The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1715: Huotianzong

Su Mu is angry!

With just a casual glance, he saw that he was wearing only a glance, and he saw that the figures in purple robes were disciples of the enemy Sect Saint Tianzong of Huotianzong.

And those black figures that fell down one after another, who would they be if they weren't their colleagues?

The two main sects of Shengtianzong and Hutianzong were originally incompatible with fire and water, and they have always been hostile.

Su Mu didn't know why this happened?

Although I don't know what happened to the sect, but watching the sect disciple who keeps falling to death.

Su Mu made a move.


Su Mu only felt that there was a raging anger in his heart, he yelled out of anger, and the imperial power of the pinnacle instantly swept away.

"You bastards!"

Su Mu red eyes and rushed into the battle group, like a **** of death, his hand was like a sickle of death. In the blink of an eye, three or four Saint Tianzong disciples died under his sword.

"Kill kill kill!"

Su Muzhuang was crazy, because as he went deeper, there were corpses everywhere.

Seven or eight of them are the disciples of Houtianzong, among them there are even elders of Houtianzong, and occasionally there are one or two purple figures in the crowd, and the surroundings are also full of disciples of Houtianzong.

Obviously, the Holy Heaven Sect of this war had grasped the opportunity, and as soon as Wu shot his hand, he showed a crushing posture, completely suppressing Huo Tianzong, and there was no way to fight back.

At this moment, with the exception of the dozen or so disciples who had just been rescued by Su Mu's sudden appearance, the entire Huotian Sect was probably not spared.

"Destroy my teacher, kill!"

"Till my mentor, kill!"

"Deceive me, kill!"

Su Mu hated himself, he only blamed himself for not returning sooner, if he could bring Lord Tiandi back to the sect earlier, Huanghuanghuo Tianzong would not suffer the disaster of annihilation.

But Du Yuesheng behind him turned a blind eye to all this in front of him.

Since stepping into this path and ascending the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, too many people have died under his hands.

Du Yuesheng had even forgotten what the first person he killed looked like.

Because this is the law of survival in this world, the survival of the fittest, the strong in control of life and death, and a million corpses in anger.

The weak are surviving, and wailing is no more than the sound of ants.

It is precisely because of knowing this law of survival that Du Yuesheng never relents in his shots, and has always pursued a one-shot kill, and will never suffer from future troubles.

At this moment, watching Su Mu beheading the disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect whose cultivation level was far inferior to him, Du Yuesheng did not intend to make a move.

This is not because he didn't respond to the tragic destruction of Huotianzong, but that the cultivation of those disciples of Saint Tianzong was too weak, and it was not worth his action.

However, Du Yuesheng believed that since the Holy Heaven Sect launched the war to destroy the door at this time, there must be a strong back hand, and the reason why he did not appear was probably because something was delayed.

Su Mu killed all the way forward and entered the central area. Several disciples of Huotianzong, with broken arms and legs, were facing the siege of Saint Tianzong and were in danger.

"Hou Tianzong, you are finished, hahaha!"

A disciple of the Holy Heaven Sect, looking at the three pale and terrified faces, a cruel color flashed in his eyes, licked the blood on the corner of his mouth, and laughed wildly.

After he laughed, his eyes condensed, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes, and he swung a big knife in his hand to cut off the heads of these three people. But at this moment, a sword gas whizzed out, unrivaled, and cut off the big knife in the man's hand in the thunderous force.

"Huh, looking for death!"

The disciples of the Saint Tianzong saw Su Mu dared to rush in, and suddenly sneered again and again, as if looking at a dead body in their indifferent eyes.

But the next moment, their pupils shrank suddenly, their faces were surprised, and their expressions solidified.

Because in their sight, Su Mu suddenly came to them like a ghost and slashed out, like a white horse across the gap, directly splitting these Saint Tianzong disciples in half, splashing blood.

The whole process was as fast as thunder and lightning, and there was no time left for the Saint Tianzong disciples to react. They pity them at the end, and they don't even know how they died.

"It's Pastor Su!"

At this time, the **** disciple of Houtianzong saw Su Mu's arrival, and there was a little hope in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that so many elders had fallen here.

"It's a pity... Even the arrogant figure like Pastor Brother Su, I'm afraid..."

Some disciples looked sad and discouraged.

"Could it be that I am destined to perish and I am confused by Heaven?!"

A very senior elder of Huo Tianzong, with grief and anger in his heart, when facing the enemy, he actually vomited a large mouthful of black blood, and his thoughts were gray.

However, at this moment, Su Mu's performance in rushing into the battle group surprised them. They saw Su Muru's unstoppable killing god, **** blocking the killing of the gods and Buddha, and no disciple of the Holy Heaven Sect could stop them. Got him.


Su Mu's eyes were about to split, his eyes were bloodshot, and his bright red eyes were filled with strong hatred and anger. He raised the knife and dropped, and someone fell to the ground, and he slammed a passage forcibly.

Behind him, countless blood corpses fell, and the unstoppable disciple of the Holy Heaven Sect, in front of him, was like a ruin, and died immediately when they met.

"So strong... Pastor Su, how could he be so strong?"

"This kind of aura is clearly an imperial peak powerhouse?!"

"Brother Su, has become an emperor-level powerhouse?!"

At this time, the disciples of Huotianzong realized Su Mu's current strength. When they felt the terrifying aura on his body, they changed their colors, and their faces were surprised and happy.

What was shocking was that Su Mu's strength was advancing by leaps and bounds. Not long ago, Su Mu was clearly only a king-level realm. After only a few days, he suddenly broke through to the emperor-level peak. This speed is simply shocking!

Fortunately, with Su Mu's help, maybe they could still have a trace of vitality to the Tianzong!


God bless me confused Tianzong!

All the disciples cheered around Su Mu.

Su Mu came to one of the elders and asked, "Elder Zhu, what has happened? I have only been away for less than a month. What happened?"

This person is one of the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall of Huotianzong, and he is a junior at the Emperor level, but he is dying at this moment.

Elder Zhu stabilized his body and mind, looked at Su Mu and said, "Su Mu, it's okay if you come back. Let's run with everyone, and leave a little blood for me."


"Why are you running? This is my home. Even if I die, I will die here."

Su Mu resolutely replied resolutely, a brutal murderous intent erupted around, causing the surrounding disciples to take a step back.

And Du Yuesheng, who had been standing behind, trembled slightly in his heart when he saw Su Mu's actions.

This person can be regarded as a good person.

Originally, he was here to see if he could check the whereabouts of the treasure map, but now, he was ready to help Su Mu.