The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

Chapter 606: Chinese composition is all by Fu Zhi

Lu Yumo frowned, his eyes almost burst into flames.

He felt that his sister was being mocked, looked down upon, and furious, but seeing the calm look of Fu Zhi and Ye Jiuyi, he weighed the consequences, and after a while he rushed to beat a group of people alone.

——Basically, not only was he not able to fight, but he was also beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. Fu Zhi's reinforcement was needed.

Stop Liao.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.

Fu Zhi put on earphones to listen to music, took a glass of orange juice, his eyebrows filled with cold and unruly.

He pulled off Lu Yumo's sleeve casually, "Take the exam well and listen less to what others say."

When it comes to exams, Lu Yumo is worried that the results of Class 21 can still compete with him. They meet each other and appreciate each other, but: "Zhizhi, I don't have the ability to grasp the next class, your class..."

Ye Jiu glanced at him and smiled slightly: "Do you know why you don't have the ability?"

Lu Yumo asked humbly: "You said?"

"You got caught in the door the day you were born."

Lu Yumo: "..."

How many years was sentenced to murder?

Where's his knife?


On the other side, inside Class 21.

Before Fu Zhi came to class, Su Xing had already prepared a 2b pencil, eraser, black carbon pen, ruler, and white paper for Fu Zhi.

I checked it several times very nervously.

Song Fang was sitting next to Wake, which was Fu Zhi's throne.

How should I put it, although Ye Jiu can dream about exam questions, it is not all, it is just a part of the intermittent.

So before the exam, Fu Zhi specially tutored him in his schoolwork, pressed a lot of questions for him, and taught him a lot of basic knowledge.

Nevertheless, Song Fang kept shaking his legs now, always trying to run to the toilet.

Wake up and comfort him, "It's okay! Didn't you write Zhizhi's name a hundred times today? Zhizhi's spirit at school will bless you."

"The situation is the current situation. No matter how bad we are, we have been trained by Sister Zhi Devil for more than half a month. Can we still do it without mentioning it?" Wang Yu sitting in the front row turned his head and vowed: "We have a weapon for cheating. Ye Jiu, there are still so many teachers who have taught us, so many people in other classes have become lemon spirits. If we can't improve our grades, we will be laughed at by those grandchildren in the first class!"

"Gan!" The Fat Sports Committee held up the black carbon pen, "If you don't persevere, just do it! I have signed a military order with my parents. I can't pass the top 100 grades. I personally wear it back to my mom 17 years ago. Go to the big clinic and be a painless abortion and kill me!"

"I, Hi Tala is fat, fight day and night, fight for first place, and be a master!"

The Fat Sports Committee turned his gaze to Song Fang as he spoke, and the torch of confidence and beauty passed into his hands. Song Fang exuded the light of the goddess of wisdom Athena, "I can do it! I can do it! I will do it!"

But, "What time is this, where is Sister Zhi? Isn't she coming?"

I didn't know that Fu Zhi, who was missed by Song Fang, just walked to the corner of the twenty-one stairs, he was grabbed by his wrist with one hand, and dragged to a small office in front of Ye Jiu.

"Raise your hands, hold your head with both hands, and squat to the corner!"

A series of familiar tones and proficient business abilities touched Fu Zhishen's 2b pencil that hadn't been sharpened with a pencil sharpener.

Fu Zhi: "..."

Fu Zhi turned around.

"What are you doing?! Don't you understand if you squat into the corner with your head held?"

"Teacher Fan, Teacher Ma, Director Liu, are you okay?"

Fu Zhi didn't even follow it, looking at the three men wearing black masks in front of him with only one pair of eyes.

She was fearless and fearless, and she saw through the essential identities of these three people at a glance!

Looking at the lazy and casual girl standing in front of him, Director Liu sighed with her plain state of mind. At the same time, she felt as if her hair had been blown up by a cat with her tail stepped on, "Who is Director Liu?! What are you talking about?"

"Your head is so bright," Fu Zhi said sincerely, "Next time you pretend to be a killer and bring a wig."

Bald Director Liu: "..."

Careless, no flashes!

Director Liu felt his lifelessness, took off his mask, and stomped his feet with anger.

At this point, Fan Gaota and Ma Mingquan can only follow the showdown, take off the masks from their faces, and stare blankly at Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi asked them, "How old are you, can you be more mature with a pencil robbery here?" If it doesn't feel like an acquaintance commits a crime, Director Liu will have to go to the land for peace.

Director Liu: "..."

Director Liu flicked his sleeves and held the pencil in his hand to his carotid artery, "Don't tell me these are useless! You just said that for this exam, can you fill me up with the paper? correct answer!"

Fu Zhi didn't know whether Director Liu was threatening her with life, or simply taking a show and adding a play.

With these styles of Fu Zhi's usual days, the teachers can turn one eye and close the other, but this time the exam is different.

It all matters whether the No. 1 Middle School is about to fall out of focus!

Good students in the school must come up with 100% strength test scores!

Don't hold back!

There was no expression on Fu Zhi's face, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes, and he faintly hummed.

Then pointed to the pencil on Director Liu's carotid artery, "Let you put it down, don't let this go to death."

Director Liu glanced at Fan Gundam, and Fan Gundam patted Fu Zhi on the shoulder, "You set up the written evidence first, and you will definitely answer my language test papers this time! Otherwise, he will show it to you and make you bear the blood debt!"

Ma Mingquan also took advantage of the fire and said: "There is also physics. The steps to solve the last few big problems must be written in detail."

They have thought about it. If the No. 1 middle school really wants to fall out of the focus, then the top pick in the seven-school entrance exam must be their No. 1 middle school!

This will leave a face!

Fu Zhi "emmm" in his heart, looking at these three actors, "Did you forget about the betting?"

"Hurt, I don't think your class seems to be able to win, I'm afraid you will break the jar."

"...Put your pencil down, I'm going to the examination room to take the test, and I will give you the top pick."

"Really?" Director Liu took a deep breath to relax, and put down the pencil, "Then you go, the first hope, let you carry it temporarily."


Before the first middle school, each final exam examination room was divided according to the score. The last examination room is basically composed of students in Class 20 and Class 21, but since this exam is randomly selected by the computer, it is not certain who will be assigned to each class.

In order to ensure the fairness of the joint exams for the seven schools, even the teachers from the seven schools disrupted the order of each other and went to other schools to proctor the exam.

When Gu Yuan’s teacher walked into the examination room with Qian Wenrui and Ma Mingquan, Wang Yu lowered his head and turned around, “I’m so frightened! Qian Wenrui is not Zhuan Hangyuan as a teacher anymore. Why did you come to the No. 1 Middle School for invigilation? The gossip is not allowed!"

The Fat Physical Committee rolled his eyelids, and didn't know if it happened that the 21st class students were basically placed in the same examination room by the computer.

"Hold on, Xiaoyu. The knowledge is in your mind, let's not worry about this old temptress! If it's a big deal, you can answer the questions quietly, don't cheat, you can!"

Song Fang turned his pencil around, and then muttered, "It's true that you will never leave after riding a horse!"

Three teachers stood in the examination room.

The school of Guyuan has always been at odds with No. 1 Middle School. It can be said that, except for Ma Mingquan, neither of their teachers is good!

As a teacher hired by Hangyuan, Qian Wenrui was also because a class of his classmates had to take an exam at Guyuan's school. So she took the initiative to apply and came to the first middle school as a teacher to invigilate the exam.

Qian Wenrui triumphantly looked at the students in the examination room, and felt that it was a destiny arrangement. As soon as she invigilated the examination, she faced the examination room with the largest number of class 21.

He laughed, "Hey, I'm still thinking about which class I can invigilate. It turned out to be a bet against the good students in our class."

The tone was contemptuous and mocking.

No one spoke in the examination room, and they all bowed their heads and gave Ma Mingquan a face, not taking her seriously.

Qian Wenrui used to be capable, but she is no longer a teacher in the First Middle School. There is no need for the 21st class students to talk to her about useless things.

Seeing their attitude, Qian Wenrui threw the test papers on the desk angrily, and said, "I'll tell you the rules of the seven-school entrance exam again. If anyone makes me discover whispers and cheating, I have to write. Submit the file, so that he will be stained on his back for the rest of his life, don't think about it!"

"Teacher Qian, don't get angry." By Qian Wenrui's side, Gu Yuan's teacher persuaded him and said: "Anyway, Gu Yuan couldn't pass the first high school. Their strength lies here. No matter how cheating, no plagiarism can copy anything Flowers come."

Qian Wenrui snorted coldly, "Teacher Gao, you don't understand, these students in No.1 Middle School, especially those who are young and accustomed to cheating, are all veterans!"

Teacher Gao from Guyuan put on a shocked and unbelievable expression, with some mockery.

It seems that none of Tanihara's students have ever participated in cheating on an exam.

Fu Zhi held the pencil in one hand and turned it gently, resting one hand on his chin.

The raised eyebrows were a little cold, and she looked at Qian Wenrui's direction with a smile.

Ma Mingquan stood awkwardly between the two women.

Before the exam started, I listened to the constant praise of the two people, boasting about Tanahara's admission rate and exam results.

You come and I go, one after another, endless!

Until the announcement sounded that you can roll.

Only then did Qian Wenrui and the teacher in the classroom distribute the test papers.

The first is a Chinese exam.

The papers were handed out from Wang Yu in the front row.

When Song Fang just got the test paper, sweat stains on the palms of his nervous hands, and he subconsciously scanned the Chinese test paper.

When I saw Chinese composition, and got reading comprehension and classical Chinese writing, I was stunned.

Then a huge joy exploded in the chest.

Fu Zhi really gave him the right question!

Exactly the same test questions, and the test papers he did a few days ago are basically carved out of the same model!

It’s just that some small questions are asked in a different order.

In fact, the difference between Chinese and other subjects lies in multiple-choice questions, and there is a classical Chinese essay if the composition does not deviate.

These are the top priorities.

Ye Jiu is the kind of person who sends out the test papers, blindfolded with his eyes closed, and doesn't even need to read the questions.

Song Fang has done it once, and with the addition of Ye Jiu, the Wenquxing Xiao Koi, pretending to be the first, he can write down the answers to these questions almost without thinking too much.

Although Wang Yu and the Fat Sports Committee have not received more professional training in copying, they have learned from their teachers these days and have also mastered certain skills.

I did it again, and according to some of the answers that Ye Jiu gave in advance, I compared it and altered and rewritten it. It seemed that I had mastered some incredible secret technique.

As for Lu Yumo, who was accidentally assigned to this examination room.

When the test paper comes, people are foolish.

What is the order of the multiple-choice questions he just memorized?



King fried?

In what order? !

Lu Yumo was already crazy, and as soon as he looked up, he could see Fu Zhi quietly answering the questions in his seat.

This time Fu Zhi did really well.

Each question is written very carefully, try to get a point value, make the brief introduction clear, and write a few words less.

Until I saw the Chinese test composition:

1. On the seventeen-year-old Chinese Fu Zhi subduing the Burmese gangster Matthew, the shock that An Mixiu brings to you and what is worth learning.

2. Online real hammer, the author of "Red Sun" is just a 17-year-old female high school student, also at the age of 17.

Select one of the above two materials for analysis, requiring neat handwriting, neat curls, 800 characters...

Fu Zhi: "..."

So is she writing an autobiography?

Or praise yourself?

Or pretend that you are not Fu Zhi and write this composition from a third-person perspective?

And, would she like to remind the teacher who made the paper that she is not earning one million a month, so the teacher will not say that she erased a zero.


Qian Wenrui looked in the examination room, not to mention any student in the examination room whispering, even if she just raised her head, she would severely criticize and criticize her.

Fu Zhi didn't hand in the papers in advance this time, and she was extremely difficult to write.

As soon as the bell rang at the end of the exam, everyone put down their pens, and Qian Wenrui ran to collect the exam papers wearing a pair of Heng Tian Gao.

After Song Fang handed in the papers, he cried and rushed to Fu Zhi, "That answer..."

"Don't say it here." Fu Zhi glanced at Song Fang.

Those eyes were clear and clear, and Song Fang was stunned for a moment, looking at her silly.

"Write the answers to these questions you have done on a piece of paper, and after all the subjects have been tested, I will give you a score. Now take a break and go to dinner later."

"Ah? Oh..." Song Fang honestly followed Fu Zhi as the 21st class students walked out together.

Guyuan's teacher glanced at such a mighty scene, then turned around and asked Qian Wenrui, "Which one is Fu Zhi?"


"I always wanted to ask, how did she go to Class 21?"

"Being depraved." Qian Wenrui finished speaking without conscience, and then flipped through the test papers in her hand. There were a few students in the examination room where the answers to Fu Zhi's test questions coincided very high.


After all, Fu Zhi's language performance... has never been normal!

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