The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

v1 Chapter 104: The regretful Chen family

   Chen Sheng told Chen Yuanyuan before that the relationship with the Appraiser Association is naturally Gao Jiang.

   In his eyes, Gao Jiang is a member of the Gao family, one of the three major families of Hongye City, and he is also an official appraiser of the Beast Appraiser Association. Regardless of his qualifications, ability and influence, he can definitely crush that Lin Jin.

   It's just that Chen Sheng didn't expect that Gao Jiang's expression changed as soon as his voice fell.

   Gao Jiang shook his head with a calm face: "I can't help you with this matter."

   "What's the matter? You are unwilling to help with this little help?" Chen Sheng was surprised. Before he came to Gao Jiang to do business, the other party did not shirk it.

   Seeing that Chen Sheng was upset, Gao Jiang could only pull the other party into the room and tell him about the current situation.

   "Chen Sheng, although we are good brothers, but now that Lin Jin is all over me regardless of seniority or status, I will fix him? If he doesn't fix me, it's good." Gao Jiang said with a sullen expression.

   He did not exaggerate this.

   Now Lin Jin is the second ring beast appraiser, just this point can hold him down.

   Chen Sheng was also dumbfounded. Obviously, he didn't expect that Lin Jin, who was useless in his cousin's mouth, would be so fierce.

   is also because of the internal affairs of the Beast Appraiser Association, outsiders know little, and because it happened yesterday, it has not been spread.

   In addition, Chen Sheng also learned about Wang Ji's fall. The Beast Appraiser Association has undergone tremendous changes. Now Chen Sheng knows why Gao Jiang didn't help.

"It turns out that this is the case!" Chen Sheng thoughtfully, he also hesitated now, the second ring appraiser, his status is much higher than that of the first ring. This Lin Jin chicken turns into a phoenix. It's better not to mess with it, so as not to get burnt. .

   The two have a good relationship. Gao Jiang took the other person to complain, and at the same time asked Chen Sheng why he wanted to clean up the forest.

   After this question, I learned about Lin Jin and Chen Yuanyuan.

"I really didn't know about this before. In other words, your cousin had a marriage contract with Lin Jin before?" Gao Jiang was stunned, and Chen Sheng nodded: "But at the time my cousin was infatuated with Yang Jie, so I thought. I regret getting married. I didn't expect Lin Jin to turn over."

   What happened in the past two days of the Beast Appraiser Association began to spread slowly.

   was only known to a few people at the beginning, and then spread to a hundred, and in the evening, many people knew it.

   Chen Yuanyuan is no exception.

   When she first knew it, she didn't believe it at all, but things wouldn't exist because she didn't believe it. Chen Yuanyuan knew it was true when she was really sure about it.

   She remembered that she was outside the Hongyehuahui gate yesterday. The woman surnamed Lu had said that Lin Jin was already the second ring beast appraiser.

   At that time, Chen Yuanyuan only thought that the other party was bragging. Who would have thought it was true.

   At this time, Chen Yuanyuan thought like an overturned five-flavored bottle, with all tastes.

She had seen Lin Jin at first, otherwise she would not agree to it at first, but after contacting him, she felt that Lin Jin had no future, and it happened that she had met Yang Jie once and was directly fascinated. End the marriage contract.

   But now, Lin Jin, who she thinks is impossible for a lifetime, actually became the second ring beast appraiser so quickly.

   This face hurts herself.

   Chen Yuanyuan, with a complicated heart, returned home, but she saw her father Chen Wenlin sitting in the yard with a straight face.

   People are all quiet and quiet, and the movement of sweeping and walking is to be as light as possible, for fear of disturbing the master. After all, everyone can see that the master is in a very bad mood.

   Chen Yuanyuan was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, but she was also very afraid of Chen Wenlin, so when she looked at this posture, she knew something was going on.


   Seeing a gift at home is a tradition.

   I'm going to slip away after talking.

   "You stop me!" Chen Wenlin shouted.

   Chen Yuanyuan hurriedly stood still, not daring to move.

Chen Wenlin sighed at this moment: "Yuanyuan, you insisted on dissolving your marriage with Lin Jin at the beginning. How I persuaded you, you wouldn't listen. Well, you can't force your own daughter to be a father, so he depends on you. After all, you are married. The big thing, the twisted melon is not sweet, but I ask you, I asked you to come to Lin Jin to apologize sincerely, and sent three hundred taels of silver. Have you gone?"

   Hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan felt a little bit in her heart.

   She went, but she went to ridicule and laugh, and she did not give the money, but left her own expenses.

Chen Wenlin continued: "I owe Lin Jin's favor, and I saw that he was young and promising, with good conduct, so I wanted to match up with you, but then our Chen family regretted the marriage. This was a bad reason. This is because I owe Lin Jin. I am sorry. I don’t have the face to meet him and ask you to do things. Unexpectedly, you dare to do such a foolish act."

   "I don't have one!" Chen Yuanyuan argued, but lacked confidence.

   "You still have a hard mouth!" Chen Wenlin was really angry, stepped forward, and slapped Chen Yuanyuan on the face.

   This stunned Chen Yuanyuan directly, staring her eyes and crying.

   And Chen Wenlin was still angry: "You still have the face to cry!"

   said to the side: "You guys, get out of me."

   At the moment, several servants of the Chen family came out, bowed their heads, and looked pale.

   These confidants are all Chen Yuanyuan's confidants. Seeing them at this moment, how could Chen Yuanyuan not know that these confidants had already confessed, and she was a little scared.

   Chen Wenlin pointed to these people and said: "They have all confessed, when are you going to sophis up?"

   Chen Yuanyuan directly knelt down this time, crying in a low voice, not daring to argue any more.

   She knows Chen Wenlin's temper. If she talks at this time, she will definitely have to touch her.

Chen Wenlin hated iron and steel: "If it weren't for me to ask them today, there were flaws in their words, and I don't know when you lied to me. Although our Chen family is not a scholarly family, it is not an ungrateful person. , Now, you go to Lin Jin, if you don’t get his you can stop entering this house, get out!"

   finished speaking, kicked the chair away, and walked away angrily.

   Chen Yuanyuan cried in shock.

   For a long time, Chen Wenlin has always loved her. It was also because she had no mother since she was a child. Therefore, Chen Wenlin loved her more. He has never scolded her like this before.

   Fear, grievance, and horror, a rush of brains rushed to her heart, and it was the pear blossoms that made Chen Yuanyuan cry directly.

   Those confidants came over at this moment and whispered: "Miss, the master is really angry this time, you, you should listen to him."

   Chen Yuanyuan is still crying.

   But the tears dried up, and Chen Wenlin did not come out either.

   Now Chen Yuanyuan knew that her father was really angry. Although he was wronged and dissatisfied, he could only get up and gritted his teeth and said, "I will go to Lin Jin to apologize."

   finished speaking, crying and rushed out of the house.

   When she arrived at the door of Lin Jin's house, Lin Jin was having a happy conversation with Lu Yunhe.

   Not only Lu Yunhe is here, but Zhao Ying, Lu Xiaoyun and Han Dong are also there. Lin Jin officially received the two-ring beast sleeves today, so it is natural to celebrate.

   It’s just that there are too many things during the day. On this day alone, Lin Jin has seen more than a hundred beasts and 50 beasts. With such an efficiency, the entire Beast Appraiser Association can’t find one.

too fast.

   and didn't perfuse.

Because it was too exaggerated, Tan Lin specifically went to Lin Jin to find out about the situation. At that time, Lin Jin knew that she was a bit'passed'. Sometimes it's not a good thing to be too sharp, so Lin Jin has already explained that from tomorrow Initially, the number of issued license plates was reduced to thirty-five.

   Otherwise, the faces of other appraisers don't look good.

   Just then, I heard someone crying outside: "Lin Jin, you come out, I was wrong."