The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1573: Not as good as garbage!

"Hey, how many people over there, do you mind giving a place to Lao Tzu?"

While walking in the direction of Du Yuesheng and the others, Wei's boy cursed. Obviously, he had found the goal of "please" people to give up their seats. ΩΩe

Not only that, the other two teenagers also surrounded them with a sneer, and the imposing momentum of the **** emperor peaked completely!

"Hey, it's so good. Although these guys have not broken through the gods, they can survive in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Their strength must not be regarded as ordinary realm!"

"Yes, with such a heavy slaughter, I guess the three of them did not kill less in the Blade's Edge Mountains!"

"This is terrible, the two mountain cannons at that table are just the mere king of the gods, the only **** king is still a woman"

"Isn't there another one sitting in the main seat? Although I can't see through the realm, I can sit with the two mountain cannons, and the strength is definitely not much higher."

In this way, the guests who had been drinking and talking gradually became a little bored, focused their discussion on Du Yuesheng and his party.

At this time, the intentions of the three uninvited guests are already obvious


Suddenly slapped the table, and the uninvited teenager squeezed to Du Sheng's side, his tone arrogant, and the drink splashed.

"Hey, the one in the middle? You should have the final say on the person at this table, right? You know, give me a place!"

And behind him, there were two fierce companions standing.

Before being found at the table, even if Du Sheng was stupid, they knew what was going on, and immediately swallowed a sip of strong alcohol, the tone was equally bad.

"Blind your dog's eyes! Do you know what it means to come first, come first? This table is already manned!"

"That's right! If you don't have a place, just roll down to the third floor. There are kinds of things, but you go to the fifth floor and shout?"

Obviously, the always perverse Zhou Zheng's tone was so tough that Du Yuesheng's support was indispensable.

Although Du Yuesheng, who was sitting in the main seat, still drank to himself and said nothing, her cold eyes didn't mean to give in at all.

"Tsk, the three **** emperors at the peak, they seem to have gone out of the same school, and the swords behind them also have contract resonance, which is just a lot of waste."

In a short moment, Du Yuesheng gave the top five rankings in the Blade's Edge Mountains and the four-story building no one dared to provoke the three youngsters with a **** evaluation.

Indeed, in front of Du Yuesheng, these three guys said that the waste was all praise.

As for the boy named Bai Yi, he also treated Du Yuesheng as rubbish!

As early as when he scanned the guests on the fourth floor, Bai Yi was a little puzzled. This is a symbol of the four-story building where the top five hundred people gather! Where's the **** king?

Although the overall strength of the twelve main cities is somewhat different, he has never heard of where there can be more than 500 of the God King Platoon?

Probably this is the legendary **** luck, but it is not so easy to meet Lao Tzu!

It's no wonder that Bai Yi didn't know the hidden secrets. After all, the people who survived Wentian Mountain Range were already sitting in front of him.

"Fuck! God King waste, when is your turn to speak?!"

With a wild roar, the grim-faced Bai Yi saw Zhou Zheng's complexion suddenly pale, staggering, and almost one fell to the ground unsteadily.

Even with Du Yuesheng by his side, the two of them are just ordinary **** kings after all, and being yelled at by the **** emperor's pinnacle Bai Yizhi's divine sense, is it hard to bear?

As a result, the surrounding discussions became more restless.

"Fuck! This guy is going to do something in the Supreme Restaurant, ah, is it too crazy?"

"It's not hands-on, but just didn't touch the bottom line of the rules, just speak loudly with divine consciousness." "But even if it's a side ball, it can't be tolerated! Obviously it is deliberately provoking."


I don't know when, a crisp sound of cracking of utensils caused the noise of the whole building to abruptly cease.

Looking around, I saw numerous debris in Du Yuesheng's hands!

Crushed the wine vessel of the Supreme Restaurant with bare hands? !

You must know that Supreme Restaurant can become the number one restaurant in Supreme City. Not only the drinks are genuine immortal brews, but even the drinking utensils are extremely expensive!

There was once a drunkard who insisted on smashing the table and cups in the realm of the **** emperor, but the whole table of drinking vessels was not damaged!

Of course, after that incident, I never heard from that person again

But because of this, it is enough to shock people!

Thinking that the powerhouse of the **** emperor level couldn't smash the wine glass when he was crazy about drinking, Du Yuesheng squeezed it easily, not even using his supernatural power, and crushed the wine glass only by the strength of his body?

Not crushed or crushed into powder comparable to dust!


Dozens of sounds of swallowing saliva were considered as breaking the terrifying silence.

Even Wei Bai Yi couldn't help being stunned, especially when he saw Du Yuesheng's indifferent star eyes: "They are not worthy to talk to you, are you **** qualified to talk to me?"

"What's so great about you! Isn't it just smashing a wine glass! Thinking that this will scare Lao Tzu?"

"That's right! Seeing you, it's nothing more than the **** emperor? Or the garbage **** emperor sitting at the same table with this bunch of trash!"

"Senior Brother Bai, don't talk nonsense with him, the three of us made a sword battle, and even the gods were killed. Are you afraid that he is a bluffing rubbish?"

Aroused by the two companions behind him, Bai Yi also rose to a bit of madness. Indeed, the most proud record of the three of them in the Blade's Edge Mountains was to jointly kill a **** and establish a position in the top five hundred!

However, at this time, he didn't mind using sword formations to kill others in Supreme City!

"Boy, I'm going to set this table today. You want to be a man, dare you go to the competition field with us?"

Looking at Bai Yi's arrogant face, Du Yuesheng felt amused: "You? You are also qualified to invite me to the martial arts field? It will only delay the time when Emperor Bentian is drinking!"

"Emperor Bentian?!"

With a bite, the shame of being despised made Bai Yi angrily and frustrated: "Today, my spirit sword sent Bai Yi to put the words here! If you can survive the sword formation of our three brothers in the competition field, I will be full of buildings. Guest, I will pour tea to admit your mistakes"

"Of course, if you can't survive."

As soon as the conversation turned, Bai Yi then grinned and said, "If you still have your life to come back alive, you can climb up to this table for me obediently, and invite Lao Tzu to take a seat, do you understand?"


Yushou patted the immortal wooden table angrily, and Yu Qiuqiao glared: "With you, you are qualified to talk to him like this?

Is the top five hundred of the Blade's Edge Mountains great? do you know"

Before Wanyin fell, she was stopped by Du Yuesheng's hand.

"Warm up this cup of cold spring brew for me, and I will move my muscles and bones."

After speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his head and looked at Bai Yi's trio, sneered gradually: "Is it a sword formation of the Spirit Sword School? In front of me, it's not even rubbish!"

After the words were over, Du Yuesheng was no longer in the middle of the wine table.

(End of this chapter)