The Most Lord

Chapter 74: treasury

Folkestone's vault?

Hearing the words of the chief guard, Alan's heart moved.

In a territory, there are two most important places, the granary and the vault.

Of these two places, one stores all the food in the territory, and the other stores most of the money in the territory. The importance of it can be imagined.

The granary is generally built inside the territory. The goal is huge and easy to find, but the vault is different.

The treasury occupies a relatively small space, and it may be built in the lord’s mansion, or it may be built anywhere on the territory, depending on the lord’s personal preference.

Of course, some lords with space rings like to store the money of the territory in the space ring, but Allen checked the bodies of those who died in the Huaxia collar, and found no one wearing the space ring.

As soon as Alan arrived in Fengyun Town yesterday, he searched for the vault led by Folkestone in the Lord's Mansion, but unfortunately he never found it. Early this morning, he, Galen and Swain went to check the granary led by Folkestone.

This look gave Alan a big surprise.

Folkestone is worthy of being a veteran territory that has been in business for hundreds of years. The grain in the granary is more than ten times that in the granary of Huaxia!

Seeing so much food, Allen was overjoyed.

Although food is not a scarce resource for Huaxia Ling, it directly restricts the development of Huaxia Ling's force.

For example, last time Allen summoned 30 vanguard knights with 60,000 gold coins. The cheapest first-tier unit in the system mall only needed 15 gold coins. These 60,000 gold coins are enough to summon 4,000 first-tier soldiers!

The value of 4,000 Tier 1 soldiers is not necessarily less than 30 Tier 5 Vanguard knights.

Then why didn't Allen choose to summon four thousand Tier 1 soldiers?

The total population of Hua Xia Ling is only more than 1,000 people. With the productivity of more than 1,000 people, how to feed these four thousand first-order soldiers?

If Allen really summoned these four thousand Tier 1 soldiers, I am afraid that these soldiers will be starved to death in a few days.

Therefore, food is restricting the development of Huaxia's leading troops. If there is not enough food, Alan will not dare to summon too many soldiers even if he has money.

The fact that Folkestone received the grain in the granary made Allen less worried about army expansion.

After seeing the granary led by Folkestone, Allen even missed the vault led by Folkestone. If he can get the money in the vault, Alan can buy some soldiers again.

"Do you know where Folkestone's vault is?" Allen asked.

"Yes," the chief guard replied, "I am Spike's most trusted guard. I know everything about him."

"Then he must have never thought that his most trusted guard would betray the name he betrayed." Galen mocked.

In Galen's view, even if the chief guard chose to surrender in order to survive, there was no need to confess the location of the treasury in such a hurry.

Although this is the result that Galen wants to see most, it does not prevent Galen from despising him in his heart.

The head guard smiled lightly, not thinking that he said, "Since I have chosen to join Lord Ellen, I have to show some sincerity. And Spike is dead, and I don't need to keep this secret for him."

"Where is the location of the vault?" Allen asked.

"It's in the lord's mansion," the chief guard replied, and then told Alan the location of the treasury.

This location is so secretive, it's no wonder that Alan looked for it for a long time last night and didn't find it.

"Okay, I will go back to the Lord's Mansion to find it. If the position is true, your credit is indispensable."

Allen stood up and said to the guard.

"Can I stay in the army?" the chief guard asked.

"Yes," Allen replied. After speaking, he took Galen and walked outside.

Seeing Ellen and Galen leaving behind, the chief guard's eyes flickered.

After leaving the barracks, Galen spoke up.

"My lord, this person betrayed the old lord so simply that he can't reuse it."

Galen said cautiously.

Allen nodded: "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

The head of the guard was a fifth-level fighter, and for Huaxia Ling, he was already considered a high-level fighter. It was more or less useful to stay in the army.

As long as he is not appointed to important tasks.

When he arrived at the Lord's Mansion, Allen looked for the location as the chief guard said, and he found the vault led by Folkestone.

Allen opened the vault. There were more than 30,000 gold coins in the vault!

Allen deposited these gold coins into the system space and grinned. With these more than 30,000 gold coins, he can summon some new soldiers.

After some consideration, Allen selected three arms in the system mall.

Tier 3 arms, Noxus Great Axe Soldier, sells for 150 gold coins.

Tier 3 arms, the priest of the Holy Light, sells for 200 gold coins.

Tier 5 arms, Noxus Secret Agent, priced at 1200 gold coins.

The Noxian Great Axemen belong to the main combat arms, which can very well enhance the combat effectiveness of the Chinese leader.

The priest of the Holy Light is a medical unit, not only proficient in battlefield first aid, but also has a strong healing effect of the Holy Light magic, is one of the best medical soldiers on the battlefield.

Noxus Secret Agent, as the name suggests, is a secret agent carefully trained by Noxus, who is proficient in all kinds of intelligence work.

Allen chose Noxus Agent because it is closely related to the next step of Huaxia Leader's plan.

Moreover, Allen’s idea of ​​forming an intelligence agency has existed for a long time. These spies are the best candidates to build an intelligence agency.

In the end, Allen decided to summon 100 Noxus Great Axemen, 50 Holy Light Priests, and 5 Noxus Secret Agents. These soldiers add up to a total price of 31,000 gold coins.

There are still some gold coins left, which Allen intends to keep for his territory construction.

Allen took Galen back to the barracks again, found an empty camp, and began to summon soldiers.

Lights and shadows flashed, and a group of soldiers appeared in front of Allen.

The Noxian Giant Axemen are a group of strong warriors over two meters tall. These warriors are dressed in sleeveless black half-length armor, with extremely strong arms and thighs exposed, and holding a sharp handle nearly two meters long in their hands. Great axe.

With a height of more than two meters, and the best match with the sharp giant axe in his hand, the Nuxus giant axe soldier gives people a strong sense of oppression. If the enemy is timid, just seeing the appearance of the giant axe soldier will be too scared to leave the station.

In fact, the Nuxus Giant Axemen are veritable meat grinders on the battlefield. They are known for their bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. The corpses of the enemies killed by them are usually torn apart, and they are rare.

Pastor Shengguang is a group of beautiful girls, dressed in snow-white pastor robes, carrying a large medical kit behind their backs, with a warm smile on their faces.

A beautiful smile, a beautiful face, and a white priest's robe, the combination of these three factors, gives a sense of sacredness and inviolability.

The appearance of the Noxus agent was a bit beyond Allen's expectations.

Allen thought that since he was a spy, he must have been hidden in a dark cloak, full of mysterious and gloomy aura.

However, after summoning the Noxus agent, Allen discovered that the so-called agent was no different from ordinary people.

With ordinary clothes and unremarkable facial features, Allen can guarantee that these five guys will be thrown into the civilian population, and no one will see that they have anything special.

"I have seen Lord Lord!"

After the soldiers were called out, they saluted Allen in unison.

Allen nodded and looked at the soldiers in front of him, very satisfied.

"Gallen, you arrange the camps of these soldiers, and then ask Upper Swain to come back here and find me together. Let's discuss the next plan."

Allen said to Galen.

Tonight, Alan is going to spend the night in the barracks. In fact, the lord’s mansion is now empty. There is no difference between living in the lord’s house and living in the barracks.

"Yes, Lord Lord."

Galen took the order and took the newly summoned soldiers to arrange the camp.

Allen stayed in the camp alone and began to think about the next step.

The next step of Huaxia Leadership is very simple. Take down the Constance Leadership on the west side of the territory!

The Huaxia Territory is located on the southeastern border of the Lieyang Kingdom. Both the east and the south are wilderness areas. There are only two relatively powerful territories around the territory, the Folkestone collar and the Constance collar.

Both the Folkestone collar and Constance collar are one of the 23 collars in the Nice City area.

Except for these two territories, Huaxia Ling is surrounded by small villages, which poses no threat to Huaxia Ling.

Huaxia Ling has a statue of a dragon. The second feature of the Shenlong statue, "Long Wei", can ensure that the Huaxia Ling will not be threatened by monsters in the wilderness areas on the east and south.

Therefore, only the two territories of Folkestone and Constance can pose a threat to Huaxia.

Now that the Huaxia leader has captured the Folkestone leader, as long as the leader Constance is taken down, there will no longer be any threats around the Huaxia leader city.

With no threats near the main city, Allen can mobilize most of his troops and continue to expand.