The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1081: The blood of old Duke

     After returning to the fort, Chrissy frowned slightly when seeing Old Duke, who had left after hurriedly saluting, because Old Duke’s performance was obviously different from his previous performance, and she felt like she was in a hurry to do something.

   "What's wrong with him?" Kris could feel that Old Duke's abnormal behavior should be related to Leo, so she asked directly.

   Leo explained: "He has a problem with his body. I can save him, provided that he can collect enough materials for me to make potions in a short time."

   Chrissy feels instinctively that Leo should not be telling the truth, at least not completely telling the truth, but she doesn't care, just reminds: "I don't care what is wrong with Duke, I just want to start normally."

   "It won't affect you." Leo didn't explain in more detail, he just made a little promise. After speaking, he went to prepare tools for making wizard potions.

Old Duke has believed Leo’s words just now, thinking that there is a problem with his body, and Leo can help him, and in order for Leo to refine the potion to solve his problems, he should now do his best to collect Materials needed by Leo.

The reason why Leo suddenly told old Duke that there was a problem in his body and was willing to help him solve the problem was naturally not because of any kindness. He was completely interested in the blood of old Duke because he guessed the original blood of old Duke. Perhaps it is from the Bouak.

The Bouaks are one of the most special ethnic groups in the universe. Their special feature is that their entire ethnic group came into being with the emergence of Origin City, so they are also the original residents of Origin City, even before the Supreme Council of the Universe. Appear.

According to the Bouaks themselves, the meaning of their existence is to maintain the normal operation of Yuancheng, the greatest unnatural creation in the universe. They are not the masters of Yuancheng, they are servants of Yuancheng, so when the Supreme Council of the universe appeared At the time of the source city, the source city also ushered in its true masters. They also handed over all the authority of the source city to the highest council of the universe, and the highest council of the universe continued to appoint the Bouaks as the maintenance engineers of the source city.

There are various unsolved mysteries in the universe, and among these mysteries, who created the source city is the biggest mystery. Even the master of the source city, the Supreme Council of the universe does not know its creator. Who is it, but the Buak people, who are engineers in the source city, know that they can't tell them by various methods, or even extract relevant memories.

   Therefore, the Bouaks are considered to be the tribe that holds all the secrets of the source city. These secrets are not only the secrets that have happened, but also what is happening now.

   In other words, if Yuancheng encounters any danger and is eventually destroyed, then the Bouak people know best how the danger arises and how the Yuancheng is destroyed.

   The reason why Leo thinks there may be a Bouak in old Duke is because he found some of the iconic characteristics of the Bouak in the old Duke, such as a forty-two-sided heart.

Although the polygonal heart is not only owned by the Bouak, many races, especially silicon-based life forms, have a polygonal heart, but only the Bouak has a forty-two polygonal heart, so some people think that the number is forty-two. Contains a special meaning, and may even be the core secret of the source city.

If it’s just a forty-two-sided heart, after all, there are many Bouak admirers in the universe. They will try their best to transform their heart into a forty-two-sided heart, which really makes Leo think that he is old What Duke and the Bouaks are related to is that there is a badge of the Supreme Council of the Universe on the heart. It is the existence of several vertices in the Supreme Council of the Universe that are imprinted on the genes of the Bouaks by special means.

Because the Bouaks are related to whether the source city can function normally, the Supreme Council of the Universe is also very concerned about the safety of the Bouaks, and has formulated a series of strict regulations to protect the lives of the Bouaks. He even felt that this was not enough, so he engraved the emblem of the Supreme Council of the Universe on the genes of the Bouaks.

And the role of this badge imprint is to enable the Supreme Council to locate the position of each Bouak, and it also allows the Bouak to use special methods to borrow the power of the Supreme Council in the imprint to protect themselves when in danger. .

Leo is not very clear about whether the badge mark in the twenty-quadron has the power of a member of the Supreme Council, but he can feel an energy fluctuation in the heart of old Duke that is different from his own power. , And that energy fluctuation is similar to psychic energy.

The abnormality that appeared in Old Duke was caused by the conflict between the energy of the heart and the energy of the body. If there is no way to solve the conflict, the conflict will intensify and eventually completely destroy the old Duke as the energy host, so Leo said There is nothing wrong with old Duke's health.

As for why Leo knew that Old Duke used drugs to improve the purity of his blood vessels, it was also very simple, because Old Duke couldn’t control his power perfectly. The only thing he could do was to let his body as much as possible. Energy will not leak out to a large extent. This situation only occurs in people who gain strength through external forces.

It was precisely because Leo was able to clearly tell the various abnormalities of Old Duke that he believed Leo’s words and believed that the bloodline that was stimulated after taking the medicine had a problem. How could I believe the words of a stranger who met for the first time?

Leo said that helping old Duke solve the problem is not entirely a lie, because he wants to extract the bloodline that may belong to the Bouaks in the heart of the old Duke through a blood extraction potion he saw in the taboo library. .

   If it succeeds in the end, then there is only one bloodline power in Old Duke's body, and the abnormal power conflict that caused his body will disappear, and the problem will naturally be solved.

  Even if he didn't succeed, Leo didn't have any loss. Instead, he got a very good experience in refining medicine. After all, it would take a lot of time if he was asked to collect the materials needed to refine the bloodline to refine the medicine.

In addition, no matter whether the problem is solved or not, Leo can also get a lot of money from Old Duke. These payments are all replaced with various rare materials in this world according to Leo's requirements. This also happens to make Old Du Ke believes that Leo is a capable pharmacist.

Although the Maelstrom island reef in the Taranque Trench is very barren, it does not mean that there is anything good here. In fact, because it belongs to an unregulated zone, any transaction here does not need to pay taxes, which makes a large number of smugglers at sea. Both the pirates and the pirates choose here as the distribution center for the trade in contraband and dirt.

Old Duke knew everything about the situation here, and he knew exactly where to find the materials he had to prepare. So less than an hour had passed, Old Duke had already prepared all the materials Leo needed. The weight of each material is not low,

Leo was also surprised that the old Duke could find enough materials in such a short time. After checking the quality of each material and selecting the parts that did not meet the requirements, he began to refine in the fortress. Potion, Chris, who had nothing to do, also seemed to be curious about the potion Leo was refining, so she asked to be on the sidelines. Leo did not refuse.

"Are you refining Buck's forbidden drug?" Kriss watched Leo skillfully decompose and proportion the materials, accurately and quickly refine the essence of the materials, the expression on her face dripped with the outlet A drop of blood-colored syrup changed slightly, and asked in a deep voice.

   "Yes." Leo did not deny it.

"You should know that this has become a sin forbidden medicine. Anyone who makes it, even if it is a sea clan royal family, will also be punished." Although there is no one else in the fortress, Old Duke and others are outside the fortress. Liz still looked around subconsciously, and then warned.

   "Hmm!" Leo nodded and said, "Those rules are only for you, and I'm not within the rules."

   After listening to her, Chris didn't say anything, she just stood aside calmly.

   The reason why Chrissy reacted so strongly to the forbidden drug Leo refined was because the danger of this drug was too great, and it almost caused a civil war in the sea clan.

The name of Buck forbidden drug is not only the name of the producer, but also the function of this forbidden drug. In the Hai nationality language, Buck means extraction and extraction, and the extraction of this forbidden drug is the original blood in the body of the user. .

For the vast majority of people in the Sea Clan and Poseidon world, the improvement of bloodline purity also means the improvement of strength and status. If an ordinary sea clan person can improve his original bloodline to the limit, he will not become a sea king. What will be difficult.

   Buck was the most outstanding pharmacist of the Sea Clan at the time. The main purpose of making this medicine was to improve his daughter's original bloodline, so as to avoid being divided into the lower sea race group due to insufficient bloodline purity.

  His idea is very simple. It is to find the sea people at the bottom, and then spend a lot of money to buy a part of their original blood, and then separate these bloods with medicine, extract them, and transfer them to his daughter's body to improve blood purity in disguise.

   The whole process was very successful. Whether it was the medicine he made or the process of extracting and isolating the blood, they were all completed smoothly.

Those whose bloodlines were extracted did not show any harm because they retained a portion of their bloodlines during the isolation process. They were just a little tired of their spirits, and the characteristics of the sea race began to degenerate in some places, but for those sea race people who were originally at the bottom In other words, no matter how the characteristics of the Shanghai people degenerate, as long as they do not disappear, their status will not change in any way.

After   , Buck transplanted the extracted blood to his daughter, and the daughter successfully integrated these bloods, and because of the increased purity of the blood, she also retained her status in the marine society.

   The original matter has come to an end here, as long as such things are not done, no one else will know.

  The problem is that after seeing the blood extraction working on his daughter, Buck moved other thoughts, wanting to apply this method to himself, so as to enhance his status and power.

For this reason, he used the same method to spend a lot of money to buy the blood of the sea people at the bottom, but his financial resources were completely insufficient, and he soon used up his possessions, and a small dose of the original blood was no longer able to improve the blood. Too much effect, he needs more original blood. So he thought of other methods, from spending money to buy blood, to kidnapping people to forcibly extract the blood, from the controlled isolation of the blood, to the uncontrolled extraction of the victim's blood.

   Soon this kind of unrestrained behavior led to the death of a large number of sea people at the bottom, and it also attracted the attention of the high level of the sea clan. The high level of the sea clan immediately sent people to investigate and caught the attacking Buck.

   Buck's potion also appeared in the eyes of the high level of the sea clan, and instead of destroying the potion, the high level of the sea clan tried to refine it by himself and use it secretly to improve the bloodline.

The behaviors of these high-level sea people caused casualties to spread from the bottom sea people to the entire sea people. After they appeared victims among their own people, they immediately blamed other people. For a time, the whole sea people were in a state of disintegration. Everyone in the sea people Everyone is in danger and feels that a big battle is inevitable.

However, it seemed that the Seagod’s Manifestation quelled the turmoil that was about to erupt in the civil the Sea people who had participated in the refining and use of Buck’s potion were either arrested or killed. After finally subsiding, the entire Hai Clan lost almost a third of its population.

   Because of this, Buck's Potion is regarded as a devil's potion by the Marines, and the Marines have also stipulated that anyone who makes such a drug will be regarded as the enemy of the Marines, including the powerful inside the Marines.

   And the Spirit Race and Poseidon Church also issued similar announcements, strictly cracking down on anyone who tries to make and use Buck's Potion.

I don’t know if it’s too long, long enough to make people forget the harm of Buck’s Potion, or because the person who organizes the library carelessly put the book in the wrong place. In short, Leo reads in a pile of ordinary banned books. A complete production process of Buck's potion has arrived.

This set of procedures is extremely complicated for others, and the production process is very difficult, but for Leo, who has fully mastered the refining methods of various medicaments such as wizard potions, the refining of Buck's potions is really simple and simple. It can be refined with eyes closed, so the source of the efficacy of this medicine is not the refining technique, but the material used.

Soon after Leo continued to optimize the refining process, a whole large batch of Buck's potion was extracted. Chris was always frowning, but she did not stop it until Leo started cleaning the tools. She said, "Can I use this medicine?"


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