The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 123: overlapping

"It seems that the kid from Rembrandt must have mentioned me with you," the wasteland shaman was not surprised by his identity, and after a smile, his eyes fell on Leo's hands. On the look, he looked puzzled and asked, "Why don't I make the wonders I put on? If you don't lock the position of the Silver Moon Tower outside, it will be useless if you pull it to the eccentric plane. "

Leo inquired and said, "Do you need to obtain permission from the Silver Moon Tower to locate the location of the Silver Moon Tower?"

"Of course." The Wasteland Shaman nodded, and also realized what Leo wanted to say, his expression became a little more serious, and he said with a deep voice: "You doubt the Silver Moon Tower..."

Leo waited for the wasteland shaman to finish, and asked again: "Did you make an agreement with him to borrow the road signs?"

The Wasteland Shaman shook his head.

"Then why did he help you?" Leo asked again.

The Wasteland Shaman defended: "Isn't this helpful to him too?"

Leo said indifferently: "How can it help the Silver Moon Tower? If the beacon is useful, he needs to face dozens of competitors who can also use the beacon to get out of trouble. If it is not useful, then he is the same. I will be trapped inside." He said, he paused, and said: "I never put hope on other people. Some things, especially this kind of life and death, are better on my own."

The Wasteland Shaman still wanted to say something, but after opening his mouth, he finally said nothing, but his face became a little ugly. After a little thought, he took off the stone bracelet on his wrist.

"Are you interested in our cooperation?" The Wasteland Shaman made some abrupt proposals.

Leo found that although the strength of this wilderness shaman is very strong, it may be that he has stayed in the wild for too long, or maybe his status is too high, and he is not very good at some human relations, otherwise he will not suddenly Propose cooperation to Leo, a stranger.

Even so, Leo did not resent such a person, so he nodded and said, "How to cooperate?"

"Uh!" Leo promised to be so refreshing. Somewhat unexpected from the wild shaman made him a little overwhelmed. He was speechless for a while, then smiled embarrassedly and asked, "Hey! I said so casually. Actually, I don’t know how to cooperate?” I was worried about Leo’s misunderstanding and added: “I haven’t worked with anyone before. Do you have any suggestions?”

Leo began to feel that it was a wrong decision with the wilderness shaman in front of him, but after entering an unknown danger zone, having a powerful collaborator like a wilderness wizard could greatly increase the chance of survival.

Thinking of this, Leo took a deep breath, depressed the urge to turn around and walked away, and then reached out his hand and said calmly: "Let’s start with self-introduction first! After all, as a collaborator, maybe also the last collaborator , At least we need to know each other’s names. Hello, I’m Leo Dodd, an Engel soldier."

The Wasteland Shaman also thought that Leo was so interesting. He shook Leo's hand and said, "Hello, I am a horror tramp, a wasteland shaman from Mozambique."

Leo felt that the other party was not the kind of person who was difficult to get along with, so he continued: "Since we are collaborators, you can just call me Leo, I call you..."

The Wasteland Shaman also took the initiative to ask: "You can just call me a horror."

Leo was also not hypocritical, nodded, and thought for a while, said: "You and I are the first cooperation, you don't know my ability, I don't know your ability, and I don't have time to practice cooperation, so you I can only be regarded as an ally. Once you encounter something, I must stand on the same side to fight against the enemy. As usual, I will take care of each other. If everything is found, I will communicate with each other. What do you think of this cooperation? ?"

"Very good, just cooperate like this." The Wasteland Shaman nodded in confusion and asked again, "But who is the main one when encountering problems?"

Leo quickly replied: "It's very simple. Whoever has the most convincing reasons will be the one who will dominate."

"Well, I'm okay!" The hoofed hoof nodded and nodded, and then he digged in his pocket, and finally took out a leaf and handed it to Leo, saying: "You have collected this leaf, if we are accidental Parted, this leaf can help you find me, and it can also make me feel where you are."

After Leo took the leaves, he showed a little doubt, because he didn't feel any psionic energy from the leaves. Even if he looked with the eyesight, the leaves looked no different from ordinary leaves.

Perhaps I felt Leo’s doubts, and stunned and smiled, touching the leaves in Leo’s hands with the psionic fingers, and I saw a wave of psionic waves spreading from where he pointed. Here, under the excitation of the psionic wave, the Turing roots in the hidden leaf pattern emerged, and disappeared after the psionic wave disappeared.

"Is this a natural Turing root?" Leo can see that the Turing root and the surrounding leaf pattern are perfectly integrated, without any trace of artificial carving, and he also found this Turing root It is the most complicated Turing root that he has ever seen, and even the accessory brain system cannot interpret how many basic roots it contains.

The horrible footsteps explained: "Gamore language comes from this natural spirit pattern, which is a resonant pattern produced by natural things affected by the spirit of nature and has effects that can affect the power of nature."

Leo heard that he also tried to gather psionic energy in his fingers and lightly tapped the leaves. Then the leaves showed the natural Turing roots hidden under the leaf patterns as before.

However, Leo found that there is a difference between the natural Turing root inspired by his psionic energy and the Turing root just inspired by the horror tread.

According to the record analysis of the vice brain system, the Turing roots he inspired have at least hundreds of different basic roots, and these roots are mixed into the natural Turing roots, which makes the natural Turing roots crack. The difficulty increases rapidly at a geometric speed.

According to the estimate of the vice brain system, if it is forcibly cracked by the calculation ability of the brain, it may be tens of thousands of years before it can be completely cracked.

Leo does not think that the earliest people who discovered this mystery of natural Turing roots in the past can have far more calculative capabilities than the auxiliary brain, and since the other party can decompose the Turing roots in their lifetime, find out the basic root combinations, It means there must be a shortcut to crack.

This shortcut is probably the combination rule of Turing roots. As long as the combination rule is found, the time required for cracking is much less.

Leo feels that the Turing root on this leaf is very important to him at this moment. If he can crack it, perhaps his psionic strength can be greatly improved without increasing the basic physical quality.

"What kind of leaf is this?" Leo asked, wondering.

"Leaves of the mother of plants." When horror stomped on the mother of plants, the look was very solemn. Obviously, in his shamanism, the mother of plants must be a very high natural spirit.

Leo put this leaf in the pocket of the leather trench coat, but after hesitating, he took it out and put it in his shirt for personal collection.

For Leo's careful storage of leaves, he was very satisfied with a horrible tread, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go! I think there should have been a lot of people in the house." Leo sorted his clothes and turned to look at the quaint spire-like building not far away, and the fire could be seen from the broken window. The figure is shaking.

The two accelerated their pace and soon came to this eccentric building.

I don’t know if the person who built this minaret villa took into account that this building will be uninhabited for a long time, and no one will repair it, so the main structure of the building is rarely used except for a few parts such as doors and windows. The wood is made of marble strips specially selected from the quarry.

Although these stone strips are covered with traces of wind and rain erosion due to some external reasons, the main structure is still strong. At least in the past few hundred years, if this building has not been forcibly destroyed by external forces, it can still stand here.

Standing outside the house, I just felt that the shape of the house was strange, but when I entered the house, I could feel as if I had entered the ice cave, and even the breath I exhaled turned into a cold mist.

Just like the doors and windows of the villa, all the wood inside the house, from the stairs to the floor and the ceiling, is decaying. Many places even collapsed a large hole. You can see the roof directly through the cave.

After Leo and Fearful stepped into the room, they opened the vision respectively. Although the visions of the two were essentially different, the effects achieved were similar.

In their spiritual sight, the decaying houses seen by the naked eye are all intact, just as they saw a garden full of flowers and grass outside the house, as if there were an unchanged Golden Oak Street No. 9 and an altered Golden Oak tree. Nine Street overlapped.

"It wasn't the case a few days ago." Treadfoot had come here to check the situation a few days ago, but he didn't encounter anything unusual at that time, nor did he see this scene in Lingshi scene.

"Moon." Leo pointed to the silver-blue moonlight swaying from outside the door.

"The ancient poet Mussel used the passage to the Holy Spirit to describe moonlight, perhaps because he inadvertently entered a certain unknown plane through moonlight." At this time, a man wearing a gentleman The man in the dress walked out of the side hall where the flames came out, and walked towards Leo and the horror, saying, "Presumably the two also came for the secret of No. 9 Golden Oak Street! Please come in Right!"

Seeing a person inviting himself like the owner of this villa, Leo felt a little weird, and the horror tread beside him frowned, seeming to be averse to the person in front of him.

It's just that neither of them said anything, but under the guidance of that person, they walked through a small aisle and came to the side hall where the fireplace and oil lamp were lit.

While walking through the aisle, Leo suddenly stopped and looked at a broken frame. Although the scene that looked to the naked eye was the complete decay of the frame and canvas, but in the spiritual sight, the painting The frame and the paintings inside are still intact, and this painting is a family portrait of the last owner in a house.

What really attracted Leo's attention was an incomplete building structure as the background of the family portrait. From this incomplete building structure, he saw the shadow of the three-dimensional root.

It is a pity that the family portrait blocked most of the building structure drawings, so that Leo could not see the whole picture of the building structure drawings.

The horrible footsteps were also noticed from Leo’s abnormal behavior, except that he did not understand the Gamorian language, and the attention was drawn on those people, and the third was that there was no auxiliary brain system to help him instantly Remember all the pictures, and put them in the retina after finishing, so he did not behave as surprised as Leo.

At this moment, in the partial hall, nearly forty people have gathered. Although there are so many people gathered here, the room is very quiet. Everyone is doing their own thing without any conversation. Desire, which also makes the atmosphere in the room very tense.

Leo looked at the people in the room through Sight, and saw that everyone here had a spiritual breath, different strengths and weaknesses. The strongest among them should be similar to the psionic strength of Vasque, while the weakest is similar to Leo, which has just activated psionics.

Although the strength of psionic power does not represent everyone’s overall combat strength, in a place like No. 9 Golden Oak I don’t know enough about occultism, and people with weak psionic powers may be The earliest people eliminated, so among them, no less than ten people have been sentenced to death in Leo’s mind.

When Leo came in, others also looked at Leo and startled. Obviously, compared to Leo, who is unknown in the dark world, the reputation of the wilderness shaman in the dark world is much greater. Many people recognize him, and his face can't help but reveal. Shocked, the hand also touched the stone bracelet on the wrist naturally.

Maybe it was because everyone’s stone bracelet made him feel embarrassed. He watched everyone and walked to the center of the room. He reminded aloud: "You, if someone gets the landmark bracelet I made, please don’t I have too much expectation for it, because I found that there are huge defects in the bracelet, which is likely to be misled by some people, so it is better not to use it or not."

Hearing the startled foot, everyone on the scene couldn't help but stunned, and looked back and forth at the startled foot and the bracelet on the wrist.

Some of them with average strength turned extremely pale, and their eyes were full of panic. They obviously put their hope on the bracelet, so they boldly decided to explore at No. 9 Golden Oak Street. Now the bracelet maker said that the bracelet was useless, which made their original confidence fall to the bottom immediately.

This part of the people did not dare to question the wasteland shaman. They could only admit that they were unlucky and got up one after another, and quickly walked outside, lest they continue to stay here, it would be affected.

As for the rest, they are only slightly disappointed. Whether the bracelet is effective is not a big deal for them. Even if there is no bracelet, they will also come here, so they just take the bracelet off, put it aside, and continue to wait quietly There was a change at 9 Golden Oak Street.