The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 676: There is a problem

Xiao Xiaoyan ran all the way.

Tired of running, he finally stopped, squatted under a big willow tree, and cried aloud.

Beside the willow, there is a winding creek, I don't know where it is going from or to.

Xiao Xiaoyan cried very badly, and her body was trembling. Xiao Yao just stood looking at it from a distance. He felt that Xiao Xiaoyan would definitely not jump into the creek, and he would not die anyway. The water would reach her waist at most.

When Xiao Xiaoyan was tired, she raised her head, and a figure stood in front of her.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Xiao Xiaoyan asked.

"You are not a bad person, why do you want to kill me?" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "Before you wanted to kill me because you thought your parents were heroes. Now, do you still think so?"

Xiao Xiaoyan said nothing.

She really has no way to continue to tell Yi Sanqiu confidently that her parents are good people.

"Actually, whether they are good people or not, they are not so important to you anymore, at least you are a good person." Xiao Yao also leaned on the willow tree and said softly.

"Why do you say that?" Xiao Xiaoyan was taken aback.

"Because you treat the four children well!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "Isn't that enough to show that you are a good person?"

Speaking of this, he paused and continued: "I asked Xiao Qinglong earlier, and he said, you go out to work every night, if I guess right, you went out to steal things, right?"

"..." Xiao Xiaoyan did not speak.

This can be regarded as a kind of default.

Xiao Yao smiled: "Do you think you are doing this right?"

"I'm robbing the rich and helping the poor!" Xiao Xiaoyan said confidently.

"Look, you insist that your ideas are correct. Perhaps your parents thought their ideas were correct at the beginning, so remember, no matter what, you should not hate them." Xiao Yao said.

"But isn't my concept right?" Xiao Xiaoyan asked.

Xiao Yao smiled and said: "In your opinion, do those who are rich are born rich? Of course, you can say that there are some rich second generations, but what about the fathers of rich second generations? What about those rich generations? They? Are they born with money? Whose money is not earned by hard work or the courage to take risks? They deserve to be stolen?"

"..." Xiao Xiaoyan was taken aback. It was the first time she heard Xiao Yao's words.

"Everyone was the same before. This time, it could be a few years ago, it could be a dozen years ago, decades ago, or even hundreds of years ago. Then, there was a group of people who worked hard and took their own They invested hard-earned money, took risks, and finally they made a fortune. There are some people who are so lazy, they choose ease, and they don’t want to be dangerous, so they are defined as poor in the end. Of course, not all People are like this, but most of them are, don't those who work hard and those who are brave enough to earn money deserve to help those who are lazy or choose to live a comfortable life?" Xiao Yao continued.

"..." Xiao Xiaoyan took a deep breath and said, "But there are some people who are rich and unkind! You watch TV, the landlords in the old society, even if there is a famine, they are unwilling to open a warehouse for food."

"Why do people have to do that?" Xiao Yao continued to ask, "Opening the warehouse and releasing grain can prove that this rich man is very kind. This is a kind of sentiment and a quality. Don't people open the warehouse and release the grain, they should Are you defined as a wicked person? Dispersing wealth is love, not dispersing is duty. If a person is unwilling to lend you money, do you think this is a bastard?"

Xiao Xiaoyan was speechless.

She felt that Xiao Yao's words had once again subverted her cognition.

"Actually, everything has to be reasonable." Xiao Yao sighed and said, "The two words truth are easy to talk and write well, but not everyone can understand."

"By the way, if you want to work, I can help, go to my company to work, maybe a month’s salary is not high, but at least it is your hard-earned, as for the four children, if you have any needs Wherever money is used, I can also help."

Xiao Xiaoyan was a little surprised. She raised her head and looked at Xiao Yao, her eyes full of astonishment.

"Are you really willing to help?"

"Anyway, I am not short of money." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I can't be rich, right?"

Xiao Xiaoyan blushed, thinking that Xiao Yao was laughing at herself by what she had said earlier.

"Now, are you in a better mood?" Xiao Yao asked.

"It's better, thank you." After Xiao Xiaoyan said this, she was a little surprised. Before, she had killed Xiao Yao, but now she still says thank you to this guy. Could it be that, Does this guy named Xiao Yao really have the ability to brainwash?

How can she feel that she has been brainwashed by the other party?

"Now that you feel better, go back quickly, maybe those kids are already awake at this time." Xiao Yao said.


Taking Xiao Xiaoyan back to the courtyard, Xiao Yao finally fell asleep at ease.

He was sure that Xiao Xiaoyan would not come to trouble herself again.

Otherwise, when outside, that is her best opportunity.

Didn't she give up anyway?

As soon as I slept until dawn, I just opened my eyes and heard Qu Yang and Zhou Lei chatting in the yard.

"Are these two guys doing nothing every day?" Xiao Yao muttered, got dressed, got out of bed, opened the door and saw Zhou Lei and Qu Yang sitting in the yard smoking a cigarette and chatting.

"Brother Xiao, wake up from sleep!" Qu Yang waved at Xiao Yao.

"Why are you two here?" After saying that, he went to wash.

"Isn't it all right?" Qu Yang muttered behind Xiao Yao, "By the way, Brother Xiao, where is that Xiaoyan?"

Xiao Yao smiled.

He knew that this kid was not pure in motivation.

"How do I know that I just woke up, and besides, could it be that I will help you look at her every day?" Xiao Yao said in a bad mood.

Qu Yang grabbed his head and smiled awkwardly, and then quickly said, "Brother Xiao, I have decided, and I will live here in the future."

Xiao Yao was taken aback and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Qu Yang didn't speak either, just smiled, with an expression of "you know".

"Here, it's not a short distance from the city, don't you think it will delay your work?" Xiao Yao asked.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry about that! The big deal is that I get up two hours early every day!" Qu Yang said quickly.

"Stop bragging, do you say those are useful? It's not me. The peak period from the fifth ring to the fourth ring can block you for two hours!" Zhou Lei said with a sneer from the side.

"Then I will get up in the morning to avoid the peak period!" Qu Yang gritted his teeth and said.

Zhou Lei smiled suddenly, leaned forward and said, "Are you really planning to give it a go?"

"For love!" Qu Yang's eyes were extremely firm.

Zhou Lei looked contemptuous.

"I don't care, you can do it without any problems." Xiao Yao said.

While speaking, Xiao Xiaoyan came back carrying a bag.

"Brother Xiao!" Xiao Xiaoyan greeted Xiao Yao enthusiastically when she saw Xiao Yao.

She was totally different from yesterday, and her expression was extremely calm, as if what happened last night had been completely forgotten by her.

"I'm back? Where did you go early in the morning?" Xiao Yao smiled, and he didn't mention what happened yesterday.

"Buy vegetables." Xiao Xiaoyan said.

Xiao Yao nodded, turned his face again, and said to Qu Yang, "Are you sure, you want to live here?"

"Yes, sure!" Qu Yang nodded vigorously, fearing that he would be slower to answer, so Xiao Yao seemed to object.

"Okay." Xiao Yao said to Zhou Lei again, "By the way, Zhou Lei, I told Xiao Xiaoyan yesterday that I plan to let her go to work in our company. You can find a place for her nearby."

"Ah?!" Zhou Lei was taken aback, then looked at the moment Qu Yang's expression had solidified. He held back his smile and nodded, "Okay, leave this to me."

Qu Yang wanted to cry without tears: "Brother Xiao, don't take you like this!"

"Okay, what you said earlier, I will treat you as farting. Xiao Xiaoyan will definitely not be able to keep up with our progress. Take her with you."

"Telling!" Qu Yang really wanted to hug Xiao Yao and give him a hard kiss, but he knew that if he did this, Xiao Yao would definitely kick him up.

After breakfast in the morning, Xiao Yao asked Zhou Lei and Qu Yang to take the two away.

"Brother Xiao, the two elixir pills yesterday were still with me, how do you plan to use them?" Nan Tianyuan asked, "Or, you eat one first to restore your vitality?"

"No, this elixir is of little significance to me, that is, it is useful for people who have been seriously injured. I have already tempered my body twice, and you should be about the same." Xiao Yao said, "Keep the elixir for now, and wait for it to participate. We will take it out again during the trading meeting."

"Change it out during the trading meeting?!" Nan Tianyuan was surprised.

Xiao Yao asked: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"It's not wrong, but, Brother Xiao, is this too eye-catching?" Nan Tianyuan asked in a low voice.

"Do you think that if this is the case, we will be in danger?"

"That's not true." Nan Tianyuan said with a smile, "This time, the venue of the trade meeting is in a hermit sect. The cultivator of that sect has aura realm, and most people will never dare to make trouble in any place. It is also the same It is absolutely forbidden to happen, because the chairman of the trade conference is a very good master. It is said that he has been alive for hundreds of years, and his cultivation base is unfathomable. Whoever dares to kill people and sell goods at the trade conference will be immediately beheaded. of."

Xiao Yao asked: "Since this is the case, what concerns do we have?"

"Although they dare not do anything to us at the trading conference, they know that we are from Nantian Temple. Once it is over..." Nan Tianyuan didn't finish what he said, but Xiao Yao already understood it.

After listening to Nan Tianyuan’s words, Xiao Yao also frowned slightly: “This is a problem.” Indeed, even if people dare not do anything at the trade meeting, it is hard to guarantee that they will not trouble Nan Tiangong afterwards. The strength of the Heavenly Palace is not that strong in the Hidden World Family. It is not difficult to destroy the Nantian Palace, and any practitioner of the spiritual energy realm can do it.