The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1165: Causes of the long night period

"Who is he?" After receiving Leo's notice two days later, when Sylvia came to the laboratory again to get the new physique potion made, she happened to see Pluto lying on the bed and asked Leo suspiciously. Tao.

Leo briefly explained the origin of the subject.

Sylvia heard that this person was still alive after he had suffered a fatal attack from the monster in the long night, and his body had undergone benign mutations, and he immediately became curious, and checked the opponent's physical condition through her method.

"What about his body..." Sylvia quickly discovered something abnormal in this person's body, with a look of surprise on her face. She wanted to ask this person what happened, but she didn't know how to describe her discovery. .

"Between." Leo told Sylvia his thoughts in his heart, and said: "I have used medicine for the past two days to continuously supplement the energy required for his body's mutation, so that his body can be stabilized in a state of mutation. Is this phenomenon caused by my medicine, or is it because his own mutations have gone in this direction. In short, his current situation is very strange, as if he is in the gap between two spaces, one space is normal The world of Vinylon, another space is the world of Vinylon in the long night."

"Yes, I feel that way." Sylvia nodded in agreement, and then wondered: "Isn't this all the Vinylon world?"

"It is indeed the world of Vinylon, but it is not the world of Vinylon." Leo explained it, but the explanation sounded the same as no explanation. It was difficult for people to understand its meaning. Maybe he also knew that there was a problem with his explanation and left Arriving at an experiment table, motioned Sylvia to pass.

I saw a rune magic circle inscribed on this stone experimental table, and in the center of the magic circle was suspended a remnant Leo obtained from the monster of the long night. I saw this remnant because of some power. Kneaded into a ball, but its surface is not the kind of meaningless wrinkles, but some mysterious-looking symbols, these symbols emit bursts of strange-looking black light, and these lights are The surrounding rune magic circle gathered together and gathered on each energy node of the rune magic circle.

I saw that Leo took out a few remnants from his pocket and threw them into the rune magic circle. The remnants did not fall to the ground, instead they floated in the air and were drawn by some force. Concentrate on the residue at the center of the rune magic circle. When a few pieces of residue touch the center residue, they immediately merge into it like drops of water from a pond, and the rune magic circle also As if it had been injected with some kind of power, the light from each energy node of the magic circle shot out a black light, which gathered in front of Leo, forming a light curtain.

At the moment when the light curtain formed, Leo took Sylvia into the light curtain.

Although Sylvia felt that the light curtain was extremely dangerous, she might die if she entered it, but out of trust in Leo, she did not hesitate and was led by Leo into the light curtain.

When passing through the light curtain, nothing strange happened, just like passing through a layer of mist, there was no abnormal feeling on the body, and the surrounding environment did not change. It was still the laboratory, not far away. The subject was still lying on the platform of's, it seemed that Leo's behavior just now was just a meaningless action.

But Sylvia soon discovered something wrong, that is, the skin color of the subject lying on the platform seemed to be a bit wrong. Although the skin color of the subject was not very white, it looked like most workers. He was tanned, but at this moment, the skin of the subject was very dark, as dark as the Natanu, an indigenous people of the mainland of Mozambique.

Sylvia, who discovered this anomaly, couldn't help but ask Leo: "What's the matter with us now?"

"The explanation is not clear, you can see it." Leo did not explain, but led Sylvia to the outside of the laboratory, and pointed his head to the sky.

Because it was at the bottom of the quarry pit, when Sylvia came out of the entrance of the laboratory, he did not see any abnormality. It was not until he followed the direction of Leo’s finger and looked up that he realized that he might It is no longer in the world of Vinylon.

Because the sky is no longer the sky, but a black void. There are countless lands floating in the void. These lands roll irregularly, but they do not collide together. The void is full of monsters that appear along with the long night.

And what surprised Sylvia even more was that the land floating in the void seemed to be fragments of Odoline City, it looked like Odoline was torn apart, and then those fragments were randomly crushed into pieces. It looks like a ball.

"Where is this?" Sylvia looked at everything in front of her in shock, and asked in a deep voice.

"The world of Vinylon is just the world of Vinylon in the space of the long night." Leo explained with a rhetoric that Sylvia can understand: "The darkness formed during the long night should actually be some kind of subspace debris, but This subspace debris is very special. It is a piece of subspace debris captured and fused by the world of Vinylon. The long night period is a special phenomenon that only appears when this subspace debris and the world of Vinylon are in a special position. It is covered by the long night period. The zone of will be pulled into this subspace debris, but the power of the world of Velen itself will pull that zone back. In this way, that zone will be in a superimposed state."

Sylvia didn't fully understand Leo's content, but she could understand Leo's meaning. After thinking about it, Sylvia asked, "What impact will this have on us?"

After listening to Leo, he was silent for a while, and said: "We will accidentally travel through the two worlds due to the special force field generated by this superimposed state, and the consequence of passive travel is that we will randomly encounter this subspace plane. Monsters, or being infected by the power here, etc., but these are only temporary. Once the subspace debris and the world of Velen get out of this superimposed state, then everything will return to normal.” He turned around and pointed. The laboratory said: "However, there is now an exception. The physical state of the subject is in this superimposed state, and it is not temporary, but permanent."

"Isn't that the same as Su?" Sylvia quickly thought of Su Dao, who is known as Lady Dark Night.

"It looks the same, but the essence is different." Leo shook his head and explained: "Su himself is still a member of the world of Velen, but she can open a way into the world of shadows through her witch's power and let herself Transformed into a creature in the shadow world, walking through the shadow world. But when her power weakens or disappears, she can no longer maintain this disguise, then either she will be swallowed by the shadow world or she will be thrown out of the shadow The world. That person’s situation is completely different. He can live forever in this subspace fragment, and he can live forever in the world of Vinylon without any additional power or disguise."

Sylvia quickly thought of something from Leo’s words, and guessed: “Does that mean that if that person masters his own abilities, he can use the special state of his body as the origin and create at will A long night, and summon the monsters of this world to the world of Velen?"

"Not only can this be done." Leo nodded, and added: "If he can really master his own power, then he can even let the power of the entire subspace debris work for him, not just Just borrow or summon, because in a sense, he should be the owner of this subspace debris."

When Sylvia heard this, she couldn't help taking a breath and said, "Isn't that the same as God?"

Leo also nodded in agreement: "If he can completely control his power, then he might really be a **** in this subspace world."

"Perhaps?" Sylvia heard Leo's words and looked at him suspiciously.

Leo continued: "This subspace fragment has a master, but the master doesn't know if it's dead now."

After speaking, Leo took Sylvia's hand and injected the power of the real eye in the spiritual vision into her body to help her see the truth of this world.

Just after the numbness of the eyeball caused by the power of the real eye subsided, Sylvia also saw what Leo wanted her to see, which was the reality of this world.

I saw that a huge ball of meat suddenly appeared in the original void of the sky. This ball of meat seemed to be a part of the void. Although Sylvia could not see the details of the ball of meat, she could feel something from the ball of meat. A strong sense of oppression and an urge to bow down.

Sylvia suppressed the discomfort and asked, "What is that?"

"A slain god." Leo said solemnly.

"Who killed it?" Sylvia couldn't help being curious and asked.

"Me." Leo gave an unexpected answer.

Sylvia widened her eyes and looked at Leo when she heard it, like she was looking at something rare.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not wrong." Leo smiled, and then saw a phantom of a stone throne emerge behind him, and at this moment the entire space suddenly seemed to be touched. The mechanism is the same, it vibrates violently, and there are countless cracks like knives, axes and chisels in the surrounding space. These cracks divide the entire space into countless fragments, and each of the cracks contains the power of a stone throne. , The power aura of these stone thrones and the power aura of the stone thrones on Leo had a resonance reaction.

The sight that Leo showed surprised Sylvia, but what made her even more surprised was that at this moment she did not feel any power like a **** on the flesh ball in the air, but felt an inexplicable fear. , As if this meat ball was scared.

At this time, Sylvia also understood what I was referring to in Leo's mouth, which made her curious about the origin of the Stone Throne.

Leo quickly withdrew the power of the Stone Throne, and everything around him returned to calm. At this time, a black light acquainted with scanning the light curtain rushed out of the laboratory, sweeping through the two people at the entrance, although the quarry The scene of the pothole has not changed, but the world outside the quarry has returned to normal. The sky has turned into a dark sky again, there are no more suspended land fragments, no longer night monsters wandering around, two Man returned to the world of Vinylon.

"What are you going to do with him?" Sylvia asked when the two returned to the laboratory.

"I'm also considering how to deal with him." Leo said with some regret: "I originally planned to train him. This kind of advantage should be able to make him a powerful transcendent. Unfortunately, my medicine can only be given to him. The body provides enough mutated energy, but it can’t help his brain. His brain has been damaged when it mutated, and now he is like a living dead.”

Sylvia looked at Leo with some suspicion, and said solemnly: "Is it on purpose, or..."

"Do you think it is necessary for me to deliberately destroy his brain?" Leo asked back, and then said: "Although his power has great potential, it only has potential. Potential does not mean that there is a future. How many of the geniuses died midway, not to mention that there are many people in the world of Vinylon who have the same potential as him, and he is just one of them."

Sylvia didn't say anything, but instead asked: "What do you think?"

"There are two ways to deal with it. UU Reading" Leo said in a deep voice: "One is to extract his bloodline and make it into a bloodline potion to see if he can transfer his abilities to other people. On the body, if we succeed in doing this, then we will be able to have a powerful transcendent. Another method is to make his power into a magical magical object through a special method, so that the person who holds the magical magical object can temporarily Using his power, just doing so, then the potential of this power will disappear. Now that his power is great, the magical wonders can use the power."

"It sounds like it's better to extract blood vessels." Sylvia thought about it after hearing the words, and then asked: "What is the defect of blood vessel medicine?"

"I don’t have much experience in this method of bloodline extraction, and there is a great chance of failure, and there is also a possibility of failure in making bloodline potions. After all, this bloodline power is very unique and contains the power of two worlds. If you are not sure A good balance will lead to collapse.” Leo explained the difficulty of this matter, saying: “In addition, people who use bloodline medicine may also fail, because no one can be 100% sure after using bloodline medicine. There will be no fatal rejection."

"It seems that the chance of failure of the Blood Vessel is very high." Sylvia hesitated.

Leo thought for a while and said: "I personally operate more than 80%, if other people... there is no possibility of success."