The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1144: Lock sky array

When talking about Du Yuesheng's "that" magic weapon, the ancient Tsar and Young Master Xiaofei were silent.

After a long time, the ancient Tsar murmured: "It is indeed very troublesome. As far as I know, many masters on this road have intercepted Du Yuesheng, but now he has appeared here unscathed. However, Daluo Jinxian's Ninth Layer's cultivation base is absolutely impossible to do. The only thing that can help him do this is the magic weapon in his hand!"

"Yes." Young Master Xiaofei also nodded and said, "Although I am definitely better than the average person, but if that magic weapon is really so powerful, we are still very likely to be killed by that magic weapon."

Only then did Young Master Tamron grunt and said, "Then how do we solve this trouble?"

"Sky Locking Formation!" Gu Sha murmured, "Only the Sky Locking Formation can make the magic weapon lose its effectiveness in a short time. As long as the Sky Locking Formation traps Du Yuesheng, when his magic weapon loses its effectiveness, Kill him in one go!"

"This idea is pretty good, but..." Young Master Teng Long hesitated: "Suotian Formation is an unparalleled treasure of Zhenshan Mountain, and we have to kill Du Yuesheng and enter the Locking Heaven Formation. Then I won't be able to use any magic weapons like that. , What should I do?"

"Cut, no use treasures, I can't kill him, a little big Luo Jinxian ninth cultivator with my bare hands?" Young Master Xiaofei sneered again and again.

But the ancient Tsar said: "My father went to Wushuangmen some time ago, and it has brought great benefits to Wushuangmen. I should be able to borrow the Suotian Formation!"

"Okay, then do it!" Young Master Tamron made a final word.

The ancient Tsar stood up immediately, and disappeared here in a flash.

In the room that Young Master Tenglong let out, Feng Ye was sitting cross-legged on the bed, taking a rest, while Du Yuesheng opened Wushuang Mall again and browsed the products inside.

"Since Prince Tenglong is here, then, what ancient Tsar Prince, Young Master Xiaofei must have also arrived. The three of them are super geniuses. They must not be underestimated. You must prepare something to greet them."

Du Yuesheng's hand slid up and down the mall, and suddenly his eyes stopped on an inventory.

There is a cheat book in this inventory. This is the first cheat book in Wushuang Mall!

He couldn't help but open the message and read it:

Commodity name: Lingxi Finger

Commodity price: one thousand three hundred unparalleled value

Commodity Type: Spell

Commodity description: One finger of Lingxi, can open the world, every time you use Lingxi finger, it costs 500 Wushuang, and as the level of Lingxi finger increases, the consumption of Wushuang will increase!

"It turned out to be an unparalleled skill!" Du Yuesheng was shocked. This is a good thing. Although Wubai Wushuang is worth once, it is a bit distressing to use it, but if it is used at that time tomorrow, it is not a loss.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng bought a copy without hesitation.

"Ding, the system prompts. Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for successfully purchasing Lingshi Fingers. The consumption of Wushuang is worth 1,300 points, and the remaining Wushuang is worth 2,700 and 54 points!" "Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players for successfully learning skills!"

"More than two thousand unparalleled values, only enough to use the aura finger for five times. This aura finger is really a monster, but it is also foreseeable that the power of this aura finger is definitely not bad!" Du Yuesheng grinned, full of confidence in the battle tomorrow. .

The whole night passed quickly, and when the morning light burst the next day, there was purple gas coming from the east, and many monks stepped up on the roof. After seeing this scene of the purple gas coming from the east, the surrounding monks couldn't help muttering: "The purple gas will come to the east, there must be a big battle, today's battle, I am afraid it will be very exciting!"

"What do you think, Young Master Tenglong, Prince Gu Tsar, Young Master Xiao Fei are all here, and Liu Yiyi is also here, plus their opponent, Du Yuesheng, who is fearless and fearless, and it is not bad to say that it is a shocking battle!"

"That's true, but I think Du Yuesheng is very dangerous today. The four super geniuses dealt with him. I don't see any way out for him."

"Indeed, I also heard that Gu Sha Ye entered Wushuangmen last night and lent a super magic weapon to specifically restrain the blue magic weapon in Du Yuesheng's hands. This time, Du Yuesheng is probably going to miscalculate!"

And when many monks were talking about it, Du Yuesheng also opened the window and stretched his waist. Then, his figure flashed, his sword rose, and he went straight to the Luoyan Pagoda in the center of Luoyan City, gently Standing at the top of Luoyan Pagoda, with both hands behind him, facing Wushuangmen to the east.

A fresh breeze hit the face, and his clothes swayed backwards, which was indescribably cool.

And at this moment, a dragon chant sounded in the distance, only to see a golden huaguang foot stepping on the void, and in a blink of an eye, it appeared between Du Yuesheng and Wushuangmen.

The person here is the son of Tamron.

Lord Tenglong glanced at Du Yuesheng, smiled coldly, and said, "If you want to go to Wushuangmen, you must pass me first!"

"And me!" As soon as Young Master Tenglong's voice fell, only one person was actually carrying two wings, and under one fan, the whole person rose into the air and stood beside Young Master Tenglong.

This is Master Xiaofei.

"Naturally, I can't do without." The ancient Tsar directly took a bronze chariot, pulled by six bronze war horses, and rose directly into the air, standing on the other side of Tenglong.

The three of them were like a wall, directly blocking Du Yuesheng's body.

Du Yuesheng grinned and looked at the three of them, without any fear: "Are you three going together or alone?"

"Your Excellency can't help but value yourself too much." Young Master Tamron sneered again and again: "Do you think you can cross the world with a powerful magic weapon?"

Du Yuesheng laughed when he heard the words, and said: "The world is not necessarily cross-cutting. It is easy to grab one or two rooms."

Hearing this, many onlookers looked at a loss, but soon there were well-informed people who scared Young Master Tenglong to vacate his room when Du Yuesheng took out the blue magic weapon yesterday and told the surrounding monks.

For an instant, many cultivators present were all dumbfounded, and there was a bit of strangeness in the eyes of Young Master Tamron.

Young Master Tamron’s complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. He suppressed the anger in his heart and maintained his demeanor before gritting his teeth and saying: "Very good. If there is no Tiantian formation, I am afraid that today I can only make You are fierce, but it's a pity...I have a lock sky formation!"

As he spoke, Young Master Tenglong raised his hand and waved his sleeves. In his sleeves, he immediately flew out an eighteen-shot array flag. A huge array base, the array flag radiating light, was inserted above the base, and the base suddenly expanded. Fly into the sky, covering the sky.

In an instant, a breath of isolation between heaven and earth appeared within 30 miles of the circle covered by the formation.