The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1047: Accidentally exposed spy

"Is this shamanism?" Leo asked, looking at Sean's bracelet.

"Yes." Sean was not full either, and nodded.

"Can you take a look?" Leo asked curiously.

Sean hesitated, and finally backed down the bracelet made with shamanism and handed it to Leo.

Leo was not polite either. He took the bracelet and looked at it carefully. At the same time, the spirit net swept the bracelet inside and outside repeatedly.

Although Leo had known about shamanism a long time ago, this was the first time he saw the most formal shamanism.

After studying it repeatedly, he also had to admit that the casting process of this shamanism was indeed silent. Although he could feel the energy fluctuation of the bracelet just now, he could not catch the shamanism. How does the energy work.

He remembered that one of the two most powerful spells in shamanism was the power of nature, and the other was the power of curse. If you want to come to Sean, this bracelet should be made of some kind of curse.

As for the thing that generates this curse power, it is not skillful to have complicated and mysterious religious patterns, but the bones that are carefully polished to connect the various nodes of the bracelet. Judging from the bone quality, they should be human bones.

After a little inspection, Leo returned the bracelet to Sean and said, "Use this thing as little as possible. It will not only harm the enemy, but also the user."

When Xiao En heard this, he was disapproving at first, but soon his expression became serious, because he recalled the kind of out-of-control violent mentality that he had in his heart when he used the power of the bracelet just now. This made him realize Leo’s warning was not untargeted.

"I see." Xiao En nodded honestly, then turned to look at the **** corpses around, and asked: "What about these corpses now?"

"What do you do?" Leo asked back.

Xiao En said, "How do you clean up these corpses?"

"Why are we packing up these corpses?" Leo said quietly, "They killed each other and we didn't kill them. We just passed by. If someone finds us, we just tell the truth about the situation. That's it."

Xiao En was stunned when he heard the words, and then involuntarily laughed at himself, feeling that he seemed to have become a lot stupid after coming here, and it was obvious that such a simple thing would have been complicated.

After deciding what to do with these corpses, Leo and Sean bypassed the corpses and continued to walk towards the dock site.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to return to the construction site. The person in charge of guarding the gate of the construction site did not show any unusual emotions about their return, because the low-level clergyman who had decided to rob them before did not seem to attack him. Colleagues disclose any information.

Think about it, he found an item that could make him soar, and the owner of the item was an ordinary person in his eyes. In this case, he would naturally not disclose the news to the third party, but Choosing to swallow this benefit alone, it is even possible that even the companions he invited will be endangered by him, lest he has golden scales exposed.

The selfishness of that clergyman kept him from leaving any clues. This naturally saved Leo and the others a lot of trouble. They returned to the construction site smoothly and stayed in their barracks.

After returning to the barracks, Leo stayed in the tent to study the items he had obtained, while Sean went out to inquire about the marine clan.

Although theoretically speaking, as long as the sea clan is found and the golden scales are taken out, the sea clan can help to do a reasonable thing, but who can be sure that the sea clan they found will be the same as the lower-level clergy. , Greeted this golden scale, and if he couldn't find someone capable of doing things and help Sean get the sea monster snail as soon as possible, the longer the time was, the worse it would be for him, because he had no idea when he would leave.

In case, when he leaves, the sea monster snail still doesn't get it due to the efficiency problem, then the golden scales will be wasted.

It didn’t take long for Sean to find out the news. It didn’t say how strong his ability to find out was, but because the news about the Sea Clan was really not secret news. People who knew a little bit about it. They all know where to find the service point of the Sea Clan.

The Marines do not like land, nor do they like to stay away from the sea, so the Embassy of the Marines is set up in the Port of St. Bay, but it is not in the port city, but in a water manor in a small bay on the other side of the dock area.

It’s just that although I know the location of the Hai Clan’s embassy, ​​it’s not easy to see the Hai Clan’s ambassador. Because of the Chang Ling Festival, almost all the staff at the Hai Clan’s embassy have to leave the embassy and go there. When I went to Silver Moon Lake on Mount Saint-Truss, I would not return to the embassy until the end of the Changling Festival, but now the people in the embassy are hired locals, and they don't have the full power to do things.

Hearing this, Leo knew very well that in the end, he still needed to take a trip to Mount Saint-Truce, but the problem was that even if they became official members of the Holy Spirit Church and moved into the various departments of the Holy Church in Lingdu, they were also not eligible. Enter St. Trou Mountain, so in any case, he and Sean must do something taboo.

Not long after Xiao En inquired about the news, there was a burst of noisy noises from the dock construction site. These voices were accompanied by a roar. It was obvious that the mood of the person who roared should be full of anger at this moment.

There is almost no need to go out to check the situation. Just relying on the words of some recruiters outside the camp, Leo and Sean already know that the bodies on the street have been found. Sean is still a little worried about this, but Lei But Ou seemed very calm, as if he never knew about it.

Not long after, someone came to ask Leo and Sean about their situation, because they were both one of the people who had returned from the outside before.

However, the person who asked was not asking if the death of those people was caused by them, but just asking if they saw their bodies on the way back.

Obviously the obvious traces of cannibalism on those people misled the responsibility of the construction site, so that they did not even think about tracking down the murderers, but just investigating the time of their deaths to determine what happened before and after that period. thing.

Facing the questioning, Leo and Sean naturally refused to see any abnormalities on the road. The questioner did not doubt, they just recorded their words and left.

However, the matter did not end there. Not long after the routine questioning, the two persons in charge of the dock construction site, regarded as the senior clergy of the Goddess Church, suddenly killed several investigators who asked about their situation, and then they became inexplicable. After rushing out of the camp, chased by the guards of the temple, he took a ship docked at the dock by the spirit race, escaped into the sea, and quickly disappeared from the pursuit of the pursuit.

The church guards could have caught up with the two men, because there were several church ships docked on the nearby pier. They only needed to pass their identity and requisition the ships. They didn’t even need to requisition the ships. There are also several full-body murlocs who have been blessed by the sea **** among the guards. With the advantage of the murlocs in the sea, they can easily catch up to the ship.

It is a pity that the chase of the guards of the Goddess Temple was stopped by the spirit race who came after hearing the news, and the reason for preventing it was extremely good. That is, during the Long Spirit Festival, the sea near the holy bay was sealed off, and no ships were allowed to leave or leave. Enter, as for the previous ship, the reason given by the spirit race cannot be refuted, that is, they will want the ship and the people on it, and after catching those people, they will use the law of the spirit race to punish them. .

Although it is no longer possible to hunt down, the guards of the Goddess Temple did not stop there, because this incident seemed to be a ghost in the spirit race, because after the two escaped on board, there were other crew members on board. , Those crew members are also members of the spirit race. As long as these crew members resist a little bit, the guards behind the temple will be able to catch those two people. But the problem is that the crew on the ship did not resist at all. In the sound, he sailed straight away, as if it was an escape route already arranged.

Afterwards, the guards of the temple chased them in their own boats, but they were blocked by the spirit race. As long as you associate the two a bit, it is not difficult to see the trickiness.

So the moment the temple guards left the pier, their hearts had already determined that the two who fled were from the spirit race, and those who died on the road must have hidden some big secret.

After the sanctuary guards returned to the dock site, various news related to the incident spread quickly on the site. Leo and Sean who heard the news looked at each other and didn’t know what to say for a while. Okay, because they were also a little confused, and they didn't expect to pull out such a big thing after they solved the road robbers.

However, Leo soon obtained a rough inference of the whole situation through various information obtained.

He inferred that the two people who fled must be the spies of the Spirit Race arranged in the Temple of the Gods, and those who died also contained the spies of the Spirit Race, and they might even belong to the two escaped people.

When they learned that their subordinates had somehow died on the street, and that there were priests in the church among the dead, they probably had already believed that they might have been exposed. Afterwards, the Goddess Church questioned the people of the entire pier site. And the investigation deepened their suspicion. Eventually, when they were investigated, they mistakenly thought that they had been exposed, so they acted first, resolved the investigation, escaped the camp, and boarded the ones left at the dock. He escaped the hunt.

"What are we going to do next?" Sean asked after hearing Leo's analysis, feeling dumbfounded.

"Do nothing? This matter has nothing to do with us." Leo gave an answer, but then he frowned again and looked at Xiao En and said: "But you were inquiring about the Sea Clan. I'm afraid there are some problems."

Xiao En's face changed slightly, and he said solemnly, "You mean they think I am a spy sent by the Sea Clan?"

"That's not enough. If you are a spy, you won't go everywhere to inquire about the Hai Clan embassy." Leo shook his head and said: "They might think you are against the Hai Clan, or the Hai Clan embassy. What is wrong with the people inside."

"Huh?" Sean couldn't help but stunned.

"You'd better think of a suitable set of rhetoric!" Leo suggested: "Either you simply take out the golden scales and use the golden scales to trade the sea monster snails with the Holy Spirit Temple. I believe the Holy Spirit Temple will be willing to complete this deal. Transactional."

Sean thought this was a way, but was a little worried: "Will they be like those people..."

"If you are worried, you can show it when there are too many people. The Goddess Temple has just been established. What needs to be shown most is not only the strength, but also the credit." Leo said solemnly: "If they **** the gold in your hand Scales, then they will lose their credit. No one will believe the promise they made anymore, so what they need to do most is not to find ways to get golden scales from you free of charge. Instead, they should pay the equivalent, even more than the value of the golden scales. Remuneration, with everyone’s attention, a fair exchange with you."

Sean thought about it carefully and felt that Leo was right. Unless the people in the Temple of Gods are short-sighted people who only care about their immediate interests, they will inevitably handle this matter as Leo inferred.

After thinking about it, Sean's original nervousness also relaxed.

Follow-up development, as expected by Goddess Church has sent a large number of people to start the repeated review of the people at the dock site, first from the top management, gradually moving down, and finally this time People who are temporarily placed after recruitment.

Sean was searching for news about the Hai Clan embassy in the camp. It was naturally easy for the investigators to find out. As Leo had imagined, they did not suspect that Sean was the spy inserted by the Sea Clan. They all thought that Sean and the Sea Clan might have some grievances. They were worried that Sean’s affairs would cause unnecessary conflicts between the Gods’ Templar and the Sea Clan, so they specifically sought out Sean for interrogation, and during the interrogation There are other recruiters who are also called for interrogation.

Afterwards, Sean took out the golden scales as Leo suggested, and the people around were stunned. Then bursts of discussion spread like a tide from the tent where the interrogation was located to the entire wharf construction site.

Many people here listen to stories about golden scales as legends. Many people even imagined that they own a golden scale when they were young, and many people even have a similar story. Fantasy, so when Sean took out that golden scale, it shocked everyone around him as much as a person took out a legendary Sea God artifact.

Moreover, this storm of discussion did not stop at the dock site, but continued to spread to the surrounding area, and soon spread to Lingdu.