The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

Chapter 493: Explode, big guys gather in a city No. 1

Xiang Yushen twitched his mouth with an arrogant voice, "There must be the original questions in these exercise books. The 1.6 million yuan won by the bet is enough for me to travel abroad this year."

Xu Tongtong: "It's just a pity. Lu Yubai didn't know what fascinating soup was poured by Fu Zhi and even gave up this final exam."

Xiang Yushen frowned and didn't dare to arrange Lu Yubai, "It doesn't matter, anyway, he likes racing cars and he doesn't need to pay attention to the results."

"But our teacher Qian is really amazing. You can get this kind of exercise book. You don't know how high the group of people in the previous three classes are. We are not convinced that we have good grades. This time, it is not like a licking dog. A group broke up to flatter us."

Xiang Yushen: "This is the most correct decision they have ever made."


Class 21.

After the morning self-study was over, after the class bell rang, in the Chinese class, Fan Gaoda was not seen for a long time.

Not only the 21st class, but also other classes, teachers of other subjects are always missing.

It's like an appointment, everyone is late.

As the student committee, Yun Xiaoxiao naturally went to the office to find Fan Gundam.

However, what is surprising is that the entire language group is empty.

Yun Xiaoxiao ran back to the classroom in a panic.

Along the way, clearly visible, the entire third floor of the high school began to restlessly.

"What's the matter, the teacher won't come and won't tell us in advance?"

"This is the first time that all the teachers are gone? Is it really kidnapped?"

"Who has Lao Fan's call! Hurry up and ask!"


At this moment, all the teachers in the third year of high school who are being discussed are sitting in the hall with solemn expressions.

This is the first time that a teacher in the third grade group has been called so urgently that they are not allowed to even go to the toilet.

In the Great Hall, Director Liu, who was sitting in jeopardy, and President Ouyang, who came specially from outside the school, then turned left again——

Chen Xin, Hu Lei, Qian Man, He Ming...

Huaguo once the top college entrance examination science subjects, now gathered in No. 1 high school.

As if it was difficult to digest, Ma Mingquan screwed off the root of his thigh.

"Tsk--" a cry.

Ma Mingquan felt a biting pain.

Fan Guna next to him seems to be still in a dream, "I read little, it's too good to lie. They say they want to make up lessons for the students in No. 1 Middle School. Is it true?"

"Really," Ma Mingquan licked his lips. "It seems that everyone except Hu Lei can stay in school for half a month."

His voice is neither high nor low, it is very clear in the auditorium where he can breathe.

All teachers in Petrochemical have a sense of winning the lottery.

On the podium, Director Liu held the microphone nervously, "Well, according to what Professor He said, from today onwards, in addition to the liberal arts class, students in other classes in the third grade will come to the Great Hall in turns in groups of three. "

"But," Qian Wenrui raised her hand in the audience, "Director Liu, I don't support letting every class come to the Great Hall to listen to lectures."

How rare are He Ming's opportunities to make up lessons?

This is comparable to Mars hitting the earth, and it can be recorded in the annals of human history!

In half a month, you can only listen to 14 lessons from each teacher even if you have six classes a day.

The knowledge points of the senior year are so rich, and the fourteen courses are not too many.

In particular, the Great Hall is so small that it can only accommodate three classes at a time, so there are seven grades in the senior three to listen to the class, and a class can listen to it twice at most.

Qian Wenrui proposed, “For the sake of fairness, we should maximize the resources to the students who have good grades in the school. My personal idea is that we will conduct a test today and select the top 100 students in the school to attend classes.

When the words fell, a voice of dissatisfaction sounded in the entire hall.

"Teacher Qian, what do you mean? You can't eat alone like you do, right?"

Qian Wenrui's eyes narrowed, "I don't understand what you mean, Teacher Dong, what to eat alone, I am for the better development of the school!"

"Haha," Teacher Dong got up directly from his seat, "The school is in the top 100, why don't you just say that Class One and Class Two will come to the class? When the classes were divided, the top 40 students in the school were in your class!"

"Yes, Teacher Qian, your students are students, but our students are not students?"

"You don't have the right to education if you don't study well?"

"Everyone!" Qian Wenrui stood up to appease everyone, "I don't mean to eat alone, I just think, if a class only listens to two lessons, then everyone will listen to the same content and gain too little knowledge. It’s better to let the top 100 students in the school listen to the different content of the fourteen sessions and then relay it to other students."

Of course, such paraphrasing naturally has certain drawbacks.

It's like you and the teacher make one-on-one one-on-one, you can directly ask questions in class if you don't, but students can only follow the text and can't answer the questions at all.

More importantly, whether He Ming and his party can accurately convey the meaning of the group is also a question worthy of discussion.

Although the other teachers were not convinced, they had to admit that what Qian Wenrui said did have some truth.

Including which students are selected to attend the class.

This society is like this, the survival of the fittest.

The students in their class do not live up to their expectations, and the school has good resources, so naturally they have to start with the first class and the second class.

The voice of the teachers' objection was reduced.

Director Liu glanced, "If none of the other teachers object to it, you can let the top 100 students come to the class."

Fan Gaoda in the audience dismissed Ma Mingquan, "I said, if you don’t fight for your class, even if you just come to listen to a class, it’s good! These people on the stage are not worthy of our lives. The first class has a bad relationship with your class, and there is vicious competition. If Qian Wenrui is really allowed to seize the opportunity, our students will really be unable to get ahead!"

Ma Mingquan thinks what Lao Fan said makes sense.

But fighting for this matter, Ma Mingquan hasn't fought for anything in his life, it's just your attitude towards life like you are free and I am salted.

At this moment, Ma Mingquan ignited his fighting spirit.

He doesn't care, he will fight for two classes for their students!

I saw Ma Mingquan slapped the table top, just as he was about to get up. At this moment, the microphone on the stage was taken by He Ming.

"Ms. Qian, right?"

He Ming's speech speed is very slow. When Qian Wenrui nodded and smiled, he said every word, "I think you may have some misunderstandings about you and your students."

Qian Wenrui: "???"


There is no need for Qian Wenrui to ask, I heard He Ming continue: "I think it might be because I forgot to express it at the beginning. We came to the First Middle School, not for the so-called, top 100 students to make up lessons. Our purpose , Is to give the worst class, class 21 make-up lessons."

Happy from the sky, Ma Mingquan: "!!!"

If you don’t like to do scientific research well, you will inherit hundreds of millions of assets. Please collect it: ( If you don’t do scientific research well, you will inherit hundreds of millions of assets.