The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1024: Who made the lighthouse

Compared with the design manuscript of the searchlight and the forging process of the parts, the content recorded in the other two books makes Leo pay more attention.

Judging from the superficial text of these two materials, these two materials are just some record files of the construction of the searchlights. From the above, you can see some details of the production, installation and adjustment of the searchlights and the accidents that occurred because the records are very detailed. , So even after a few hundred years have passed, future generations can still restore the entire construction process completely based on the above content, and it is not difficult to rebuild one exactly the same.

However, for Leo, the method of making searchlights is not his interest. His real concern is the real data hidden below the surface content of these two materials, and the hidden real data is actually the lighthouse designer. Wizard notes left by the builder.

When he got this material, Leo felt something was wrong, not that he felt the mysterious power of these two materials. In fact, the materials and craftsmanship of these two books are no different from ordinary books. , Is not unique to the wizard making technique of the wizard of the tower, and the reason why he feels something wrong is because he feels that the thickness of each page of the two materials is a little thicker than the thickness of the other two materials, and they use The materials are the same, so he immediately thought of the hidden mystery of these two materials.

After finishing the surface content of the two materials, Leo began to try to find the hidden content of the two materials. The search method is also very simple, that is, to separate each page of the book glued with a special adhesive, and then make Use some developer to coat the blank paper separated from each page.

It didn’t take long for the developer to be applied, and the blank paper showed the real content. After reading the above content, Leo judged the two materials from the symbols and patterns related to witchcraft. Hidden content should be all wizard notes, but the problem is that he can't understand the content above.

Not to mention how esoteric the contents of these two wizard notes are, but the contents inside are confusing, as if a lunatic is recording what he sees and thinks, the previous paragraph still describes the spellcasting of a certain witchcraft For details, the next paragraph of text is describing a particular substance. In addition, there are a large section and a large section of articles composed of dozens of ancient tribal languages, even if it is a language proficient in various languages. Master, wanting these articles is a very difficult thing.

It’s just that Leo didn’t feel uncomfortable. Instead, he thought it was very interesting. Compared with the obvious answer, this kind of puzzle game that requires hard work to be rewarded is one of his few. One of the fun.

  After seeing these two hidden wizard notes, Leo’s first thought was that the people who built the lighthouse were affected by the twisting force and had fallen into a crazy state, so only this chaotic and disorderly note was recorded.

But after reading it twice, he can be sure that even the tower wizard who built the lighthouse was affected by the twisting force here, he can still save a part of reason, which helps him stay when recording the wizard's notes. Some gadgets that can help future generations interpret notes.

These gadgets are some symbols with too obvious characteristics. Each symbol is marked with a different order of basic roots in the Camoray language. By combining the front and back text corresponding to the symbol in order, you can piece together a reluctant Can be normal text.

It’s just that there are not many gadgets that help to interpret it. Among them, apart from the lighthouse builder who has fallen into a state of unconsciousness most of the time, what’s more important is that after he is awake, he can’t even interpret what he wrote when he has no mind Those contents.

  For Leo, it is already very good to be able to decipher part of the content, especially in this part of the content, there are a small amount of the tower wizard’s experience in laying out Turing roots, and a lot of narrative and interpretation of what happened to him.

Although that part of the experience of arranging Turing roots is not very much, it only describes two dozen Turing roots with different functions like the use of four basic roots, but these few combination methods have The tower wizard’s basic thoughts and techniques for arranging Turing roots were displayed in front of him, so that he had effective reference materials when cracking those Turing roots in the core area of ​​the lighthouse. It is the same as a little candlelight in the darkness, even if the light of the candlelight cannot tear the darkness, but it can guide the right direction to those who see it.

The other part of the narrative, which is like a last word, made Leo feel that there might be a deeper presence in the construction of the lighthouse, because the tower wizard who built the lighthouse explained the first sentence in the narrative of the experience left behind. A key question is that the lighthouse was not built by him, but was built after being controlled by an existence. Unfortunately, the whole text does not mention what mysterious existence controls him.

From the text, Leo learned that the mysterious existence of controlling the towering wizard was not from Wanghai Cliff, but from the winter capital of the imperial capital. The process of his control is also very simple and direct, that is, visiting friends in Dongling city one day Later, as if the church believers were inspired by God, the whole person fell into a state of trance.

In this trance state, he has not completely lost his perception of the outside world. In fact, he can always see, hear and smell anything around him, and he can think like a normal person. The only thing he can’t do is Controlling the body as if there was an additional soul in his body.

So he was like a bird in a cage, watching his body controlled to do all kinds of things, such as leaving Winter City to Randall in the south, and after arriving at Randall, went directly to see Randall The high-rise of the Church of Erhaishen then persuaded the high-rise to build a lighthouse.

  When he got out of that captivity and regained control of the body, the time had passed for several months, and the construction materials of the lighthouse were all prepared, just waiting for him to choose the address to start construction.

  Originally according to the idea of ​​this tower wizard, he restored his body control and immediately left here to find other tower wizards to solve his problems.

   It's just that his behavior was obviously anticipated by the unknown existence that previously controlled his body. While transferring the control of the body, he also notified the Poseidon Church to send people to monitor him very closely to prevent him from leaving.

Although this requirement puzzled the Neptune Church, the Neptune Church may feel that it would do no harm to itself, so it still carried out faithfully, so when the wizard of the tower was awake, the place where he lived was decorated with Neptune. The sacristy of the church, and how big are the eight saints of the Poseidon church, holding the sacristy of the church around them, without giving him a chance to escape.

In this case, the wizard of the tower has no second choice at all, and he also wants to know who controls his mysterious existence, why build a lighthouse at Wanghai cliff, and what is the secret hidden in Wanghai cliff Wait, so after confirming that he cannot escape, he can only compromise and honestly look for the foundation position of the lighthouse.

Afterwards, the process of finding the foundation became a mystery dispute between this tower wizard and his unknown existence. Every time he found a suitable foundation position, after the foundation of the foundation was laid, the unknown existence became Will regain control of his body, set him up and find a new location.

After regaining control, the tower wizard found that the location had changed, and the new location was indeed more suitable for the construction of the lighthouse than he had previously searched for. However, he did not compromise on this. Instead, he continued to search for a more suitable one. Point, and the unknown existence will be overthrown again at this time, and then find a better place.

   In this way, the tower wizard and the unknown existence controlled their bodies for a period of time. After repeatedly finding more than a dozen lighthouse foundation locations, they finally found their current location, and also left behind the abandoned foundation sites that Leo later discovered.

  When the lighthouse was built afterwards, the unknown existence never reappeared. The main body of this lighthouse was completely designed after the tower wizard reduced the size of the wizard tower year-on-year and reduced some facilities.

  Until the construction of the lighthouse was about to be completed and the searchlights were installed, the unknown existence suddenly appeared and regained control of the body of the towering wizard.

This time the control is also different from the previous control. Even if it was controlled before, the tower wizard can still know what is happening outside the body, can passively hear the sound, see the image, but after being controlled this time, he described I feel as if I have fallen into the darkness of death. There is nothing, no sound and images. The position of the body is neither in the air nor on the ground. Wherever the whole person floats like this, even the thoughts stop. He came down until he regained control of his body. At this time, several months had passed, and the lighthouse had been completely built.

Driven by curiosity, the wizard of the tower went to the searchlight at the top of the lighthouse to check the placement of the searchlight. Naturally, I also saw the Turing roots on the searchlight. Unfortunately, the text that can be interpreted is recorded here. ended.

Although there is no description in these interpreted texts, Leo can vaguely guess that the chaotic data that cannot be cracked should be the unknown existence that controls the tower wizard, and as to why the other party records these chaotic data, it must not And got it.

After understanding how the searchlights of the lighthouse are placed, Leo has no great hope for cracking the secrets of the lighthouse core, because the unusual Turing root layout techniques of the lighthouse core are not at all caused by the tower wizard. Instead, it controls the unknown existence of the towering wizard.

Although such an inference was made, Leo did not really give up the core secret of cracking the lighthouse. He went back to the top of the lighthouse, found those Turing roots that had not been cracked, and then interpreted the tower wizard’s leftovers. The arrangement of the two Turing roots, while using this method to interpret the Turing roots like a mess.

After a day and night of interpretation, Leo showed a surprised look on his face, because he found that although these chaotic and twisted Turing roots seemed to be completely different from the unique Turing root layout technique mastered by the tower wizard , But when he tried various cracking methods to no avail, he tried to bring him into a state of confusion, and then interpreted it in that state with the arrangement of Turing roots. 'S interpretation of two Turing roots.

However, after he began to analyze the mysteries of the power contained in these two Turing roots, he found that all the basic roots that make up the Turing roots are in conflict with each other. According to the normal situation, these basic roots can never be combined into one. Turing roots that can produce extraordinary power.

   The problem is that the two Turing roots are in front of him, and the energy fluctuations emitted are not illusions, and the interpretation suddenly falls into a bottleneck again.

   Leo did not continue to stay in the lighthouse to crack the mystery. Although long-term thinking did not make his body feel uncomfortable, his spirit was already a little tired.

  After returning to the main castle from the lighthouse, he ate something and went to Sylvia's study, telling Sylvia his harvest of the day and night.

As a bystander, Sylvia, after listening carefully, quickly grabbed an important point and said: "Since you are caught in that chaotic state of only cracked the two Turing roots, then you want to thoroughly analyze the details of the power contained in those two Turing roots, I am afraid that you also need to be in that state of confusion."

Leo was not surprised about this key point discovered by Sylvia, because he had already discovered it and had considered it, so when Sylvia’s voice fell, he explained: " It’s not a good idea. That kind of chaotic thinking has too much influence on people. Even after I got out of that state, it takes some time to adjust to recover. If I fall into that kind of thinking for too long, I Worried that I will be completely mad."

   "Then do you intend to crack the secret there?" Sylvia asked Leo with a serious expression, and asked with concern.

   "Of course, this is very interesting." Leiou smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, I won't try it without any assurance."

  Sylvia nodded, undecided, and then she took out a folder from the drawer beside her and handed it to Leo, saying, "The people on the other side of the English kingdom have arrived."

   "Already arrived? So fast." Leo's result file, instead of looking at it immediately, asked: "How did they get here."

"Driving a ship, one..." Sylvia stopped halfway through, and seemed to be looking for a suitable term to describe the one from the Kingdom of England, and she could only find a reference in the end. " It was a ship similar to the relics of prehistoric civilization we saw in the Dialyat Ice Lake," he said, pointing in the direction of the sea, and said, "If you stand on the edge of the lighthouse altar and look at the port, You should be able to see the ship."