The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 223: 【Shicun】

Stone village.

Located at the most fringe zone of the undefeated empire.

Shicun is backed by the famous "Invincible Mountain Range", the first dangerous place.

There are about a hundred villagers in Shicun.

Most of the villagers in Shicun live by killing monsters and leading the way.

early morning.

When the first rays of sunlight fell from the horizon into the village, the **** crowing echoed in the village.

After the rooster crowed, some houses in the village were opened, and people walked out one by one.

These people are wearing animal skins, their skin is bronze, their black hair is scattered, and they walk out of the village with bows and arrows on their backs.

These figures with bows and arrows on their backs, they walked in the direction of the'undefeated mountains'.

Start a new day of hunting life.

Accompanied by these figures with bows and arrows on their backs walked out of the village and appeared.

The villagers left in the village also walked out of their homes.

They breathed fresh air, stepped on the dew, and began their day's work.

‘Huh! ’


And in a clearing in the village of Shicun.

A group of children have already stood here, humming in their mouths.

There are about twenty or thirty people in the open space. This group of children range from eight to teenagers.

A group of children are striding forward, waving their arms and exercising.

The young and tender faces were full of seriousness, and drops of sweat kept falling from their foreheads.

However, their movements are different, the older children are violent, and the younger ones are also making gestures.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the earth shook suddenly, like an earthquake.

In an instant, all the children who squatted on the ground with their horse stances were shaken to the ground by the earthquake.

However, there is still a child.

He is steadily striding forward.

‘Haha! ’

'Not bad. ’

A middle-aged man with a strong body like a tiger and leopard walked slowly from a distance.

He was wearing a tiger fur coat, and the tiger's whiskers were still on the clothes, making him afraid to look at each other.

The middle-aged man's skin was bronze, and his black hair was scattered on his shoulders.

The man's whole body was full of explosive power, like a beast, making people afraid to look straight.

A pair of piercing eyes of the middle-aged man scanned every child.

His eyes finally stopped at the only young man still struggling.

He was very satisfied, and couldn't help but say to the boy: "Shi Hao, isn't it good? I was able to hold on for so long today and make progress."

‘You should all study like Shi Hao. ’

'All right! ’

‘You can stand up! ’

'Yes. ’

Shi Hao, with his horse stance, heard the middle-aged man tell him to stand up, and he answered.

Shi Hao stood up quickly.

A drop of sweat appeared on his forehead, quietly dripping down.

‘The first day of the sun is the day when everything starts again, and it is also the last practice time. ’

‘Although it won’t bring you much benefit, it’s also a great benefit to work against the first day every day. ’

‘It’s a good time for you to practice, do you understand? ’

'understood! ’

All the children standing on the open space heard the words of the middle-aged man and answered loudly.

The middle-aged man looked at everyone with a serious face, carefully warned, and then shouted.

‘The plan of the day is in the morning. Get up early every day and work harder and exercise more. ’

‘Strong muscles and bones, invigorate blood and strengthen muscles, so that you can get out of here and join the sect force. ’

‘Become a strong man! ’

'All right! ’‘You guys keep working out! ’

'Yes! ’

‘Huh! ’


Accompanying, after the middle-aged man let everyone exercise, a group of children quickly waved their fists.

The middle-aged man looked at the people who were practicing.

He walked to the side of Shi Hao on the edge of the crowd and asked: ‘Shi Hao, has the person your father saved in the Undefeated Mountains awakened? ’

‘Well, it seems not yet. Shi Hao stopped exercising and answered the middle-aged man's question.

'what? ’

‘He has not woken up yet, that kid is too able to sleep. ’

‘I remember it’s been ten days. Hearing Shi Hao's answer, the middle-aged man made a joke.

Shi Hao thought for a while before he spoke again: "Brother Shi Tian, ​​don't you know if you can rescue him?"

"He has been in such a coma, it is really worrying!"


"Shi Hao, it's not that I can't save it, it's that I can't save it!" Shi Tian shook his head at Shi Hao. He hadn't tried.

However, every time he tried to pour power into that kid's body.

In the end, they were all bombarded back by a powerful force.

Shi Tian thought of this kid, and he was full of jealousy in his heart.

You know, at the beginning, he and Shi Hao's father culled Beasts in the "Invincible Mountain Range".

They tracked a three-level monster to a stream, and the two encountered a terrorist crisis.

However, both of them thought they were going to die.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the sky, and then a figure fell from that light.

Next, the scene happened.

Let them both dare not forget.

The figure that fell from the light actually crushed the third-level monster to death.

That's right, ‘crushed to death’, a level three monster was crushed to death.

How terrible is this!

‘Shi Hao, if there is a chance, after that person wakes up, see if you can follow him to leave. ’

'what? ’

‘Shitian, what are you talking about? Hearing what Shi Tian said, Shi Hao looked puzzled.

‘Because he might be that person’

‘Shi Hao! ’

‘Shi Hao! ’

However, before Shi Tian had finished speaking, several urgent shouts came from a distance.

Shi Hao suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where the shout came.

After that, Shi Hao only saw a three or four-year-old boy standing at the entrance of the village.

The little boy shouted at Shi Hao, waving his arms vigorously.

The little boy called to Shi Hao: "Shi Hao, you go home soon, the boy in your family who has been in a coma has woken up!"

'what? ’

'Woke up? ’

However, Shi Hao and Shi Tian were shocked when they heard what the little boy said in their ears.

‘Okay, I’ll go back soon! Shi Hao replied to the little boy standing at the entrance of the village.

Then, Shi Hao turned and said to Shi Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, "Brother Shi Tian, ​​then I will go back today."


"Go ahead, remember to have a good relationship with that person." Shi Tian patted Shi Hao on the shoulder.

Then, Shi Tian turned and walked towards the crowd standing in the open space for exercise.

‘Shitian, what happened today? ’

‘Always say something, what you don’t understand? ’

Shi Hao looked at the back of Shi Tian who turned and left, but he thought of what he said today.

'Come back home! ’

Shi Hao thought for a while, but couldn't think of understanding what Shi Tian meant.

Then he shook his head and ran towards home.

ps: first more

New plot, thought for a day