The Most Powerful System

Chapter 171: Qi Yu was counted

Fleischer sat down after pouring wine in order.

At the moment he sat down, he accidentally wiped his right hand with his hand, as if wiping the cold sweat that he was about to seduce.

‘Although he has worked hard to cover up well, he still ca n’t escape my keen hearing and vision. His current state is obviously not as natural as before, and even a little nervous, which is completely different from just now. ’

‘If this bottle of Lafite 1982 is no problem, how could he be so nervous? ’

‘But… he poured the same red wine for all four of us. If the wine is poisonous, would n’t everyone be poisoned, which is a bit unreasonable! ’

Qi Yu secretly thought in his heart, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't reach a conclusion that satisfied himself.

Although Qi Yu is a hegemonic life body, the strongest physique on the planet exists. Even if the wine is really poisonous, it will not poison him, but he is not a masochist, he does not want to take risks and drink problems Alcohol, for him, is equivalent to insulting IQ by villains.

So far, it seems that I can only turn to the strongest system for omnipotence.

As a result, Qi Yu did not panic for a while, secretly communicating with the strongest system in her head.

"Master System, I'm sorry, I have something to ask you." Qi Yu said to the system with a respectful low attitude.

"What trivial thing is there to come to this place to help?" The system asked lazily.

"Uh ..." Qi Yu smiled awkwardly, and then asked, "You said, is there any problem with the bottle of raffia on the table in 1982, such as poisoning?"

"Rest assured, this seat can tell you clearly that there is no problem with that bottle of raffia in 1982!" The system glanced briefly and answered with a positive tone.

"Oh, then I will rest assured." Qi Yu exhaled relievedly. Regarding the detection result of the mysterious existence of the system beyond the scope of human understanding, Qi Yua is 100% convinced that he will never suspect that the system detection is wrong.

After eating all kinds of food, Qi Yu happened to be a little thirsty, so he took up the glass in front of him and prepared to take a sip.

When Qi Yu's glass was about to touch her lips, suddenly a voice came from her mind—


The system made such a cold voice, suddenly shocked Qi Yu's little hand shake, strong red wine rippling in the glass, almost spilled out.

"Nima! Master System, why are you so surprised? You are trying to scare this baby!" Qi Yu sulked in depression, not drinking for the time being.

"Oh, I haven't finished speaking just now. Why are you so anxious to drink?" Said the system.

"His ... Master, do you mean ..." Qi Yu curiously.

"The meaning of this seat is that the 1982 Lafite bottle is indeed no problem, but!" The system suddenly strengthened its tone, emphasizing, "Your glass has a problem!"

"Is there a problem with my glass?" Qi Yu was a little surprised.

"That's right! I just inspected everything in the whole room and found that there was no problem with all the food and drinks on the table, but the glass of you and Miss Fox was covered inside. "Methyltin, testosterone propionate, chorionic gonadotropin, nandrolone phenylpropionate and other chemical components."

"Uh ... would you please speak something easy to understand?" Qi Yu raised a question mark above her head, and a bad hunch rose in her heart.

"In other words, these chemical ingredients are the main ingredients of aphrodisiac, and your glass is still a very high-purity aphrodisiac. The effect is several times higher than that of a conventional aphrodisiac, which can make you instantly become As if innocent woman who hasn't seen a woman in decades, even if Feng Sister on your planet is standing in front of you, you will be unable to restrain the original desire in your heart to put her right on the spot. "The system explained in detail.

"Bottom!" After listening to the system's explanation, Qi Yu was stunned, and wanted to raise a knife and cut people! This Nima is simply heartbroken! It ’s futile to smoke!

"These powerful aphrodisiac ingredients are colorless and tasteless, sticking to the inner wall of this glass in front of you. When Fleischer poured red wine into your glass, those aphrodisiac ingredients quickly dissolved into the wine, so there was no The problematic wine is also mixed into the problematic wine. When you are in estrus, Dick and Fleischer will record unrealistic action action movies to master your handle. "The system concludes at the end. .

"Abominable! This **** idea came from his mother! The heart of these two goods is really poisonous!" Qi Yu gritted her teeth, looked at Miss Fox next to her, and said to the system, "But to be honest, treat such a person The beautiful Hollywood actress stayed here as the object of my venting desire, these two indecent minds are not too bad. "

"Stupid, I think it's beautiful. Are the sows next door the ones for you?" The system smiled and gave him a good shot. "They were also in Miss Fox's glass. The aphrodisiac is coated and is intended to be used by yourself, not for you. "

After hearing that, Qi Yu's indescribable smile instantly froze, and a few embarrassing black lines emerged from her forehead.

"Nima! I can't bear it! I'm going to abolish these two silly forks now!"

Qi Yu's anger was unbearable. Fortunately, this was the state of anger he showed in the conscious world. Otherwise, in the real world, it is estimated that the opposite Dick and Fleischer would have been shot into meat sauce.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess ~ ~ This seat suggests that you should not use impulse, but try to use your own mind to get wisdom!" The system bitterly persuaded.

After hearing the system say this, Qi Yu gradually calmed down.

If you think about it, the reason why you promised to invite to this villa for dinner this time is mainly to find a chance to get a list of Hydra's spies from Dick. Everything else is secondary. The system makes sense, he really should not be impulsive, but calmly outsmart him!

He exhaled deeply, calming down the inner waves, trying to keep himself calm.

At the same time, silently wondering in my heart, how can we use intelligence to reverse the situation ...

Soon, he thought of a good way to successfully deal with Dick and Fleischer without using violence.

‘Hum, dare to do this kind of stuff in my wine glass, see you two do n’t regret it after a while! ’

The corner of Qi Yu's mouth rose, and there was a fierce flash in his eyes. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL: