The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 644: Five kills (sixth)


Cut it down with a sword, Fatty was incomparably shocked, and his body became crazily thinner, gathering all his strength together.

It seemed that he wanted to resist Du Yuesheng's attack.

But, I only heard a babble.

Big fat but already in a different place.

Without resistance, Fatty could not bear a single move in front of Du Yuesheng.

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng on slaying the monsters in the Heavenly Martial Realm and earning 50 million Yuan Yuan."

"This this"

"So strong, who is he? Why can he be so strong?"

"What a terrifying power! It's too powerful, it's simply too powerful!"

"Where does this strong man come from? Even the fat guy can't bear his sword power"

Seeing Du Yuesheng slaying Fatty with a single sword, the hearts of the remaining enemies were shocked, and various ideas continued to appear.

"I gave you a chance to survive. Since you don't cherish it, then let me die!"

Once Du Yuesheng made a move, he would never stop!

One turned around, a sword qi hit Fat Er without any suspense!

Fei Er opened his eyes wide in horror, his mouth closed and he seemed to want to say something.

Unfortunately, he could no longer make a sound, because his head had already separated from his body at this time.

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng on slaying the monsters in the Heavenly Martial Realm and earning 10 million yuan."

"Go to hell!"

It was another sword cut out.

Shou San hurried back, but Du Yuesheng's sword seemed to have eyes long.

No matter how fast the thin retreat, but still can't escape.

The thin three-legged part stopped and stood there in a daze.

It seems to be frightened.

The last deflated four were terrified and shouted at the princess:

"The princess run away"

Want to escape?

Can you escape?

"Ten Thousand Immortals Sword Formation!"

Suddenly, a hundred sword lights erupted, and the remaining people, including the deflated ones, were penetrated by the Qi sword one by one.

He bowed his head and looked at his chest, but he found nothing.


Until this time, the body of Thin San suddenly split into two halves!

It turned out that he was not scared just now, but was already beheaded by Du Yuesheng.

It was just because Zhu Xianjian was too sharp that his body didn't fall down immediately.

He looked at the scene in horror, but then he felt his consciousness getting more and more blurred, and he fell down suddenly.

All this happened in just a blink of an eye.

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng on slaying the monsters in the Heavenly Martial Realm and earning 10 million yuan."

"Impossible, who are you?"

"You can't be a monk in the Emperor Martial Realm, can't the Emperor Martial Realm be so powerful? Impossible?"

The princess didn't even have time to react, but the people around her were already dead.

She couldn't believe that Du Yuesheng was just a monk in the Celestial Martial Realm?

When was the Emperor Martial Realm so terrifying?

The remaining dozens of sword auras locked the target on the princess.

"Boom boom boom!"

Sword Qi directly hit the princess.

But the princess was not immediately beheaded. It turned out that from her body, a layer of light guarded her.

The remaining Qi sword shattered that layer of light, but did not kill her.

The princess didn't know until this time how powerful a existence she had provoked.

Du Yuesheng was not something she could provoke.

"I want to kill you! I want to punish your nine races."

The princess shouted in horror, her body soared suddenly, and she turned into a bloated fat man.


The clothes on her body obviously couldn't follow her soaring figure and followed the soaring. At this moment, it had already been broken, revealing the fat inside.

"Red Flame Slash!"

The princess screamed, making a sword with one hand, and a flame condensed into a knife from his hand, hitting Du Yuesheng directly.

This is one of the special techniques of Red Flame Palace, Red Flame Fire Hand!

It's a pity that this princess is just noble, and the strength is not even as good as the fat and the others!


Du Yuesheng let out a loud shout, only a sound wave attack actually shattered the flame knife!

Holding the Zhuxian sword, Du Yuesheng walked towards the princess step by step.

"No, no, you can't kill me, I'm a disciple of the Scarlet Flame Palace, I'm a noble of the Nine Clouds Kingdom, if you dare to kill me, you will definitely not survive!"

Looking at Du Yuesheng's figure, the princess was finally afraid.

Thousands of guards, plus Fatty and the other four, were all beheaded by Du Yuesheng.

Therefore, she had no chance to defeat Du Yuesheng. At this moment, seeing Du Yuesheng walking towards her, Wang Hao was shocked.

Du Yuesheng was not threatened by her at all, as if he hadn't heard her.

Du Yuesheng kept walking towards the front.

And the princess kept backing towards the back, and finally, one accidentally fell to the ground.

But immediately, she got up again.

The fat on her body shrank quickly, and in an instant, her delicate appearance was restored.

"Don't kill me, I can do anything for you. I will kill the King of Kyushu for you. Will you be the king?

They will make you a princess, and they promise to serve you very happy every day. Oh, I can also help you contact the Red Flame Palace.

I will provide you with the cultivation technique of the Red Flame Palace, yes, yes, there is also the Nine Clouds Kingdom, my family.

I can give you many, many benefits, please, don't kill me"

The princess kept begging, where the tattered clothes on her body were still half luxurious.

Large tracts of skin were exposed, and she even deliberately tore some of these torn clothes to reveal more skin.

It seemed that he wanted to charm Du Yuesheng with this.

It is a pity that Du Yuesheng was not moved at all, and still walked over with one sword and one sword.

"People can take care of you, really, really, they can give you countless treasures, you see, as long as you don't kill me.

Beauty, wealth, status, everything can be obtained, forgive me, forgive me, okay? "

A charming smile appeared on the face of the princess.

Unfortunately, Du Yuesheng was unmoved.

Raise your hand, raise your sword.

"A lot of nonsense!!"


Cut down with a sword.

"Ding, the system prompts, the player Du Yuesheng beheaded the Princess of Kyushu and obtained RMB 6,200,000"


"Congratulations to the player for completing the five kills of Tianwu and gaining a level increase."

"Congratulations to the player for upgrading, the current level is the third level of Emperor Wu."

"The distance to the next level of experience: 300 million cents."

Du Yuesheng looked at the corpse on the ground, but was quite disdainful. He really didn't know how the princess cultivated to the Heavenly Martial Realm.

They are so weak that they seem to be inferior to the fat ones!

After doing all this, Du Yuesheng walked towards the inn without caring.

"You continue to stay at the door and don't allow anyone to come in and disturb me to rest. This time, anyone dares to make trouble and kill me!"

"Yes, God!"

The Hydra let out a bark and agreed.

For Du Yuesheng, slaying these ants was just a casual matter, and would not take it to heart.

However, he did not know that this undoubtedly brought him two great enemies.

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