The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1014: Real name resurrection

The Salvation Society team quickly sorted out the equipment at the entrance to the mountain stream fissure, and then walked into the fissure according to a normal exploration formation. From their actions and vigilance, they can see that they are all experienced. veteran.

  After these people completely entered the mountain stream, Leo waited for a while before moving towards the entrance of the mountain stream, and soon he entered the divine influence of the eagle **** in the mountain stream.

   "Spiritual Realm?" After Leo felt the change of surrounding energy, a thing suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although it is not like the Black Forest, it is very restrictive of anomalous forces, almost to the point of extinction, but there are still restrictions in the field of gods, at least Leo can feel that his power is weakened very seriously, only Psionics are slightly better.

From the strength of the spirit realm, Leo can judge that if the eagle **** in the abyss of the mountain stream is resurrecting, then his power at this moment has almost been restored to the level of almost eighth level psionicist, which is equivalent to the real eye degree.

However, what is different from the real eye is that the gods of the eagle **** and the lord of the sky are interlinked, which means that the faith of the church of the lord of the sky can also act on the eagle god, which makes the eagle **** The power that can be used far exceeds the real eye that is impaired to the extreme.

  After judging the current situation of the eagle god, Leo weighed his own strength and felt that as long as he was not facing the eagle **** directly, he would not be in danger.

   Then he tried to use the power of the nightmare to transform part of his body into a power similar to the main divine power of the sky, to see if this could reduce the adverse effects of the divine power of the eagle **** on the body.

  However, at the moment when his power began to transform, the transformed magic power of the pseudo sky suddenly resonated with the surrounding power.

Leo had considered that there might be some anomalies before changing his power, and the phenomenon of divine resonance was also expected by him, but the side effects after the resonance were somewhat beyond his expectation, because the divine resonance directly produced Some hallucinations were instilled into his spirit, giving him a feeling similar to the baptism of souls in religion.

It's just that the auditory hallucination itself is not the reason that surprised Leo. The content in the auditory hallucination is the reason for him to be extremely surprised, because those things that seem like meaningless whispers to everyone in the Velon world, in In his ear, however, is a language belonging to a certain advanced civilization race in the universe.

  Nafite is one of the higher civilization races in the universe. Because its shape is very similar to the jellyfish on the earth, the people of the earth are used to calling them jellyfish.

This is a highly civilized race with advanced technology and psionic power. This race is good at energy extraction. They can collect the energy of the universe through a special device and extract it to the purest energy crystal. One of the spacecraft is using the energy crystals produced by the Nefits.

   In terms of psionic power, each Nefite is a psionicist, and is the civilized race of a few fully psionic persons in the higher civilization of the universe. The reason for this is because the Nafite is an extremely rare master brain tribal system.

The Naifites are divided into hundreds of tribes of different sizes. Each tribe has a psionicist with a psionic level of at least seven or more psionic levels as the tribal master brain, and through the psionic instillation of the tribal master brain, the tribe is born. All babies will have different psionic strengths, and they are considered quasi-psionicists.

   It is precisely because of the large number of psionicists of the Nefitt, that they are more willing to use psionic energy to exchange ideas in ordinary times.

However, this kind of psionic communication method is nothing to put on your own people, but it is extremely rude to put it on outsiders, and may even cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, so in order to facilitate communication with other alien races, They have made several communication methods in a targeted manner. Nefite is a special language created specifically for alien races that rely on sound to communicate with people like Earth.

  The Nefert said that this language requires a kind of airbag that they developed specifically for the language in the body. The sounds made by the different holes of the airbag when they are jetted to form different language meanings.

Leo has also learned this language, although it has never been used, but because the Nefits belong to an extraterrestrial civilization that needs to meet at the end of the Earth Federation, the triggering authority of this language in the Federal Language Database is a high authority. Once heard Similar language will immediately trigger the language information in the learner's memory for comparison.

Leo just heard the murmurs and triggered the language authority in an instant, and confirmed that this is indeed Nefite, and the content in the language is only one, that is a name, and one who can’t say it in the pronunciation pattern of the earth. Non-specific names.

However, Leo knows that this name belongs to the name of the upper family in the Nefert, because there are four special pronunciation marks of the upper family in the name. This pronunciation mark represents that the upper family is a Nafith with a real name. people.

The upper class of the Nafite refers to some Nafite tribes who are born with powerful psionic power. Each of these Nafite tribe members will be given a real name by the main brain after each birth, and the more special marks of the real name, the more representative of the tribe members in the future. The greater the achievements in psionic power, the lowest is the eighth-level psionicist, and it is not difficult to become a higher-level omega body if you are lucky.

  In addition, this real name also has a role. This role is to help the Nafiites to find their memory and power through the real name after falling into a state of suspended animation.

Regarding how the Nefits find their power and memory through their real names, let alone the Earth Federation, there is no civilization in the universe that can figure it out. The only thing that is certain is that this is true, not a rumor, because there is one who is The parliament confirmed that the dead Nefert Omega-class higher life form was resurrected after thousands of years.

  However, Leo feels that no matter how the Nefits are resurrected with their real names, they should not be displayed in a spiritual way of reciting the language of Nefert, which is contrary to the physiological organs of the Nefits.

As for why the eagle god's divine resonance can give out the language of the Nefert, why the language is chanting the real name of a Nefert upper class, these Leo are not very clear for the time being, the only thing that can be guessed is that the eagle **** is a The Nefert, and a Nafit who has lost his heritage, in the inheritance he knows, the method of using the real name has been missing, so he will use this wrong method to use the real name for self-resurrection.

Although Leo quickly made a judgment based on various existing information, but to confirm whether the judgment is correct, more information is needed. This requires going deep below the abyss of the mountain stream, next to the remains of the eagle **** I can know.

Leo adjusted his state a little bit, and didn’t think about it. He walked towards the crack of the mountain stream, because the spiritual net was affected by the power of the surrounding eagle gods and could not be used normally. He could only determine the forward by supernormal perception. The situation and what is happening around.

After passing through the narrow fissure, he came to the channel of the mountain stream. As he saw last time, there was a straight road on the mountain wall passing through the Dibia Mountains, next to the abyss of the mountain stream. No sunlight came in, it seemed dark and dim.

It's just that the scene here is slightly different from what he saw last time. The last time he walked here, the passages here are all naturally formed, although some places have been artificially maintained to facilitate smuggling. The person walks, but overall there is not much change. But now the edge of the mountain channel has been neatly lined by people, and it looks like it was intended to place someone accidentally falling down.

   Judging from the dust on the fence and underground, the construction time of these fences is not short, it should not be that the rescue will build those fences.

As for other people in the church of the sky, it is impossible to build this thing, because this thing is made too rough, and it is slightly better that the craftsman will not make such a rough fence. If it is made by the church of the sky, then They could never use such a rough building on the remains of the eagle god.

   "Made by smugglers?" Leo thought again.

  As Miriam City was isolated by forces on the West Coast, Miriam City's resources also became scarce, especially food.

Although many people have completely mutated in Miria City, many others have only partly mutated. These people have the ability to smuggle to the United Kingdom of France, and even cross the United Kingdom to the holy land of dependent mutants. Port of Vinaya.

   As for those with bad luck, they had to stay in the ruins of the city of Miriah, and those smugglers from the United Kingdom would smuggle large amounts of food from the United Kingdom to the city of Miriam.

  Don’t look at the city of Miriam that has become a ruin. The people living there are refugees, but Miriam City is still a big treasure.

When the French Empire bombed Miriam City, many dignitaries did not have time to transfer their belongings, so the ruins of Miriam City also buried a lot of valuable treasures, so the smugglers gain every trip Can earn a lot of money.

Attracted by huge wealth, many smugglers will naturally take risks, and in order to be able to transport goods more safely, these smugglers build a railing to avoid slipping into the abyss on the edge of this dangerous rocky mountain road. .

But the problem is that there is a mountain stream abyss with the remains of the eagle god. In this abyss, there are many monster family members who have been mutated by the corpses and want to build such a railing through the entire channel under the intrusion of these monsters. Not to mention the smugglers, even the United Kingdom cannot do it unless the construction of this railing is related to the remains of the eagle **** below.

After thinking about it a little, Leo walked forward. During the process of walking, he also sensed some creatures of not small size lying on the stone wall above the mountain stream through extraordinary perception. Some variant family members affected by the corpses.

   It's just that these variant families did not attack Leo, nor did they focus on Leo, as if in their eyes, Leo and they existed in the same category.

Leo speculated that this should be related to his disguised sky power. Since he was not attacked, he would naturally not be troubled, so he withdrew his attention from those monsters and fell on a rope ladder not far away. .

Leo put his head out of the railing and looked down. Although the abyss was bottomless, there was a small and large platform under the rope ladder. It looked like it had been cut by the predecessors, and it was the same as the railing. These platforms were also built by unknown people.

   "Someone went down?" Leo soon came to see this scene and thought, and looked up at the motionless monster family above, then he directly jumped over the railing and jumped towards the platform.

When he was about to fall on the platform, his body suddenly fluttered as if he had lost weight, but soon the weight returned to normal, and his falling speed recovered, but at this time he had landed steadily on the platform Got on.

  After landing on the platform, Leo did not rush to continue to go down, because he had heard the voice from below, it seems that they should still climb down.

When he stayed on the platform, Leo was not started to look for new clues around this artificial platform.

   This platform is not large, and can stand up to five people at the same time. Because it only serves as a temporary springboard platform, so this platform does not have too many protective measures, and there is nothing worthy of attention.

   However, careful Leo still found a useful thing, a symbol was carved with a knife in an obscure corner on the edge of the platform.

  If it were not for Leo’s extraordinary vision and understanding of symbols, others might only see it as a boring and meaningless graffiti.

   But in Leo’s eyes, this symbol represents a special meaning, that is, a senior member of the Odor Society came here, and a warning symbol was engraved here.

As for why such a scraggly symbol was carved in such a place where ordinary people would not look at it more, Leo carefully analyzed in his heart and came to the conclusion that the hands of the senior member of this strange society were tied behind his back. At this time, he could not write in the normal way, and he could only engrave the symbol expressing his meaning in this position by fumbling.

   It's a pity that even if Leo saw this symbol and learned that its meaning was a warning, he could not fully understand the contents of the surface warning code.

  Because according to Sylvia, a deeper content is hidden behind this warning symbol. The hidden content is the real content that the symbol writer wants to express.

   It's a pity that Leo just understood the warning signs below. He didn't ask Sylvia how to interpret these signs, otherwise he would come in handy now.