The Most Lord

Chapter 47: Prince Carl

At the same time as the battle between the Huaxia leader, the royal capital of the Lieyang Kingdom was also shaken by a news.

The capital city of Harson, inside the palace hall.

The current king of the Lieyang Kingdom, Bazel Salim sat high on the golden throne, frowned and said nothing.

Looking closer at Bazel, I saw that he was blond, his face was fortified, and he was not angry or pretentious.

Just frowning and sitting on the throne, a frightening aura spontaneously radiated from him, making people feel terrified.

Although Bazel is nearly fifty years old, he seems to be only in his early forties because of his accomplishments in cultivation.

Said that he was successful in cultivation because Bazel was a real level 12 fighter, only one step away from becoming a legendary powerhouse.

This strength is rare among the successive kings of the Lieyang Kingdom.

After all, the king has to be diligent in political affairs, and there is not enough time for training. As a king, Bazel can practice as a twelfth-level fighter at the same time, which is enough to see his talent.

If Bazel was not a king, he might already be a legendary powerhouse now!

Below the throne, the ministers of the kingdom stood quietly on the main hall.

The Minister of the Kingdom on the Left, the Minister of the Kingdom on the Right, the Minister of Military Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Etiquette...

Each one is a well-known figure with real power in the kingdom.

However, these royal officials stood in the palace hall with serious expressions at this time, without saying a word, the whole hall was filled with a depressive atmosphere.

There is no other reason why they are so depressed, but only because of a message from the northwest front.

The prince of the Harilo Kingdom, Carl Salim, personally sent one hundred thousand soldiers to the Kingdom of Lieyang!

Here is an explanation of why the surnames of the Lieyang Kingdom and the Harilo Kings are the same. In fact, including the Western Zizaitian Kingdom, the three kings’ surnames are all Salim.

Salim, this is the surname of the royal family during the Harilo Empire.

The royal families of the Harilo Kingdom, the Lieyang Kingdom, and the Zizaitian Kingdom all came from the Salim royal family, and they all claimed to be orthodox, and naturally inherited this surname.

At this time, the iron wall fortress on the border of the Lieyang Kingdom has been surrounded by the 100,000 army regiments of the Harilo Kingdom. The guard of the iron wall fortress sent people to the capital to urgently ask for help!

Everyone in the palace hall, including King Bazel, has long heard of the name of the prince Carl Salim of the Harilo Kingdom, and it is hard to say that they are familiar with it.

Carl Salem, 27 years old this year, the prince of Harilo Kingdom.

According to legend, Prince Carl allowed Wen and Wu Wu since he was a child, and when he grows up, he is even more Wen Tao and Wu.

Prince Carl began to practice fighting spirit at the age of twelve. He became a fifth-level fighter at fifteen, a sixth-level fighter at seventeen, a seventh-level fighter at twenty, and an eight-level fighter at the age of twenty-three. He was already a ninth-level fighter at this time. !

You know, at his age, someone who can become a seventh-level fighter is already considered to be the top genius on the mainland, but Prince Carl has completely thrown off these top geniuses at two levels!

Such a talent has already shocked the mainland, saying that it is a genius once in a thousand years. Even the Noah people in the Western Continent have heard of his name.

It's a pity that after Alan traveled to this world, he was sent to the remote area of ​​Trucun as a lord not long after staying in the king's capital, and he had never heard of Prince Carl's deeds. If Allen knew about the existence of Prince Carl, he would have exclaimed that this was a genius with a talent as enchanting as Belle.

Prince Carl's cultivation talent is so enchanting, and he is extremely talented in commanding troops.

Five years ago, the Kingdom of Harilo and the Kingdom of Zizai in the West clashed due to border resources.

At that time, the Kingdom of Zizai Tian was the strongest among the four countries in the Eastern Continent, and its style of conduct was extremely strong on weekdays.

In the Harilo Kingdom, Prince Carl, who was only 22 years old at the time, was in command and commanded 50,000 troops. He defeated the one hundred thousand army of the Kingdom of Zizai at the border. Later, he invaded the kingdom of Zizai with 18 cities in succession.

In the end, the Kingdom of Zizai Tian took the initiative to seek peace and cede land for compensation, which ended the war in humiliation.

Because of that war, the Harilo Kingdom won a large territory and huge compensation, and its national strength has greatly increased. Under the change, it surpassed the Kingdom of Freedom in one fell swoop and became the most powerful kingdom of the four kingdoms in China.

Prince Carl also became famous because of that battle and became one of the famous generals in the Eastern Continent, and he was also the youngest famous general in the Eastern Continent.

In the Harilo Kingdom, Prince Carl is known as the "son of the sun god". Everyone in the Harilo Kingdom firmly believes that Prince Karl will one day unify the four kingdoms and reproduce the glory of the Harilo Empire.

Prince Carl has always used this as his lifelong goal.

At this moment, after several years of preparation, the Harilo Kingdom finally showed its fangs and launched a conquest of the Lieyang Kingdom.

In the palace hall, King Bazel took the lead in breaking the calm.

"Everyone, the Harilo Kingdom is coming this time fiercely, and Prince Carl is even more of a genius in Megatron. Do you have any countermeasures?"

There was silence in the hall.

"Yalman, you are the kingdom's military minister. Now that the enemy is invading, don't you have any countermeasures?"

Seeing that all his officials were silent, King Bazel began to call his name.

Military Secretary Yarman Senlan, it is Ellen's grandfather, the patriarch of the Senlan family.

Yalman bowed to the king and said: "This time the Harilo Kingdom sent a hundred thousand troops to invade, obviously it wants to destroy our Sun Kingdom in one fell swoop. There are only ten thousand soldiers in the Rock Fortress. I am afraid it will not last long. "

"For today's plan, the only way to mobilize the nation's forces is to go to the border and fight the Harilo Kingdom to the death. The minister is willing to lead the army personally to meet the famous mainland general of Prince Carl."

Yarman Senlan is also one of the famous generals in Megatron, and he became famous many years earlier than Prince Karl.

"The minister also has a proposal," the kingdom's right minister stood up, "we might as well send an envoy to the Harilo Kingdom to see what conditions they have to agree to retreat. If it can be resolved peacefully through negotiation, there is no need to resort to military action."

King Bazel looked at the right, noncommittal.


Yarman said angrily: "This time the Harilo Kingdom’s troop movement is obviously to achieve their long-standing goal of unifying the four countries and rebuilding the Harilo Empire. Will they retreat because of negotiations? Putting hope on negotiation will only let I was lucky enough to delay the fighter!"

"The minister has another suggestion," Yarman continued. "We can send messengers to ask for help from the Kingdom of Zizai. The goal of the Harilo Kingdom is obviously to unify the four kingdoms. The Kingdom of Zizai is also one of their goals. The Kingdom of Heaven should understand."

The reason why Yalman did not propose to ask for help from the Kingdom of Poland is because the Kingdom of Poland and the Kingdom of Sun are bordered by the borders, and they are the Harilans and the original inhabitants of the Eastern Continent. They have fought countless times over the years. Into water and fire.

If the Kingdom of Poland gets the news, let alone support the Kingdom of the Sun, it would be nice if you can stay down!

After Yalman, no one made valuable suggestions.

"That's it," King Bazel said: "All the cities and territories in the kingdom will be transferred to the border with 80% of their troops, under the unified command of Yalman, to fight to the death with the Kingdom of Harilo."

"This king doesn't believe it. If you gather all the troops of the kingdom, you can't repel the 100,000 army of Harilo Kingdom!"

After that, King Bazel ordered the Minister of Foreign Affairs to lead people to the Kingdom of Zizai and ask for help from the Kingdom of Zizai, which ended the discussion.

For the Huaxia leader, Allen naturally did not know what happened in the capital, nor did he know that the Harilo Kingdom had begun to invade the Lieyang Kingdom.

At this time, Allen had just received the news from the soldiers of the auxiliary army that a soldier led by Folkestone had run away pretending to be dead!

Alan thought he would kill all the soldiers sent by the Folkestone leader, and the Folkestone leader may have to get the news a few days later, so that he would have a few more days to prepare.

Now that someone has fled back to the Folkestone leader, the Folkestone leader should receive news soon, and at the same time, he will also know the approximate strength of the Huaxia leader, and there is not much time left for him to prepare.


After Galen got the order to go to the city of Nice to sell the tungsten iron gate and hire mercenaries, because of the tight time, he immediately set off for the city of Nice as soon as the meeting was over.

When he set out, it was already in the afternoon, so it was naturally impossible to arrive in Nice on the same day and spend the evening in the wild.

Galen has the space ring in his hand, and the tent has been prepared for a long time, and this night is also safe and sound.

Early the next morning, Galen continued to set off towards Nice. Before reaching Nice, he saw a large army coming here from a distance.