The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1130: Shaman of the Kata tribe

The caravan of fire dancers refurbished in the camp of the Kata tribe overnight. The next morning, they made some transactions with the people of the Kata tribe and sold some daily necessities. They exchanged some beast fur and monster bones from the Kata tribe. Wait.

Although the lifestyle of the Kata tribe is still based on tribalization, like all tribes that have been integrated into civilized society, they have nothing to do with the outside civilized society in terms of clothing, daily necessities, weapons and equipment. A big difference, the only constant is their shaman totem belief.

When Leo was in the Kingdom of England, he was exposed to the knowledge of Shamanism, but the knowledge was only the knowledge that was screened by the scholars of the Kingdom of England, and some of them were changed beyond recognition according to their own wishes.

For example, although the original shaman ceremony was bloody, it contained special meaning, while the superior scholars in the Kingdom of England simply thought it was **** and barbaric, and simply deleted all the meaning behind it, leaving only the **** part. , So that the vast majority of ordinary people in the English Kingdom believe that shamanism is a bloody, primitive, barbaric and mysterious belief.

In addition to shaman rituals, there are also tribal totems that have been completely changed by those scholars. Even the Orthodox court has been influenced by those scholars for a period of time. The tribal totems of shamanism are regarded as the faith of evil gods. It was this concept that caused the conflict between the colonists and the wasteland tribes to be almost irreconcilable.

Leo naturally also studied that period of history, especially in a notebook of the tower wizard, which recorded in detail a colonial battle against the wasteland tribe that the tower wizard saw, although the colonizers had weapons. Far stronger than the wasteland tribe, but when the wasteland tribe was at a disadvantage, the powerful force summoned by the tribal shaman from the tribal totem easily destroyed the colonists’ army and left a deep impression on the tower wizards who were watching He also recorded the relevant content in detail and explained his views on the strengths and weaknesses of the tribal totem.

When the Fire Dancer caravan traded with the Kata tribe, Leo, who had always been curious about tribal totems, naturally would not let go of this opportunity to study tribal totems up close, and came to the guardian totem in the center of the camp. , The spiritual web tentatively touched and penetrated into the totem pole.

The entire totem pole is carved from the main pole of a big tree. It is about the height of two adults and can be hugged by one person. The patterns on the surface of the totem are mainly divided into three layers, with the heroes of the tribe at the bottom. In the middle is the legend of the past tribe, and the top layer is a monster made up of different beasts.

In Leo’s view, the totem pole of shamanism is not so much a belief entity as it is a strange thing created because of tribal beliefs. Its core structure is very similar to those in the church that are blessed by divine power and magic. , But the difference is that those artifacts are derived from the gods, with obvious signs of the gods, and these totem poles are derived from the faith itself, in a sense, it is an unowned wonder.

It is also for this reason that even if Leo’s spiritual network penetrated into the totem pole, he unscrupulously studied its power structure and core, but it never caused any counterattack, unless the tribal shaman activated the totem pole to let its hidden power Only when it comes out can you counter any intruders.

Although this totem pole is an unowned thing, people from non-Kata tribes can’t take it away. Even if it’s taken away, it’s impossible to use its power, because this totem pole has the imprint of the tribe’s faith. The imprint is called the spirit of the tribe in shamanism, but to Leo it is more like some kind of power similar to the psionic imprint.

Psionic mark is the most common kind of psionic skill. Basically, low-level psionics can already use it. Just like the way Leo uses it, most psionics are just the front of the psionics to mark the target. Set skills, usually need to be used in conjunction with other psionic skills, for example, Leo is mostly used in conjunction with the spiritual network, so the psionic mark is also classified as a support skill.

However, the tribal spirit in the totem pole now gave Leo a little inspiration, making him feel that he might be able to improve some psionic marks and make it stronger.

"Have you researched anything?" While Leo was studying the tribal spirit in the totem pole, the shaman of the Kata tribe who was in charge of the camp came to Leo and asked.

This shaman is a middle-aged man, just like most shamans, wearing clothes made of bark, some bones hanging on his body, some special patterns on his face, and his hair carefully woven into He made a braid, and hung various ornaments on the braid. Some ornaments are delicate headdresses, while some ornaments are feathers, leaves, and bones. He still holds them in his hands. A cane is incorrect to say that it is a cane, because it is more like a reduced totem pole.

Although the middle-aged man's dress is completely a standard tribal shaman, Leo can tell from the other's words and behavior that he should belong to the new shaman, not the old shaman who follows the ancient shamanism.

"Don't you mind?" Leo did not answer the other party's inquiry after taking a look at the other party, but instead asked.

"Since it is placed in a public place where everyone can see it, naturally, I won't mind someone studying it out of curiosity." The shaman smiled and said, "And I have studied abroad in the Kingdom of England. Knowing that you scholars are all the same as the newly born cubs, you will be curious about everything you see, and you will come together to study if you are curious." Then, he reached out to Leo and said, "Forgot to introduce yourself. , I am the long song of the moonlit night of the Kata tribe. You can also call me Henry. This is the name my academy tutor gave me when I went to study in the Kingdom of England."

"Leodold." Leo shook the opponent's hand and introduced himself.

"Leo Duode?" After hearing Leo's name, Moon Night Long Song couldn't help but was stunned, and then looked at Leo's appearance seriously, and said with some surprise: "No wonder I just looked at Your Excellency and felt familiar. , It was you!"

Leo questioned: "Do you know me?"

The Moon Night Long Song, which recognized Leo’s identity, showed great respect for Leo, lowered his tone, and said, “Yes, I have heard Lord Tolan mention you before, and I also know some of your things. But your current appearance is too young, so I thought you were just a relative who was related to the Lord Tolan by blood."

"Do you know Toran?" Leo was stunned for a moment, and then as if thinking of something, he turned his head and looked at the mechanical crossbows on the camp guards. The obvious parts of the handles of the crossbows were marked by the Dodd Group. Obviously The weapons equipped by the fighters of the Kata tribe are almost all weapons manufactured by Dodd Industry, which also represents the unusual relationship between this Kata tribe and Dodd Industry.

As Leo had guessed, Moon Night Long Song nodded and said proudly: "Your Excellency Tolan lived in our tribe for a period of time a few years ago. It was also during that time that he came into contact with the shamanism. Since then, our tribe has always had close contacts with the Dodd Group."

Leo could faintly feel that the close contacts mentioned by the Moonlight Long Song might not only be commercial contacts, but there may be deeper cooperation, and even from the respectful tone when the Moonlight Long Song mentioned Tolan, we can see Tolan. I am afraid that the status of the Kata tribe is extraordinary.

However, the Moon Night Long Song did not mention it, and Leo naturally wouldn’t ask more. He asked a few questions about Tolan afterwards. Although the Moon Night Long Song answered quickly, the words were deliberately ambiguous and did not a.

From the words of the Moonlight Long Song, Leo could hear that the other party still had doubts about his identity and did not fully believe in himself, so when it came to Tolan and the Dodd group, he also kept his words hidden and vague. Resign.

Knowing that he couldn't ask anything useful about Toran from the Moonlight Longge, Leo didn't continue to ask, but instead discussed the shamanism with Moonlight Longge, the shaman of the Kata tribe.

Perhaps because the topic did not involve Tolan and the Dodd group, or perhaps because the topic became the best thing for the other party, the discussion between Leo and Moonlight Longge was not as vague as before, but spoke very much. Go deeper, as if Moonlight Long Song wanted to make Leo also a shaman through this conversation.

Although the content of the conversation between the two does not involve any shamanic ability to use extraordinary powers, for Leo, it is easier for Leo to understand the core primitive doctrines of shamanism than to understand a shamanic ability. Understand the nature of shaman power.

The two discussed and exchanged until the trade between the Fire Dancer Caravan and the Kata Tribe ends, and the Fire Dancer Caravan packs up and prepares to go on the road, although most of the time, Leo is just a questioner, and Moonlight Long Song Just an answerer, but both parties are very satisfied with this exchange of shamanism.

Leo can find a lot of misunderstandings about shamanism in the past, and get the core content of shamanism. And Moon Night Long Song can also reorganize his own understanding of shamanism from Leo’s tricky key questions. He even felt that his shaman power might break through to a higher level soon.

Before Leo left with the caravan, I felt that the long song of the moonlit night had a lot of harvest. He copied a book of fundamental doctrines he copied from the sacred place of shamanism in the wasteland. Although he himself is not a believer in fundamental doctrines, this does not mean He didn't pay much attention to the content inside. He felt that if Leo really wanted to know more about Shamanism, then it would be most appropriate to start with the fundamental teachings.

Leo did not reject the kindness of the Moonlight Long Song, because he was also curious about its content. Scholars who specialized in the study of shamanism in the Kingdom of England almost all mentioned the fundamental doctrines of the Shaman Holy Land. There are few mentions of the content, and it can be seen from the lines between the lines that those scholars do not think that these ancient knowledge have research value.

If it were before, Leo might have the same view as those scholars, and would equate the fundamental doctrine of shamanism with the primitive beliefs of the Black Forest tribe of the Velen continent, but in the conversation with the Moon Night Long Song, he I re-understood the shamanism and felt that because of his preconceived ideas, he had produced wrong ideas. Starting from the fundamental teachings may help him to rearrange the correct information about the shamanism.

Watching the caravan of fire dancers disappear into the dense woods at the end of the mountain road, the noisy Kata tribe camp has returned to its initial calm. Moonlit Long Song has arranged the people on duty. After the task of today is assigned, it will be soon He walked back to his own house, then took out a small backpack from the house, left the Fire Dancer camp, and walked alone towards an unnamed mountain next to the camp.

On the road, Moonlight Changge also noticed something wrong in this area. When he walked this road before, he would definitely encounter monsters or wild beasts, and the number of attacks was quite high, but this time he did not encounter them. Upon any attack, even after he established a connection with the surrounding trees through shaman spells, this area not to mention monsters and beasts, even insects and birds have disappeared.

This anomaly made him think of the strange appearance of the fire dancer caravan outside the camp last night. He felt that this might not be easy, but the most important thing for him at this moment was not investigating this forest. Why the area is abnormal, but another matter.

Moon Night Changge is very familiar with the surrounding environment, and easily walked through the dense forest to the top of the mountain.

When he got to the place, he put the backpack behind him on the ground and took out a pure metal box without any gaps. Then he put his hand on the box and said a Leo is here After hearing the words spoken by the Moon Night Long Song, I would definitely be a little surprised, because this is a universal lingua franca with a very simple meaning, that is, start.

As the Moonlight Long Song issued instructions, the metal box without any gaps quickly split into geometric bodies of different shapes, and under the guidance of an invisible force, they regrouped into a spire-like device, tightly Then a beam of light appeared at the top of the installation, and it didn’t take long for the light to disappear. It was replaced by an image of a human head. The appearance of this person is similar to Leo, but more handsome, and overall looks more like Sylvia. .

"What happened to the Kata tribe?" The man asked directly towards Moon Night Changge.

"Nothing." Yueye Changge quickly explained.

The man frowned and asked, "Since no major incidents have happened, why use this emergency contact device? You should know that the number of times you can use this contact device is limited."

"I used the emergency contact device to contact your Excellency for a reason." Yueye Changge continued to explain: "I saw your father Leo Duode just now."