The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 118: witch

The content of the information is not much. Emily finished it in less than ten minutes. After all, no one would go into details about a free man.

However, after closing the information, the expression on Emily's face was still very calm, but the tears still couldn't stop flowing out, which made her ask Sylvia for help: "Sini, why do I obviously read these materials without Any feeling, like reading strangers' information, but my tears can't stop it?"

"What's going on?" Sylvia had never encountered such a thing, and was a little ignorant, turned to Leo for help.

"It should be that the memory you woven for her is really perfect, mainly anti-guest." Leo Shen said: "Now her past memories and current memories conflict, there is no fusion."

Unexpectedly, he was kind enough to do bad things. Sylvia's face became very gloomy and he said, "Will this affect her?"

"Of course it will have an impact." Leo responded to Sylvia very positively, but did not say directly what the impact was, because he was very clear to continue this way, Emily will definitely split her personality, this situation is on the earth In the early days of the Commonwealth, those who used schizophrenia to create the accessory brain were often seen among them.

Leo walked in front of Emily, stretched out his hand and dragged the other person's head. When the other party wanted to break free, he said, "Don't move, don't resist!"

After finishing talking, Leo opened the psionic skill psychic, and directly generated a spiritual chain into Emily's spirit.

Emily's continued tears stopped instantly, but the whole person fell into a trance state as if hypnotized.

Leo received a lot of Emily's memories through the spiritual link, and re-edited these memories using the auxiliary brain system, and then sent them back by the spiritual chain, allowing Emily's old and new memories to merge together.

If it’s an ordinary person, Leo’s tossing might have collapsed and become a vegetative, but Emily’s spirit is very special. Leo feels that the strength of her spirit is more than thirty basic values. The spirit is much stronger, he suspects that Emily's spirit has reached at least the level of the fifth-level psionicist.

It is precisely because of such a strong spirit that Emily can withstand the impact of Leo Tongling's spiritualism. Even if he passively accepts the instillation of mental memory without the assistance of the auxiliary brain, it does not cause the spirit to collapse. Just let her trance.

Just when Leo instilled the last piece of memory fragments collected after receiving it into Emily’s spirit, a powerful psionic wave emerged from Emily’s spirit and directly cut off Leo’s spirit. Chain, forcibly closed Leo's psychic psionic power. Let the unguarded Leo feel as if he was hit by a hammer in the head. The whole person was stunned for a long time, and the daily value of his spirit was damaged and dropped by twelve points.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Leo's body suddenly shaking, Sylvia quickly stepped forward to help, but when she just supported Leo, a special power breath came from Emily. She caught her attention and shouted: "Emily, your ability has awakened!"

At this time, Leo also recovered from the vertigo, he immediately stimulated the vision skills, looked at Emily.

I saw that under his spiritual vision, Emily was surrounded by a layer of deep blue psionic energy, and this layer of deep blue psionic energy continued to form psionic waves, ignoring all obstacles, towards Expansion outside, rushed out of this house, covering a large area, affecting all the energy in the coverage area.

"Spiritual Realm?" Leo's face could not help but look surprised, and could not help but exclaim.

In Leo’s secondary brain database, the data that corresponds to what is seen in front of him is only compatible with the field of psionic power that only level 7 psionicists of the Earth Federation can exhibit.

There are different opinions on the strength and weakness of the psionic field, but there is no one conclusion, but there are two points that are recognized truths. One point is that the psionicist is like a **** in his own psionic field, and the second point is that only psionic The field can defeat the psionic field.

Leo couldn't help thinking at this moment that Emily had just awakened the abilities of the witch's bloodline, and was able to create a psionic field. Then Emily's psionic level had reached the level of psionicists at the moment.

However, this thought was only circled in Leo's mind, and he was denied by himself.

Although Emily's situation is very similar to the psionic realm, he found that there is something that does not match the psionic realm he knows. He did not feel the seventh-level psionicist from this wave of psionic energy. Powerful psionic coercion.

If it's really a psionic field created by a 7th-level psionicist, Leo, let alone a bouncing body, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the ability to think normally. It's still good to be comatose.

At this time, Sylvia also felt the psionic field created by Emily. The look on her face was more surprise and excitement. It seemed that she knew what Emily's ability was and she was hearing After Leo's exclamation, he immediately corrected: "What psionic field? This is a witch circle unique to the witch family. Only the witch in the witch can have the ability."

"Witch?" Leo's mind immediately emerged with information about the witch sorted out by the secondary brain system.

Just as other mysterious organizations in the dark world have hierarchical levels, the witch family also has hierarchical levels, but their hierarchical levels are very simple. There are two types, one is a witch and the other is a witch.

Generally speaking, there is no strict subordinate relationship between the two, but because the witch can create a witch circle that can greatly enhance the ability of the witch, the importance of the witch is strengthened, and often several or even gather around a witch With ten witches, the status of the witch over time has improved in some way.

Under normal circumstances, the organization formed by witches is called a witch group, and if there is a witch among the witches, it will be called a witch group, and the overall status and strength are superior to the witch group.

After reading the information about the witch, Leo realized that he had just misunderstood. Just like the wizarding apprentice's psychic ability allows Leo to use the spiritual chain skills that the fifth-level psionicist can possess in the state of the second-level psionicist, the witch's witch circle is also a pseudo-seventh-level psionicist. Psionic field.

Even before Emily was able to withstand the impact of Leo’s spiritual chain, it was not because her psionic level exceeded five, but because her psionic power was very special, so special that it was immune to the mental damage caused by the spiritual chain. .

At this time, Sylvia stepped forward and hugged Emily who was still in a trance, and at the same time, she sent out a burst of psionic energy from her body, blending with Emily's psionic energy, resulting in There was a resonant response, the outwardly spreading waves of the psionic energy gradually weakened and converged, and Emily also recovered from the trance state.

After returning to normal, Emily looked at Sylvia with a little repulsion and embarrassment, while Leo's eyes were more close and grateful.

I saw that she reached out and wanted to push Sylvia, who was hugging her, but in the middle of the action, she became slapped on the back of Sylvia, saying: "Sini, I'm fine! You can let go I, Mr. Dodd looked here, very embarrassed!"

Sylvia could feel the change in Emily's emotions, pouting unpleasantly, let go of her hands that held Emily tightly, and looked at Emily with grief in her eyes, as if she were like The same as an abandoned mistress.

Seeing such Sylvia, Emily had the urge to soothe her head, but she still said softly in relief: "I am still that Emily, but there are some things I need to adjust to." , She turned to Leo again, walked over, took the initiative to hug Leo, very grateful said: "Thank you! Mr. Dodd, thank you for giving me a second life."

Leo could feel the deep gratitude in Emily's tone, and he had never experienced this kind of thing before, and could only pat Emily's back with instinct.

Emily did not immediately release Leo, but held Leo more firmly, feeling like she wanted to integrate Leo into her body, and the deep gratitude became another. Kind of inexplicable.

Sylvia on the side obviously felt Emily's difference in treatment. The mouth that was originally puckered because of the unhappiness was higher now, and like a child who was robbed of the toy, he was full of resentment. Stared at Leo who was overwhelmed by Emily's move.

Perhaps it was because she could not really integrate Leo into her body, or perhaps her inner emotional emotions had been vented, and Emily gradually loosened her hands that held Leo tightly. Before letting go completely, she I kissed Leo very intimately, and this kiss was not cheeks, but lips, so Leo could not help but fall into a strange emotion.

"Humph!" Sylvia snorted even more dissatisfiedly at the moment, pulled Emily to the side, took a step, separated between the two, and asked with concern: "How are you now?" Has the memory been recovered?"

Regarding Sylvia's move, Emily just smiled and said calmly: "I have recovered some memories. Although only a part, I already know what I was like in the past."

"You don't have anything..." Sylvia gestured, not knowing how to describe the question she wanted to ask.

"You want to ask if you have been affected by past memories, right?" Emily asked Sylvia to complete her question. When she nodded, she continued: "Of course there are some effects, but the effects are not Big, it feels like another life." Said, there was a thicker hatred in her face, said: "Of course, the revenge of the revenge still needs to be reported, not just for Emily in the past is also for me now."

"I'll help you." Sylvia said sternly.

Emily shook her head and said, "No, Shinie, I want to do it myself, but also to make a break with the past."

Sylvia could see that Emily really wanted to complete her revenge on her own, and she didn't say anything else. Take the previously collected information about Emily's husband in the archives and give it to Lost her.

Just as Emily was going to open the file bag to see the information inside, there was a knock on the door outside, and before she opened the door before Sylvia, she saw an old lady wearing a robe of the master maid of the sky. The door came in.

"Grandma Hannah, why are you here?" Sylvia quickly stepped forward to help the old woman walk in, and Emily saluted the old woman very respectfully.

Leo frowned slightly, because at the moment the old woman came in, he felt the last peeping sight he felt in this room again, as if all the mysteries in his body had been seen. If it weren't for the peeping sight to disappear in time, maybe he was already instinctively working on the old woman now.

"I hope this is not the case next time." Leo said to the old woman very seriously under the eyes of the two women.

"Sorry, get used to it!" The old lady did not act very but sincerely apologized to Leo, then looked at Leo again, and said with a serious heart: "I can help You remove the curse from your body, while the curse power is not strong now."

"No! Dean Wenger, the dean of the Boulder Palace, said the same thing." Leo rejected the old woman's kindness and added.

"Did Chief Wenger say this too?" The old lady seemed surprised, but she didn't ask about the process anymore, or continued to seek to clear the curse. She turned to look at Sylvia and Emily, and said: "The noise you just made is really big, even in the ethereal chamber you can feel the magic tide." Then, she looked at Emily carefully and said with a smile: "I can see all of us It’s a celebration to have another witch among the few remaining witches."

"Ma'am, are you also a witch?" Emily asked, looking at the old woman in surprise.

"Is it a surprise that I am a witch?" the old woman said with a smile. "It seems that there is no rule that the witch can have faith."

"No, I don't mean that!" Emily shook her head in a panic, and her actions and looks at this time were very similar to those of Emily in the past.

"Don't be nervous." The old woman patted Emily's hand and turned to Sylvia. "Since you have awakened her, you must teach it well and be a mentor, don't be like you Your mentor is so irresponsible, you know?"

"I know, Grandma Hannah!" Sylvia nodded and said very seriously.

The old woman greeted a few more words and turned away from the room. Sylvia and Emily had no obvious feelings, but Leo was always on alert from the moment the old woman entered the room. , Because he felt that the seemingly harmless old lady had a fatal threat.