsistent with the image of the great power of Huaxia Kingdom is that the messenger team of Huaxia Leadership consists of only two people, a middle-aged man and a burly man.

"The Chinese leader Spark, I have seen your Majesty Yallin." After entering the palace hall, the Chinese leader bowed slightly towards Yallin and saluted. There was not much respect between his expressions and words, on the contrary, there was a kind of expression everywhere. arrogant. The arrogant attitude of the Chinese ambassador immediately angered the officials of the Harilo Kingdom and Prince Carl, who was standing next to the Throne of King Yarlin.

Yarlin on the throne didn't know if he was really upset or the city was darker. He had no sorrow on his face. He smiled and said, "Emissary Spark is exempt. I don't know if you came from a long way from the Huaxia Kingdom. Why?"

The Chinese envoy Spark said: "I have told your country officials before that it is for the disputed territory between our two countries. To be precise, I hope that your country will return the land that belongs to our Huaxia Kingdom."

"It's a joke!" an official of the Harilo Kingdom shouted, "Our Harilo Kingdom, where did you come from the land of the Huaxia Kingdom."

Yarlin also nodded slightly: "Yes, I am also very puzzled. Our Harilo Kingdom and your Huaxia Kingdom have nothing to do with each other. Where does the disputed land come from?"

"Your Majesty, you really forget things. The six big cities that Prince Carl took with troops in the past few years have been forgotten by everyone in your country? Or did you deliberately pretend that you have forgotten and do not want to return?" Spark said.

Prince Carl, who was standing next to Yallin heard the words, stepped forward and said: "The six big cities I captured from the Lieyang Kingdom have nothing to do with your Huaxia Kingdom."

Spark shook his head: "Prince Carl's words are wrong. The royal family of the Sun King is rotten and incompetent, causing the royal family to die. Our Majesty Allen rose up and overthrew the royal rule and established a new kingdom, the Huaxia Kingdom. Although the name of the kingdom has changed. , But everyone on the mainland knows that our Huaxia Kingdom is the former Lieyang Kingdom, but the royal family is different. The Lieyang Kingdom’s foreign debt is naturally our Huaxia Kingdom’s foreign debt, and our Huaxia Kingdom is naturally entitled to take it back."

"Nonsense!" a Harilo Kingdom general wearing heavy armor in the hall shouted angrily, "You are a provocation!"

Spark smiled softly: "What about the provocation? If you refuse to return the six big cities of our Huaxia Kingdom, don't blame our Huaxia Kingdom for fighting each other and taking back the land that belongs to our Kingdom by force. Once the war starts, you will pay for it. There may be more than six big cities. Say goodbye to this!"

After Spark finished speaking, he turned and left with a strong man who followed him silently.

"Emissary Spark wait!"

Behind him, Yarlin, King of the Harilo Kingdom, suddenly called the two of them.

Spark stopped, turned and asked, "What is your Majesty's order?"

"The six big cities, I can give you." Yarlindao.

A stone caused a thousand waves, and the officials in the hall looked at Yaerlin with surprised eyes.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, no!"

There were even more generous statements from military generals: "Your Majesty, the six big cities were defeated by men of our Harilo Kingdom army in **** battles. They were exchanged with blood. Why should they be given to the Huaxia Kingdom! They want to take their lives. In other words, the hundreds of thousands of hot-blooded soldiers in the Harilo Kingdom will never be timid!"

Spark looked at Yarlin, feeling a little helpless. He never thought that the Harilo Kingdom would really return the six big cities, he just wanted to find a reason to fight the Harilo Kingdom. Fortunately, he prepared a second set of plans.

Spark let out a big laugh: "Your Majesty Yallin really is a person who knows current affairs." While talking, Spark strode towards Yallin's throne.


Just before reaching the steps of the throne, Spark was stopped by the two palace guards standing in front of the steps. Spark did not seem to see the palace guard in front of him, and continued to move forward.

The two palace guards drew scimitars from their waists, and the horizontal swords pushed out Spark who had already walked in front of them.


Spark suddenly screamed, and fell to the ground as soon as he squatted. After two convulsions, he was silent.

All eyes in the main hall were on the two palace guards and Spark who fell on the ground. The two palace guards had innocent faces. We didn't treat him at all!

A guard squatted down in a hurry, sniffed Tan Spark's breath, touched his heartbeat, his face changed drastically: "Dead!"


The two words shocked everyone present. How could the Chinese leader who was still alive and furious in the hall just so dead when he was gently pushed by the guards? Even more people's expressions have changed drastically. The messenger of the Huaxia Kingdom died in the palace of the Kings for unknown reasons. How could the palace of the Huaxias give up!

"You killed Master Spark! I must go back and report this to our Majesty Allen, so that your Majesty can seek justice for Master Spark!" A voice rang out in the hall, but it followed Spark's side. A brawny man.

"Stop him, can't let him go!" Prince Carl said decisively. If this matter is not spread out for the time being, the initiative will be in the hands of the Harilo Kingdom, and there is still room for maneuver. If this strong man leaves and sends the news back to the China Kingdom...

"You killed Master Spark and want to keep me behind? Don't you think about it!" said the giant man, his body suddenly floated, broke through the roof of the palace hall, and left, leaving everyone in the Harilo Kingdom in a daze in the hall. , Looking at each other. Where are they still unclear, this is the conspiracy of Hua Xia Ling?

How can an emissary take a legendary powerhouse as his entourage! That guy named Spark was obviously here to die, so that the Huaxia Kingdom had a reason to send troops to Harilo!

Thinking of this, everyone Qi Qi looked towards Spark's body, but saw that Spark's body disappeared into the air out of thin air, leaving only a piece of clothing.
