The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1190: Eagle's mouth

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Eagle's Mouth Rock is a very famous landmark located on the edge of the wasteland. Going south from the Eagle's Mouth Rock will officially enter the wasteland, and going north will enter the civilized world.

Because this is a geographical hub, in the past, many tribes hoped to control this place in order to monopolize the exchange and trade between the wasteland tribes and the outside world. Therefore, there was a battle of olecranon here more than 300 years ago, and there were more than 100 tribes. Participated in this war, there were at least 100,000 warriors from various tribes who died here, and a dozen tribes with very ancient traditions perished in this war, and in the end there was no victor in this war.

With the mediation of the Shaman Sacred Mountain, this place has become a tribal public realm. Any tribe is allowed to enter the Eagle Body Lake under the Eagle Beak Rock to camp, but is not allowed to live for a long time.

However, as the tribes of the wasteland began to divide from north to south, the north of the wasteland became a sacred mountain, and a very spacious and smooth road was built in the jungle to directly connect the two sacred mountains, which also weakened the importance of the Eagle's Mouth Rock. A lot of them, only a few tribes will come to settle in Eagle's Mouth Rock from time to time for other reasons.

The Long Feather Tribe is such a wasteland tribe that often travels to the Eagle's Beak Rock. Every time they come to the Eagle's Beak Rock, they will settle here for a few months before returning to their settlement in the depths of the Southern Wasteland.

The reason why the Long Feather tribe has this weird custom is mainly because this tribe was also one of the tribes that participated in the Eagle's Mouth Rock War, and the young and middle-aged of the Long Feather tribe almost died in this war, and the tribe stayed behind. People have been destroyed because of the beast in the wasteland, and the tribe has been removed from the holy mountain.

However, some old people and children of the Long Feather tribe survived, and they lived in a tribe with a very good relationship with the Long Feather tribe.

These children later grew up and rebuilt the Long Feather Tribe through their abilities. They also allowed the Holy Mountain to regain their tribal name and became a wasteland tribe recognized by the Holy Mountain.

In order to allow the tribe’s descendants to remember this disaster forever, the Changyu tribe will move their clan to live near the Eagle's Mouth Rock for a few months each year, and hold the adult ceremony of the tribe’s young people in the Eagle Body Lake. This custom has been Lasted for hundreds of years.

After the foggy years, the Long Feather Tribe had stopped this custom for two years, but the Long Feather Tribe had a terrible life in those two years. The plague broke out in the tribe, and there were mutated monsters attacking them continuously. The shaman died suddenly, and the young apprentice shaman has not passed the holy mountain trial, which means that the Long Feather tribe was in a state of no shaman in those two years, which is extremely serious for the wasteland tribe. disaster.

At that time, the old people of the tribe attributed the disasters to the Long Feather tribe for failing to follow the tribal tradition, and went to Yingzuiyan to pay homage to their ancestors, so they gave punishment.

So in the third year, the Long Feather tribe reopened this tradition and moved the tribe to Eagle's Mouth Rock. As a result, not only did three apprentice shamans passed the holy mountain trial and became tribal shamans that year, the tribe also encountered few attacks from mutant monsters. A lot, and the number of newborns born within the tribe is close to the highest in a century.

It is precisely because of these things that the Long Feather Tribe recognizes that the tradition of migrating Eagle's Mouth Rock is very important, so even if it encounters no matter how difficult it is, it must complete this tradition.

This year is not a good year for the Long Feather Tribe. A large number of wild beasts have mutated in their hunting grounds in the wasteland, and a wave of mutant monsters has begun to form. Hunters can no longer enter the hunting grounds to hunt. In addition, the purchase price of fur outside It plummeted. Even if the large amount of furs hoarded by the tribe last year were sold out, it would not make much money. It was not enough to cover the daily expenses of the tribe. In the end, all the food reserves they used for the winter were buried underground because of the landslide.

However, even with these waves of disasters, the Changyu tribe still did not abandon the tradition, and still chose to migrate to Yingzuiyan for a few months temporarily. This made many admire the Changyu tribe while adhering to the tradition. It may be crazy to taunt the patriarch of the Long Feather tribe in secret, so he made such a crazy decision.

However, these people who secretly mocked the Long Feather Tribe did not know that the Long Feather Tribe’s adherence to the traditions ushered in a turning point for them.

First of all, there is the problem of the plummeting of the purchase price of fur. In fact, the demand for animal fur in Vinylon is very large, and the price has been rising. It is the Northern Tribal Alliance, which controls the purchase of fur, deliberately lowered the price in order to make huge profits.

When the Long Feather Tribe moved to Eagle's Mouth, some people spread the news that the Long Feather Tribe carried a large amount of hoarding fur, which made many people who wish to bypass the Northern Tribe Alliance choose to send people secretly to Eagle's Mouth Rock and The Long Feather Tribe trade, in the end, the Long Feather Tribe's fur not only did not lose money, but also made the Long Feather Tribe a big profit.

After having money, the Long Feather tribe directly purchased a large amount of grain from these smugglers, so that the shortfall in winter grain was also filled.

As for the hunting ground problem, it was also resolved after they migrated to Eagle's Mouth Rock, because the mutant monster groups moved to the depths of the wasteland after they left. It is said that they encountered the hunting of the wasteland beasts and all died in Deep in the wasteland.

This series of good news is naturally regarded as the tribe’s adherence to the traditions, which has been blessed by the ancestors and the tribal desolate gods. Many desert tribes also feel that they should also learn from the Changyu tribe to bring out some traditional rituals that have been abandoned. .

Because the Long Feather Tribe has attracted many smuggling caravans to come here for various transactions, some nearby small tribes that don’t want to be drawn by the Northern Tribal Alliance also secretly sent people to come here to trade, just short For more than a month, a small market has been traveled here.

Yuwei Feiyang is the captain of the patrol team formed by the small market. His main task is to patrol around the olecranon. If a beast has mutated into a monster, it must be resolved in time. If it cannot be resolved, it must be immediately notified to the Eagle Lake to form a cleanup unit. .

I don’t know if it’s because it is located in the Northern Tribal Alliance, or because the Eagle’s Mouth Rock has been blessed by the tribal warriors who died here in the past. In short, the number of mutant monsters in the Eagle’s Mouth Rock is far less than other places. .

Most of the mutant monsters encountered by the patrol team led by Feiwei Feiyang are mutant monsters acting alone. These monsters are very easy to solve for the patrol team, because the number of mutant monsters in the wasteland is very surprising, and the wasteland tribe has found some The skills to deal with monsters, as long as it is not for encountering hordes of monsters, then a tribal hunter can also use these skills to hunt and kill monsters, so these days patrols feel very relaxed.

However, this relaxed atmosphere disappeared early this morning, because they saw a herd of wild one-horn cattle being preyed.

The unicorn is the longest domesticated wild animal in the tribe, and its importance to the tribe is self-evident. Milk, beef, and cow bones can all be used as food, cowhide can be made into clothing and boots, and beef tendon is the main material for making bows and arrows. , And the internal organs of cows are the best bait for fishing, so long ago, long before the first kingdom of the world of Velen appeared, the wasteland tribes had begun to domesticate unicorns.

Although domesticated unicorns are very docile, wild unicorns are very fierce. Once they encounter a creature that breaks into their territory without authorization, no matter how powerful the creature is, it will attack without fear, and usually the unicorn. They all live in groups, so attacks are also in groups.

In the wasteland, even the fierce beast and the experienced hunter are unwilling to provoke wild unicorns.

However, now such a group of ferocious wild unihorns has become a fragmented carcass covering the hillside in front of them, and many of the carcasses have a lot of signs of corrosion by some kind of acid. Judging from various situations, These wild unicorns were all killed by some kind of mutant monster's attack, just don't know if this mutant monster was a group or one.

However, for members of the patrol such as Feiyang Hao, whether it is a group or one, it is the same danger.

Therefore, Yuwei Feiyang immediately asked his subordinates to tie a half-corroded unihorn to a bracket made of tree branches, preparing to drag the unicorn back to the shaman of the tribe for inspection, and analyze which type it was. What the mutant monsters do in order to find out the corresponding countermeasures, so as not to get attacked and messy.

However, just as they tied the corroded unicorn, there was a loud noise in the distant woods. These noises included the sound of a large tree collapsing and the sound of a giant beast stomping on the ground. It has not yet been waited. Feiyang reacted and saw a dozen giant monsters with weird shapes and no heads rushed out of the woods on the east side of the hillside. Each of these monsters was about the height of an adult. The giant mahogany is more like a hill.

However, the body of such a huge monster is almost transparent, and ordinary human eyes can penetrate the skin of these monsters to see the conditions inside the monsters, and these monsters are all liquid except for a complete skeleton. And countless corpses that were about to be corroded floated in the liquid.

"Damn it! Run away!" Seeing this were a dozen giant monsters rushing out, Yuwei Feiyang immediately knew that these monsters would not be a group, even if one was not something that the patrol team could deal with, so he issued it immediately After receiving the most correct order, he shouted: "Disperse and flee! Don't forget to flee from Eagle Mouth Rock, all disperse and flee!"

Undoubtedly, if they flee directly to Eagle's Mouth Rock like this, these monsters will definitely be guided there. The Long Feather Tribe that has not had time to prepare may be destroyed by the disaster, so Fei Yang will decide. Use people from the patrol team as bait to lure these monsters to other places as much as possible, leaving enough time for preparation on the hawkmouth rock.

The members of the patrol team simply couldn’t think about too many things. They were scared when they saw the monsters. Even their spirits were more or less contaminated and could not think normally. So after hearing the order, They all instinctively followed the order of Feiyang Feiyang to drive away the pack beast sitting down, and quickly fled in different directions.

However, what made Feiwei Feiyang didn’t expect was that after the monsters rushed out, they did not chase them as they were running away as he expected. Instead, they still gathered together and rushed forward. He even felt in these monsters. When it comes to fear and panic, it seems as if something terrible is chasing behind.

"Mutated monsters are scared? How is this possible?" Although the weird feeling made Yuwei Feiyang feel extremely ridiculous, but he still couldn't hold the running pack beasts, and involuntarily looked at the monsters that crashed in the woods. That passage seems to want to see something from where.

However, as the mutant monsters rushed to the jungle at the other end of the hillside and quickly disappeared into the dense jungle, Fei Yang still didn't see anything shocking, so he smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and turned around. , Drove the pack beast under the crotch to get back the other patrol members who had fled.

However, at the moment Yuwei Feiyang turned around, he did not see dozens of sharp red lights shooting out from the passage he was staring at and along Those traces of the monster's movement went into the jungle on the other side.

When Yuwei Feiyang drove the pack beast and ran to a forest near the forest, bursts of extremely tragic roars came from the distant jungle. These roars were very harsh, making anyone who heard them feel it. Inexplicable dizziness, accompanied by a strong nausea.

Almost at the moment when the screams came out, a huge flame in the distant jungle rose from the ground and burned onto the clouds, burning the entire sky red, and a heat wave surged from there. Let those who have been swept by the heat wave feel like they are deep in arid and harsh desert, rather than in the rainforest of Mozambique. Even the surrounding trees have begun to appear dehydrated .

However, what is surprising is that this soaring flame appeared suddenly, and disappeared even more suddenly. Almost as the heat wave spread, the flame quickly dissipated, and even the jungle where the flame appeared did not seem to exist. It is ignited, otherwise, thick smoke should be visible there.

Facing this situation, Feiyang, who was extremely curious, turned around without hesitation, and quickly drove the pack beast towards the place where the flame appeared.

It didn’t take long before he came to that place, but he only stayed on the edge and didn’t enter it, because everything in front of him shocked and frightened him. He saw the jungle trees, bushes and even animals in front of him. Insects have all become pieces of lava covered with cracks and lava falling outwards, and the terrifying mutant monsters before have also been lavaged, and their distorted shape allows anyone to see it in the first time Feel the pain of these monsters before they die.