The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1099: Time has passed

"Fog? The dense fog disappeared?" Perhaps it was because the situation in Black Castle and Randall Port was so alarming, or perhaps the consciousness was still stuck in the ocean of Poseidon World, so that when Leo first started, completely Ignoring an obvious change on the sea, he didn't notice that the dense fog on the sea had all disappeared until he saw the sinking port of Randall and the ebb and flow of the waves.

   "How long have I been away?" Leo's face was so gloomy that he couldn't help muttering to himself.

Now he can be quite sure that there was a problem when he was teleported back, and there are many reasons for the problem. It may be the incarnation of the Seagod who started secretly, or he was sent to him by the lord of turbidity and lightness before he was rejected by the seagod world. The sacrificial feedback of him is more likely because he broke through to become a seventh-level psionicist.

You must know that this is the gap between the gods and the mortals in the world of Velen. In a sense, he is now a demigod. Although his demigod is very hydrated, he does not rely on the power of the world of Velen. The world of Velen certainly cannot be compared with a demigod like Bailu, but in terms of its essence, he is almost the same as the demigod of the world of Velen.

   And using the power of space to teleport a demigod in two worlds is definitely more difficult than teleporting a mortal, and there is a greater chance of error.

   Leo is not entangled in the question of what happened during his own space teleportation now. He is more concerned about what is happening right now. Where did Sylvia and the children go? How is it going? Is it dangerous?

Leo tried to unfold the spiritual web and scan the surrounding situation, but he felt that his power was faintly rejected by this world. This rejection was similar to the rejection of the Poseidon world, but it was not that strong, and because The neutralizing effect of the imprint of the gods, such as the imprint of the white deer and the lady in the lake, made the repulsive force that ultimately fell on him not much, and the use of psychic skills would not have much impact.

   Leo was not surprised by this, because psionic power is not a power that belongs to this world after all. He is a seventh-level psionicist. In a sense, he should be regarded as an outer god.

As the psionic level entered the realm of the seventh-level psionicist, the coverage and scanning accuracy of the spiritual network have also been greatly improved. Leo felt that his spiritual network could almost be compared with those on the energy exploration spacecraft. The scanning instrument is comparable.

   Soon Leo had scanned the entire black castle, and also scanned the bottom of the sea cliff and the port of Randall together, and had a general understanding of the surrounding situation.

   First of all, Leo felt that the bottom of Wanghai Cliff had returned to normal, and all the supernatural powers had disappeared. In fact, since he stood here, the power on his body was not restricted in any way, it was enough to explain what happened under Wanghai Cliff.

Secondly, as he initially judged, Randall Harbor was indeed stepped on to the bottom of the sea by a huge existence. The ruins of the entire port were completely laid on the bottom of the sea, and all the buildings were shattered and squeezed. Pressed together, this also makes the seabed very flat.

Judging from the large number of bones in these ruins, the residents of Port Randall did not escape the disaster and all died here. Although the Poseidon Temple on the outskirts of the port was not affected, it was already in ruins. And judging from the residual energy fluctuations on the ruins, at least one energy comparable to the Star Destroyer burst out there at that time, and judging from the fact that the buildings there are still roughly intact, the person using that energy may belong to the Poseidon Temple. people.

As for the black castle, from the results of his current scan, the situation should be pretty good. Although the castle is completely destroyed, there are only a dozen corpses in the ruins, and the number of corpses is far less than the number of inhabitants of the black castle. And there are no children's corpses in the corpses. Judging from the fragments of clothing remaining on the corpses, they should be some servants who maintain the castle daily.

  From various circumstances, before the castle was attacked, Sylvia had left with her children, her people, and most of the inhabitants of the castle.

   Another more important point is that the castle was destroyed not because of some extraordinary powers and powerful monsters, but from the cannon invented by humans.

Inside the castle ruins, there are a large number of fragments of shells and destruction caused by explosions, and some shells that have not exploded and remained intact. From the traces around these shells, it can be seen that these shells did not come from the sea, but from the inside. Land, which means that someone attacked and destroyed the black castle from land.

Leo thought of the Empire of France and the United Kingdom of France from the very beginning, because the forces that are now capable of launching an attack on the Black Castle on the continent of Velen are only those two, while the United Kingdom of France has less suspicion, and that of the Empire of France. a bit more.

According to Leo’s vision, perhaps the French Empire destroyed the United Kingdom, reunited the French continent, and then began to retaliate against all the betrayers. Sylvia was the first to bear the brunt, but because he received the news in advance, he took the people and left. Some servants were left to maintain the daily routine of the castle, and the French Empire vented their anger with the black castle when they saw that Sylvia had not been caught.

However, when Leo saw the duds in the ruins of the castle that had not yet been detonated, he felt that his previous judgment may have been wrong, because these duds were all from the United Kingdom, and there were also The emblems of the royal family, parliament and military of the United Kingdom.

Although it is also possible that the Empire of France occupied the United Kingdom and used the weapons of the United Kingdom, based on the degree of hatred of the Emperor of France towards the United Kingdom, even if the weapons were used, they would definitely use the weapons on the United Kingdom. The relevant imprints are all polished or covered up, and it is impossible to use them directly like this.

"It should have been at least 20 years ago!" Leo paid close attention to the unmanned and naturally growing trees outside the castle. From the location of the trees, it is easy to tell that these trees are the ones planted outside the castle. And also from the growth state of the trees and the types of trees, how many years these trees have grown since he left.

   Then he looked at the weeds all over the castle and the damaged parts of the ruins of the castle, judging from various details that the castle should have been destroyed for about 20 years.

Afterwards, Leo carefully searched the castle, and soon found the secret basement inside the castle. Only a few people such as Sylvia and the butler knew the location of this basement. The various stones pressed from the basement From a block perspective, the basement should not have been discovered yet, and naturally no one has ever entered.

Leo used his psychic energy to remove the stone that was pressed at the entrance of the basement. Because the mechanism that opened the entrance to the basement was damaged, Leo had to forcibly cut off the extremely fast stone slab that blocked the entrance to the basement, exposing the deep basement. Hanging ladder.

   Afterwards, Leo walked in, followed the suspended ladder to the basement.

   This basement is mainly for storing food and other materials, and there is also a secret passage that leads directly to the bottom of the Wanghai Cliff. If necessary, you can leave the black castle from here and take a boat to the sea.

The basement is not big, and the situation inside is clear at a glance. The materials originally stored here have been emptied. It seems that the transportation process is very peaceful. There is no messy scene that would appear in the panic transportation. From the empty situation in front of him, Leo is not unsightly. When Sylvia left, she didn't seem to think about coming back, and she should have completely given up here.

Seeing that there was nothing in it, Leo was about to leave, but when he left, he found that there were some traces of excavation on the wall next to the entrance. He stepped forward to look and found that those traces were only mine. Symbols that Ou and Sylvia can understand.

While in the castle, Sylvia asked Leo to use his knowledge of linguistics to invent a set of secret words specially used for information transmission. Leo quickly completed this set of secret words and invented a set of secret words based on this set of secret words. I set up a new language and writing and gave it to Sylvia. The writing on the wall now is this kind of secret language.

   This string of text tells very little content, only one address, Xinbodugu.

Leo knew about this new Podo Valley. It was located in the U.S. on the continent of Mozambique. Most of the residents there were Podo people who had escaped the war between the French Empire and the United Kingdom. These people who were good at brewing went to Mozambique. Not forgetting their ancestral craftsmanship, they found a suitable valley for planting various wine-making plants in a piece of land near the sea in the United States, and then settled there and named it the New Bodo Valley.

   Leo remembered that Sylvia had several properties in the New Podo Valley, so it seemed that this string of text was left to him by Sylvia, and he wanted to let him know where he went when he came back.

However, this string of text also made Leo feel a little puzzled, because since she had enough time to move the materials here and to carve this string of text, then there should also be enough time to leave more text to explain what happened. What is right.

   "First understand what is going on here, and then think about how to go next." Leo was still very confused, but he did not struggle here anymore, but considered what he should do next.

   After thinking about the next step, Leo didn't leave the black castle immediately, but he searched inside the black castle to see if he could find useful things and clues, especially his laboratory and lighthouse.

   Sure enough, in the ruins of the collapsed lighthouse, he found a metal structure with obvious characteristics of a tall tower wizard. This structure should be installed on the base of the brazier on the top of the lighthouse, and it should also be some kind of spatial positioning device.

   This construction should be the core construction, and it may immediately hide the spatial knowledge mastered by the tower wizard. Although this construction is only incomplete now, it may be useful in the future, so Leo still received it in the storage space.

   After constructing this core, Leo didn't find anything useful anymore, so he directly used the psionic wings, jumped off the cliff of the sea, and flew towards the ruins of the Seagod Temple riding the sea breeze.

As the level of psionic energy increases, the psionic skill of the psionic wing has also become different. He can clearly feel that the psionic wing created by his psychic energy can not only absorb all kinds of surrounding energy, but also This energy can be turned into kinetic energy, so that he can truly fly freely in the air, instead of gliding as before.

   This is good news for Leo, because in this way, he can fly directly to the mainland of Mozambique without the need for other transportation.

Leo tried to control the psionic wing to propel himself to fly, only to enhance some of the kinetic energy after energy conversion, his speed instantly went from a slow gliding state to an average speed comparable to that of the aircraft inside the planet, and he flew up in the blink of an eye. The sky above the temple.

   It's just that, because he didn't control the psionic wing well, he quickly flew over his head, which made him have to return the psionic wing to the glide state, hovering in the air twice, and then landed on the ground.

After landing, Leo looked at the ruins of the temple in front of him. Compared with the black castle that had been completely destroyed and only had a broken foundation, the main buildings of the various halls of the Poseidon Temple were still intact, just because no one cleaned them all the year round. A lot of plants grow here, and under the influence of some supernormal energy remaining here, all the plants are much larger than the usual plants of the same kind. Now it has been completely covered by plants, only some broken roofs are exposed. .

   Leiou briefly checked the surrounding situation, UU read www.uukanshu. Com went straight to a small room next to the main hall of the Seagod Temple. Because of the protection of the beams and pillars of the main hall, this small room did not suffer any damage and was roughly intact.

  The reason why he came here is mainly to see if the records here still exist.

Like most churches, Poseidon Church also set up a department dedicated to recording all kinds of events that happened that day, and then compiled these records into a book, and finally turned into a set of 100-year benchmarks. The chronicle of this department, and the studio in this department is fixed on the edge of the main hall.

   After removing the stone blocking the door, Leo opened the door and entered the room.

His eyes scanned the room for a few times, and he couldn't help showing a disappointed look. The bookshelves in the room were still there, and the bookshelves were all there. There was no time to bind the incident records into a book, and they were in the middle of the room. There is also a pair of bones with broken head leaning on it on the copying table. The bones are still holding a pen on their arms. It can be seen that the recorder did not leave when something happened at that time and still stayed here to record. What happened.

However, it is a pity that these papers are just ordinary papers, not the kind of special paper that is waterproof, moisture-proof, and anti-fungal. The rain falling from the broken roof has already completely destroyed these materials. It depends on the content. Less than.



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